Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Make Change Happen FOR YOU!

First off,  I had a really frustrating day.  It was one of those days where I let the negativity get to me.  I'm usually not like that, but it happened.  And then I taught a HARD spin class ..and felt like Elle Woods:

This right here proves my theory...you CAN out-train a bad day. 

Second, I taught my last Tuesday spin class tonight.  It's bittersweet to see it come to an end, but I got a lot of thank you's tonight, so that made me smile.  I look forward to actually getting to be a student again for a bit.  The only way to grow is to learn more. 

So after I started feeling more like myself, I sat down after my workout and healthy meal to chill.  Here's what I ate, doesn't it look festive and fresh?

I cooked this all together and topped with a little goat cheese! I could bathe in goat cheese and be so happy. 

After dinner, I turned on the TV and became riveted to Extreme Weight Loss.  Think The Big Loser, only focused on individuals, not an entire team competition. 

If you want to get motivated about losing weight....wait, scratch that, just changing your life in general, you need to watch this show.  I am truly touched right now.  I literally just speed showered during the commercial break so that I could get back to watching. 

Jami is originally from Chile (HOLLA, I spent 4 months there in college, have a tramp stamp of the Chilean flag to prove it!) and was adopted at 2 years old by an American woman.  She has never been close to her adoptive mother and she has been working to meet her biological mom most of her life.  She has also struggled with weight problems, tipping the scales at 292 pounds.  She wants to lose the weight so that her biological mom will meet her and be proud of her.  TEARS flowing!! 

Watching her tell her trainer that she wanted to do this for someone else hit home with me.  I feel like I've had that same motive for part of my weight loss journey.  When I got engaged, I was like "I want to lose weight for Jarrett, so that I can look amazing on my wedding day...and then in a bikini on our honeymoon".  But as I watched Jami say this to her trainer Chris, I saw him respond exactly as I would now.  He said "you have to do this for you, not for anyone else."  How profoundly true is THAT!?

Amidst the negativity and then in watching this amazing show, I came to a major realization today.  You have to make change happen for yourself.  You can't do things for other people.  Whatever your goal is, make it for you and only you.  Since starting to lose weight in April, I've visualized my goals. but in a different light.  I want to lower my cholesterol (because it's bad, but it can be lowered, I just can't eat chocolate and cheese every day).   I want to run on a regular basis again.  I want to get up early in the morning, not hit my snooze button and just get outside and enjoy God's great earth He's given me.  I still want to look great in my wedding dress and bikini, not for my fiancé....but for me.  I want the reflection he sees of me to represent health, vitality, and a beautiful strong woman.  Much like Jami tonight, I want to make the change happen. 

And on that note...Jami just did her final weigh in....in a bikini...and she rocked it.  You GO girl! I am motivated. 

Do it today.  It all starts with trying.  Don't be afraid to embrace change.  Don't wait for your life to begin.  Start.  NOW. 

Good night! :)

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