Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wine + blogging = Inspiration

Hi all!  It's been a few days, so apologies for no blog posts.  Tonight's post is not about fitness, or what I ate today, or my workout.  There are no fun pictures or ecards about how burpess make me want to barf.  I'm taking a little more serious tone, but I promise that my snarky, sarcastic self will be back in full effect soon.

It's been a few days of just dealing with personal things, but today, I wound up having a time of reflection and I had a major light bulb come on (that, and I've also had about 2 glasses of wine).   That light bulb was this: Life is too short, things are really good right now, get out of your funk Rebecca!

Without disclosing my entire personal life, I'll just say that the past few days have been riddled with small things that bogged me down emotionally and mentally.  I've felt tired, uninspired, even sad at times and all for reasons that I just can't put my finger on.  It's days like the past few that I've had that make you want to veg out in your sweatpants on the couch and watch re-runs of The Cosby Show.  Sounds awesome right?

Nope.  I started thinking about this today as I forcefully pulled myself out of my slump.  One, sweatpants or anything with an elastic waistband is a bad idea multiple days in a row.  BECAUSE, when you go to put your real pants on (with an actual button and zipper), they don't fit, you become more sad, and then you put on your big girl pants, and then you feel even more sad. 

Two, re-runs are things you've already seen .  You know the lines by heart.  You remember the episode when Vanessa went to The Wretched concert in Maryland, got robbed, and Claire and Heathcliff were waiting up on her.  But what's the point in watching that? You know the outcome of the story already.  Don't you want to surprise yourself with different endings?

I digress about fat pants and re-runs, but my point is...stop worrying about the small things.  Let's worry about big things and be happy with the progress that has already been made.  As I've spent today almost waking up from a deep sleep, I started thinking about the things and the people that inspire me.  I'm inspired by mentally or physically challenged people in tough situations that make life work and come out on top.   I'm inspired by my parents that have been married 32 years and continue to amaze me with their commitment to each other.  I'm touched and moved by my friends and peers that tell me that they read my blog and love it and to keep on writing.  In the grand scheme of things, these are major life events that matter.  Not a fleeting moment that you replay over and over in your mind.  Or a small regret you had 20 years ago.  Or that delicious cookie that I ate at a company meeting today.

I've written a lot lately about change and transition because that's where my life is.  As I do that, I realize it's hard when life starts to change on a big scale and you have to either get in line and go with it, or else you'll just fight a losing battle.  This life is a beautiful thing and I am kicking myself for wasting 3 days feeling sorry for myself and just rolling around on my pillows.  I'm getting those 3 days back starting now and going forward. 

Life is too short you guys.  This could be your last.   Can you look back and say that you were truly happy as the sun went down on today?

Ok I lied, I do have one picture.  This is the sunset tonight after a company event I attended.  I stood in that salty Charleston breeze, looking at the water and all those gorgeous colors painted in the sky an thought "life does not get much better than this right here".

Feeling blessed y'all!

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