Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekend with the fam!

Hi all!

Happy Weekend!

My parents are here and staying with us for the first time ever and it's SO fun!  Even if they are early bird old folks (just kidding), and like to be up at 7:30 on a Saturday.  All of us (J included) had yesterday off and we went to see the place where we're getting married.  Mom and Dad haven't seen it yet and they were very excited to finally get to see the vision we've had for awhile.  Check out Founders Hall here if ya'll want to take a gander. 

We took advantage of being tourists in Charleston yesterday, something I don't get to do often enough, and went to the South Carolina Aquarium.  They had a Madagascar exhibit and we saw some lemurs!!! Unfortunately, these guys didn't look like they liked to move it, move it :)  They were all piled up on a branch just chillaxing, but they sure were interesting.

We enjoyed some Charleston sunshine and good eats all day long.  We went to the beach to try and do some engagement photos, but they were kind of a bust.  I was a little disappointed, but I didn't take into account that being on the beach = lots of my curly hair-do was quickly blown out and my dress was too parachute-like.  I felt like all my pictures looked like I was prepared to take flight from the sand. But it's ok, I was tired and happy last night as I laid my head on the pillow, thankful that I have a great family and that I'll be joining a new one very soon. 

This morning, we went on a very long, sweaty walk around the neighborhood.  See how gross I am right now? (PS-Check out my guns, I feel like my shoulders and arms are starting to look less fat and more firm)

We're off for a few more activities today, but I wanted to stop in and let you guys know I was still alive.   Just lots of cleaning and preparing for family to be here this week, so it's been really busy, but it's also been awesome.   I'm sure our next activities today will include a trip to Lowe' dad is Mr. Fix It and wants to do some small home projects today.  Look, he's already researching this morning. 
Weekend recap will be up after this fun weekend is over.  See you guys next week with some new fun updates.  I've been working on a cool, new blog design with Beth Bradford Design and I can't WAIT to share!  She's put together such a cool look.  Check out her site for a great discount on a  custom blog design.  I am super happy with what she's put together so far, thanks Beth!!! Funny, I've already had 2 people tell me that I'm going to have to change my blog name since I'm losing weight, which is very encouraging. 

Ya'll have a great weekend!

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