Thursday, July 18, 2013

I totally sucked

So let me tell you guys about yesterday's workout.  It's been oooooooooooooooooh like a week and a half since I've done my small group training (which I love, and try not to miss).  It's called Go Performace AND it rocks my face each time I do a WOD (workout of the day).  I work out with some pretty amazing trainers, they all push me and get behind me when I feel like booty-hole.  Which is pretty much how I felt yesterday.  It was a long day at work, I left really late, and I rolled up in the gym literally pulling my shirt over my head.  (not really, but you get the idea)  Here was the workout.  Next time, I'll link up for Workout Wednesday with Skinny Meg.
7 different moves (so think burpees, kettle bell swings, rope climbs, wall balls....pretty much any type of movement that you would hate for an extended period of time).....times 4 minutes.  THEN when you are done with four minutes of brutal repetition, you go run a lap around the gym.  The round lasts 7 minutes before moving onto the next thing.  Whatever time you have left after your lap is your recovery time.
Sounds fun right?
Not so much.
First of all, I felt like a week and a half of not working out zapped my muscles I was starting to build.  I felt like a complete flabby butt. 
Second, I finished each round dead last.  I'm not really a fast runner at all, but when you're in a class full of people, there's always a little competition.  I did not feel competitive.  I was just happy to make it around the track without collapsing. 
Third, the last thing I did at the end was....yep, burpees.  Imagine 4 minutes of throwing yourself on the ground.  There were a lot of breaks.  A lot of feelings of the vomit making its way into my throat. 
I struggled.  I fought.  I really wanted to quit at times.  But I finished.  My trainer Eli made a good point.  I haven't seen him in awhile, so we were chatting and I mentioned it was my first session in awhile.  And he goes "sometimes you need the kick in the butt to get you back to where you need to be".    How can you not like a guy that puts stuff like this on his Facebook page?

 Thanks, Eli!

Even though yesterday was a really rough workout, it came and went really fast.  So when you convince yourself that you shouldn't go to the gym because you're too tired, too fat, or too busy.....just go.  You'll thank yourself. 
Short post tonight y'all! This southern girl is tired, but is happy it's almost Friday!!!

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