Friday, July 5, 2013

I am blog-tarded...and how I spent my 4th :)

OK so first things first, I would like to send a SPECIAL thank you to Beth K at Hang On Honey for helping me with a few blog items.  I did not realize that I was a no-reply blogger (I didn't even know what that meant, geez, I am not tech savvy sometimes)....well, I take that back, my dad did mention a few weeks back he couldn't leave a comment.  But I just assumed that is because he's of an older generation and just couldn't figure it out. :)  Sorry Dad!!!  But I think I've regulated this now, so everyone, please feel free to comment, on the hour, ever hour, so that I know this is working right.  YAY!

She also sent me some awesome tutorials on creating a button, so that's in the works once I find a good picture of myself that doesn't make me look fat, tired, or drunk when I'm not even drinking...

The 4th of July has come and gone, and I have to say, I'm pretty sad to be working today.  It's pretty quiet, lots of people were smart and took today off.  I was not one of those people.  This is what I'm doing right now...teach me how to snuggie.....

The 4th was great though.  I feel like my intestines have been in revolt since ending the cleanse because I went from eating lots of fruits and veggies, to eating burgers covered in cheese, slathered in mayonnaise, surrounded by non-wheat bread.  It was a great day though.  We spent the day between not 1 but 2 parties....we are wild and crazy people :)  There were lots of fireworks, hotdogs, and ice cream.  I can't wait to have kids so that I can dress them up like this on the 4th:

Now the weekend approaches with questions like......what should I do this weekend? Should I stock up on groceries, should I watch more HBO than I can stand OR....should I paint my guest bedroom and bathroom? Truth be told, I'm not thrilled about this idea.  I always start off really jazzed up for a home project, only to hate it halfway through, complain, moan about it, and possibly delay finishing it for as long as possible.  But the condo we are renting is painted blue...not the exact same shade of blue in all rooms, but it's a little too dark for me in the guest area.  And my landlord is my boss, and he's cool with it, so I'm about to turn bright blue into pewter gray over the weekend.  Plus I feel like getting that fresh paint smell in the house may make me giddy (or high) enough to do a few more projects.   Now that you all can leave real comments, please let me know what you think of my paint job :) Before and after pictures to follow.
Not much went on in the world of fitness this week....well wait I take that back.  Next week is the last Tuesday night class I'll be teaching Spin.  Insert sad face here. There were not a lot of folks coming each week and more were sticking to a MWF schedule.  Which is totally fine, but I will miss teaching my class each week.  I still have a lot of subbing opportunities though, which is great.  I was actually really sick on Tuesday and not able to teach, so I'll be announcing that this coming Tuesday.  Please say a little prayer, as I do have a few regulars that will be a little bummed, but it will be ok. 
How was your 4th and what are your plans for the weekend?  Ya'll have a great weekend, tune in next time for what will hopefully be an "after the paintbrush" post....

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