Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New things

Hi everyone!  Sorry for the long hiatus.  Jarrett's birthday is today (happy 35th honey, looks good on you)...and we've been celebrating since Friday.  So I've been out of blog world for a few days, but have a fun NEW post for your Tuesday.  You're welcome.

I thought I would give you guys a few new updates to some things I've been doing/researching/accomplishing.  It's been a busy couple of days.

1.  I've been taking this since last Tuesday...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is that!
Great question, have a good answer.  
Recently, I was in the healthy store near my house and I asked if they have any good supplements.  The bright, perky store owner gave me a few samples of some pill-like substances, which she promised would not make me feel like vomiting up my food while my heart beats out of control.  Well, I KNOW BETTER, because I've taken these things before.  She did, however, throw around the term "CLA" a few times.  I did some research on my own after leaving with my sample crazy pills (which I did not take).  Significant research has shown that this stuff can be found to reduce heart disesase and carcinogens, BUT, the thing that got me was interested is that it increases lean muscle mass, thus increasing metabolism, thus increasing fat loss.  Winner, winner, chicken dinner.   This stuff does not make you feel weird, it's also FDA approved, which is really important.  I've been hovering around the 160 mark for a few days now, so I'm hoping that CLA, along with clean eating and running/training, will break the barrier.  YAY, weight loss. 
2.  I'm thinking about trying out a Paleo lifestyle for the next 30 or so days.  (my fiance is probably groaning right now). 
I've heard a lot of my trainers and workout buddies talk a lot about eating a Paleo diet.  I'm always like.....what's that meaaaaaaaaan????
Like I usually do, I turned to blog world for a little insight and stumbled upon Rachael's blog.  Go check out her before and after.  Amazing results, which just goes to further prove that what you put into your body really does matter.  If you eat fatty, greasy stuff, you will probably be a fatty (and maybe greasy).  But on a serious note, eating this way is going to further help with obtaining that amazing muscle tone that only Jillian Michaels seems to know how to pull off.  So I'm giving it a shot.  No sugar.  No dairy.  (sigh, cheese).  Anything that grew in the ground, swam in the sea, flew in the air, or walked on land...it's all game.  All of those gluten free people that I've probably made fun of for so long, well......I'm about to be one of you. 
3. I'm going to attempt to start running in the morning.  I LOVE my evening training classes, which I will still go to (and must start back up this week, I've been MIA).  But I've been busting out the running shoes and feeling pretty amazing lately, so it's time to start some AM sessions.  I went this morning.  I watched the sun come up.  People were out walking their dogs.  I got a few human and furry hello's.  I just loved the feeling of nature and life teeming all around me as I pounded the pavement. I felt more complete and calm as I drove to work this morning.  I'm going to attempt to make this a habit. 
4. And the most important news of the week is...we're going to the Bahamas for our HONEYMOON!  We found this wonderful little secluded getaway (referred by my maid of honor, she loved this place) on Eleuthera, little place called Gregory Town.  We were planning on going to Asheville, NC, but.....we can do that any weekend we want, this is the chance to get tans at Christmas.  It's not a 5 star resort and there is no maid, but it looks like it's millions of miles away from reality.  Which we'll need after the big day.  We're both so excited and I'm even more motivated to stay in shape so I can post bikini pictures up in December.  Without a dress covering the bikini. 
Happy Tuesday ya'll!  And Happy Birthday to J.  Life is SO much better with him in the picture.  Even if he does stick his chin out a lot and make this face in selfies :)

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