Thursday, June 27, 2013

Busiest day of my LIFE...

Today was one of those days to where I just did not have time to do anything at all but work.  In fact, getting up to pee was taking so much time away from my inbox, I seriously wish that teleporting was a viable option.  I worked solid from 8:00 AM until 6:30 PM. 

This is how I felt all day:

Hyperbole And a Half

So what do you do on a day  when you know your odds of getting to the gym are slim to none, and eating unhealthy food is very likely?  You don't give in.  Case in point, I brought my clean meal of leftover lean steak, peppers and onions, brown rice, some fresh corn, and half an avocado (I'm addicted to those things lately) to work today.  Around 11:30, I noticed someone had an open box of leftover pizza sitting on the counter.  Oozing cheese, pepperoni and greasy goodness.  I resisted, heated up my little meal, and went on about my clean-eating business.  I'm not gonna lie though, I thought about taking a ginormous bite of pizza, sighing in delight, and then letting the grease drip down my chin.  But no, brown rice all day long. 

When it became evident that a workout would most likely be missed tonight, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I took the stairs up and down between floors a few times.  I rode the elevator and did squats while riding.  I did some wall sits in a conference room.  Did I look ridiculous? Why, absolutely my dear Watson! I was also in a dress all day long, which probably made it even more ridiculous.  But are my legs kinda sore right now?  YES!

One thing I try to remember in this time of cleansing, eating clean and exercising is this: just because you're busy and stressed in one area of life doesn't mean you have to totally lose focus on all of the OTHER areas.  I didn't make it to the gym like I wanted to today.  I was REALLY looking forward to my 6:00 training session.  But missing the gym did not mean it was ok to let it all hang out, shovel in some bad food and then be miserable. 

Hyperbole And a Half

So cleanse updates: Still feeling pretty phenomenal on day 4!  Even though I had a crazy day, no official gym workout and a sore shoulder, I'm noticing a big increase in energy each day.  I feel very clear in the mental area, and I also feel like I'm not yawning by 3 every afternoon.  It's kinda like Bradley Cooper in "Limitless".....only I'm not winning a bazillion dollars in the stock market...but maybe I should try that tomorrow :)

Alright ya'll, it's been a long day, but it's almost Friday!  Now please go do the following:

Hyperbole And a Half

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