Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Today is my FRIDAY!!!

I did something that I normally don't do...I took 2 days off! Here lately, I've been stingy with the PTO, so a half day here and there, all because I'm saving that up for a honeymoon sometime next year.   But sometimes, a girl just needs a break from every day life.  So I'm taking a little time to spend with my sweet man, and then heading home for the weekend to see my parents for Father's Day weekend.  YAY! Look how excited I am! (Tinkerbell, however, could care less)

I also did something else I rarely do...I skipped the gym.  BUT I do have a plan to go work out tomorrow, on my day off, which is pretty good considering I wont have to be up early.  I'm one of those weird girls that thinks sleeping late is 8:00 AM.  I don't even have kids, I just have a history of early risers in my family (THANKS DAD!). 
So even though I'm skipping gym time tonight, I did eat great today. 
Exhibit A: Leftover kebobs, cukes and tomato salad, and a La Croix water (LOVE these, they're even good mixed with strong adult clear liquids)
Exhibit B: Amino Uptake, just a little sample from the health food store.  It's supposed to provide some additional pre-workout energy when mixed with 8 oz. of water.  Tastes like sparkly green apples.  Not sure if that exists, but if it did, but I'm pretty sure what it would taste like. 
I do feel like I'm CRUSHING some laundry right now due to this little green mixture :)
So what will I do with all this free time you ask?  GREAT question.  Like I said, I'm planning to go sweat for 45 minutes.  I'll probably lay by the pool.  Watch some trashy TV. Maybe perform a little ritual I like to call "gossip magazine therapy".  Some folks go talk to a professional about their problems or when they are having rough times or a bad day.  Which is totally acceptable and fine.  I, however, developed a free form of my own therapy over the years.  I go to Barnes and Noble, get every single celebrity news magazine available, get a good coffee, and sit and read everything from front to cover for as long as I want.  Try it sometime.  It's relaxing and helps clear the mind, almost like yoga, without all the down dogs and rhythmic breathing.  Reading about celebrity shenanigans weirdly calms me down. 

Ok, speaking of celebrities, E! News is on (sadly, this is usually the only news I watch), so I need to begin my relaxation now.  AND Chris Hemsworth is about to make an appearance, so, I really need to go :)  Ya'll have a great Wednesday!

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