Monday, July 29, 2013

Standing Firm

The weekend is officially over.  Insert sad face here.  My parents were here all weekend and we had SUCH a blast having them in Charleston.  My dad spent most of the weekend looking like this:

Fix all the things!  Seriously though, that man is a lifesaver.  He can build/do/solve just about anything.  He even brought me a Dr. Phil book to read.  He made delicious turkey spaghetti for us to eat.  He even shopped ALL DAY on Saturday with me and my mom.  That's dedication to your family. 

So time to start all over.  It's Monday.  I wanted to start off the week with a new post that's a little two-fold.  I've had two thoughts really dominate my brain lately.  Standing firm and running free. I feel like I'm finding a good balance between those two thoughts in my personal life, so I thought I would share.  Part of this post is going to relate to the physical aspects of standing firm, the other half will be dedicated to mentally grounding yourself in what you believe.

Tonight, I did a little weight lifting with some friends by taking a Body Pump class. 

While I list Spinning as one of my first loves, I've started to become a little obsessed with weight training.  Why? Because when I first met with my Doctor back in April this year, on what I like to call Dooms Day (the day I figured out I was fat), she really encouraged me to start lifting weights in order to burn additional calories, thus leaning myself out and losing weight.  She could not have been more correct.  I started really focusing in my training classes a few times a week.  I saw some big time gains over a few months.  I used to not be able to bench press the bar (45 lbs), and now, I can press about 95 lbs on a good day.  I could not do a single hang clean with correct form for about 5 months.  I am really uncoordinated with some things, so it took me a long time to master the movement.  Finally, one day, after working with an awesome and patient trainer over and over (thanks Colt!), I was able to do a proper hang clean. That right there was like winning the lottery.

The one thing that I gathered from going to class and going to Body Pump over and over is that building muscle takes time and patience.   My fat did not start to melt away easily.  I was sore every single time, so I knew something good was happening.  Basically, I learned that this process would take dedication, patience, and a whole lot of perseverance.  There are days where I want to punk out and grab the little kettle bell.  Instead, I go with what I can handle at first, and then I build on that.

Quick shout out to my homeslice Ashley that attended Body Pump tonight.  This girl was anti-work out for as long as I can remember.  She recently joined the gym and is loving how she feels.  Good job dudette, save me some biceps, ok?

Now that I've imparted the physical part of lifting weights, let me get down to the mental part.  I've been challenged on a professional level lately.  I've had to really look inside myself and question over and over if I'm doing the right thing.  One of the things that kept popping into mind as I was starting to doubt myself was the phrase "stand firm".  I know that like weight training, dealing with tough situations will take patience and perseverance.  We all have our moments where we want to break down, throw up our hands, and just be done with things.  I've had to fight that feeling by just digging in my heels and trying to remain as calm as possible.  I think the major thing to remember here is that just like physically training yourself for greatness, you have to be consistent.  You have to lift the weight, strain, struggle, but do it over and over again.  You have to know that improvement is happening, even if you can't see it immediately.  You have to be steady and constant to those that are around you. 

For you all that know me personally (or just via the interwebs), you all know that I am a crazy, nutjob, insane University of South Carolina football fan.  I have been going to games with my dad since I was 5, and now, it's a tradition that I get to share with my fiancé.  One of my favorite players of all time is an incredible running back named Marcus Lattimore. 

You guys probably know him for his amazing speed and unbelievable touchdown runs during his short college career. If you Google him, you will probably also know him for the gut-wrenching, stomach-churning injury that occurred this past October when his knee was completely dislocated.  His leg was pointing in an unnatural direction on the field.  I've never been more sad and devastated for someone that I didn't personally know.  I really thought his career was over. The thing that impressed me most about this young man was his attitude towards adversity.  One of my favorite quotes from an interview he did was this: "Adversity introduces a man to himself".  Adversity makes you face the true person inside so that the only way to move is upward.  Marcus has worked to regain not only his physical ability, but his amazing mental perspective as well.  This guy just doesn't give up.  Not after two knee injuries...on opposite legs.  He continued to push through and impress scouts and NFL coaches so that he would be drafted this year by the San Francisco 49ers.  I see a jersey purchase in my future!  Good job Marcus.  All I can say is I hope that you continue to persevere and inspire so that we can all learn from your example.

Watching someone go through a devastating physical and mental situation is hard, but it makes me realize that we all have challenges to face.  Heck, sometimes not hitting the snooze button 4 times in a row is a challenge. 
Regardless, you have to stand who you are, in what you believe, and in what you're becoming.  Happy Monday y'all!

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