Sunday, July 7, 2013

That's what I love about Sunday...

Hello lovelies!  So I was looking at my calendar today as I turned it to July (I'm a few days late) and I noticed that Sunday is TECHNICALLY at the BEGINNING of the week.  Yes, I know, a lot of you are probably like...umm hey Rebecca, that's the way it's always been, duh.  You know how we're always like "UGH MONDAY, beginning of the week, I can't wait until it's Friday...."? Well, what if we applied that thinking to Sunday instead?  Not the UGH part, because how can you be all negative about Sunday?  It's a chance to start over, to be renewed, refreshed, and ready to face the other 6 days of the week.  Just some food for thought.  I'm going to try to adopt that attitude from here on out so that Mondays are less painful. 

Guess what, I FINISHED THE BATHROOM!!!! Now, I will say, my paint job is not professional, and this bathroom has really high ceilings, so at certain points I was dangerously hanging from a ladder just hoping to throw some paint on the wall at all.  But it's done!  Here are a few pictures...

Before and During....
Since I live at the beach, I picked a lovely light gray color called Coastal Pleasure.  It turned out super cute and mellow.  I bought a girly new shower curtain and new, fluffy white bath mats.  Look, even Tink likes them:

All in all, I'm glad it's done.  I don't love to paint. I may tackle the guest bedroom on another weekend and cute that up too, but not this weekend :)  That was quite the workout on Saturday. 

So since I'm taking on this new attitude towards Sunday being the first day of the week, I'm going to do the following.  Clean up my diet, starting today.  Breakfast consisted of 2 hardboiled eggs topped with some homemade fresh salsa and some diced turkey. YUM, very filling......and pretty:

Go on a long walk/run.  Confession, I have not worked out since like Wednesday.  Time to bust out the running shoes and just get out there, sweat it out, and just enjoy being outdoors for a bit.

I'm going to meal prep big time this week and make sure all of my lunches are packed a day ahead of time.  Last week was just not good for my diet.  I finished the cleanse and just basically enjoyed every bit of food that I haven't had in a few weeks.  BUT, I cheat every once in awhile.  Back on track this week for sure. Plus it's cheaper to bring your own lunch, as's free :)

Last but not least, I'm going to finish up some hovering projects/wedding things that keep lingering that I just haven't checked off my list.  Like respond to a few emails, start getting addresses for my invite list, and finish registering.  It's hard to believe it's only 5 months away, so it's time to start wrapping a few things up.

Ok y'all, have a GREAT Sunday, let me know how you're renewing and getting prepared for the week ahead....

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