Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cleanse update...things you probably wished you didn't know...but you're gonna hear it anyway!

Ok so exciting, breaking news...I started the Advocare 10 day cleanse yesterday.  WOOT! 
So far, I love it!  Even on day 2, I can definitely feel the positive effects of eating clean and the "clearing out" of the ole' pipes.  (gross, but true).  I am definitely feeling more energetic, especially first thing in the morning.  I also noticed that instead of craving salty snacks, I'm getting a hankering for things like tomatoes, cucumbers, maybe half and avocado. 

A good friend at work today asked me about the cleanse and had some interest, so this is basically what our conversation sounded like via IM:

Friend: "hey, so can you tell me about this cleanse your doing, I'm interested?"
Me: "sure! it's for 10 days, you can still eat, but as clean as possible, staying away from alcohol, caffeine and processed foods."
Friend: "do you take any pills or anything at all to help with...things???"
Me: "yes, there is a fiber drink, some overnight herbal cleanse tablets and some restorative pills that kind of bring your intestines back into a healthy balance"
Friend: "hmmm herbal cleanse tablets, do you feel like you're in the bathroom a lot? and is it normal or is it like butt pee?"


To answer my friend's question...it's not at all like butt pee (best description EVER).  The trips to the bathroom are not emergency situations.  I'm probably in there a little more than normal, but that's to be expected.  Otherwise, we would call this "stoppage" not "cleanse".

Ok so enough about the inner workings of this cleanse (I'm sure my parents and fiancé are wishing I wasn't telling so much about myself)...eating clean is easy peasy.  Here's a glimpse at my food intake from yesterday:

- Breakfast: Fiber drink and a banana
- Snack: Strawberries
- Lunch: Half and avocado, black beans and some carne asada with salsa
- Dinner: Honey boo J made dinner in the crockpot, chicken with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, olives and onions.  DELICIOUS, I ate it again tonight.

See, doesn't that look WAY better than a bag of Cheetos?

I can't find my tape measure at the moment, it's probably still packed away in my moving things, so I'm going to have to go by the scale...I'll weigh in tomorrow and then again at the end of the cleanse.

So hopefully by the end of this whole adventure, I won't be feeling like this:

(yes I love my cat a little too much, sorry)

What else is new...oh yesterday, I had a pretty awesome hair day!

I'm feeling a little like Carrie Bradshaw tonight with my blatant honesty, only without the big curly hair and cigarettes.  I'll pose a series of questions Sex and The City style to bring it all home as I contemplate life sitting by my open window...

"How do we stay healthy in an unhealthy world? And what's really the difference between fit and fat?  Is it the number on the scale? In a world where we are defined by our number, how do we work to change the world we live in?"

Happy Tuesday y'all!

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