Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hi everyone!  Sorry for the long hiatus from blog's been a crazy few days...

So it's day 10 now, finishing up this cleanse, and I have to say....I have never felt better!  Now, because I am kind of a slowsky and didn't take pictures, I won't have any body images to post up.....unfortunately.  Work has been crazy and I just haven't had time to document that day by day BUT....I am definitely seeing results....physically and on the scale.  Overall though, the biggest change is the level of energy I feel.  It's amazing how I don't feel sluggish at the end of the day.  I've actually been attacking some workouts with a ferocity I've never know rather than whining and just going through the motions. 

I had some interesting bumps in the road along the way with this cleanse.  So remember how last Thursday I was all gung ho like "don't give in, don't let the bad food tempt you, just stay away from the pizza..."  Well, that all went out the window on Friday.  I proceeded to have 2 glasses of wine and some pizza at a new restauarant with my best friend.  It wasn't like dripping with grease and cheese, it was more like wood fired and DELICIOUS, but it was still pizza, so there's no getting around that.  But the interesting part about all of that is that I could TOTALLY tell on Saturday morning that I got off track with the food part.  It felt like a huge rock in my stomach.  I also was slightly dehydrated from the vino, can you say headache? 

This is me on wine:

wine wine wine

ALSO.....I picked a bad time to do this cleanse, as I had to sample wedding cakes.  I picked them up Saturday after my training session at the gym...and they smelled of sugary, sweet goodness.  I did manage to eat small samples, but it's been hard having those in the house.  Get your cakes from Publix, for real, they do great work and the cakes are delicious. 

I kind of had that moment like Miranda did in SATC when she pours dish detergent on her cake. 

quotes by Miranda Hobbes
I did have one small weigh-in victory.  I landed on the scale on Saturday at the gym and weighed 161.  WOOT.  I know part of that is from the cleanse, the other part is from sweat/water weight loss, but I was happy with seeing some movement.  I can tell that my clothes fit better and that I have less of a fat roll when I sit down.  I did a little happy dance in the locker room at the 2 pound weight loss.
Overall, I was very pleased and will definitely do this again.  Perhaps closer to wedding time.  Hope you guys have a very happy 4th of July (God Bless 'Merica), be SAFE, and I'll be back to regular posts now that it's not so insane around here.  

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