Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Not yo' mama's endurance ride!

Hey guys!  SO since the title of this blog is "I'm a Chubby Spin Instructor, I thought I'd give you guys a view into my world.  This is how I spend every Tuesday...(this is before people got there, duh)

Some of you reading this are probably thinking "ugh, I've walked by a Spin room before, it's usually filled with really sweaty people and they all look like they're about to pass out.  Oh and that instructor up there is YELLING at everyone like a drill sergeant.  Not for me!".  I think this is a pretty common thought.  I get this all the time from newcomers and people that are just curious in general.  Everyone thinks you have to be hardcore to do Spin.  I'm here to tell you that's not the case. 

Anyone can be an athlete.  It doesn't matter if you are 250 lbs and can't climb a stair.  Anyone that walks in my class is an athlete and is in in the presence of other athletes.  My style of teaching is motivate people, push them a little, and really get them to just enjoy coming to class.  Plus, what could be better than to spend 45 minutes rocking out to your favorite tunes (think Rolling Stones, Britney Spears, Coldplay, My Morning Jacket, T-Pain, LUDA!....just to name a few)?  SO that's what I did today.  I presented everyone the type of ride (endurance) to where we did work over the entire class, with little changes in resistance, but nothing cray cray. (You runners out there, think tempo runs). We climbed a few small hills, we raced away down a flat road or two, it was FUN and challenging.  For those of you that have done traditional endurance rides, you know that you're usually sitting down, staring at the floor, thinking "ugh my butt is so sore that if I don't stand up, it may just eat itself".  Not today people.  This is not yo' mama's endurance ride!

Case in point, I was a sweaty mess after class.  Mission accomplished! (please note tomato red face and smudged mascara, I look like this after every workout.  Too bad this isn't a scratch and sniff picture, you could really get the effect).  I like to stay as smelly and gross as possible until my fiancé complains so much that I'm forced to go get a shower.   It's a fun form of torture!

So enough workout stuff, dinner tonight is grilled sirloin kabobs with zucchini and onion, with grilled corn.  J is the grill master, so he's got everything fired up and it smells GOOD.  He may be the grill master, but I am the marinade master.  This marinade works for beef, chicken or pork, so I'll post it for you guys tonight.  DELISH.  Don't they look yummy?

Ya'll have a great night!  And thank you to all that have been supportive thus far on my very first post.  This is not only the chance for me to become a better "me", but also a better instructor, friend, employee, and girlfriend/fiancé/wife/daughter/sister.  Keep the love coming and I will send it back your way!


  1. I love this! I totally agree that anyone can be an athlete! Those kabobs look great!

    1. Thanks Samantha! They were delicious, had them for lunch today.
