Friday, June 21, 2013

Punch Thursday in the throat!

I am estatic that it's FINALLY Friday.  I felt like this week crawled and that it would never get here!!! 

So obviously, yesterday was not a good day at all.  It was one of those days that just everything around me annoyed me.  It was primarily just an insane day at work with lots of little things to do.  But then things like people posting about the NBA FInals started to really annoy me.  I started thinking about something I had to do this weekend, and just wanted to bail.  I felt like I needed 4 cups of coffee to just breathe.  Just watching my email inbox grow exponentially made me want to slam my desk with my hands and just go home.

The most challenging thing I did yesterday was actually make it to the gym.  I wanted to shop/mope and wallow in my own misery.  But as I was driving in the direction of the gym, I thought to myself "you know, anger is a good motivator, let's go throw some weights around".  Which is exactly what I did for 45 minutes.  At one point while I was squat-cleaning (which has taken me forever to master), I was like "hmmm I think I'll add some more weight".  And I did.  I kept going.  I even did burpees with avengence, and I HATE those.  I threw myself on the floor over and over until I wanted to barf.   One guy in my class was like "YOU GO GIRL"...and then I felt like Glen Coco...

45 minutes later, I walked out with a smile on my face.  And on my way to babysit (again), I stopped and enjoyed this view:

I turned around to look at some pretty homes and thought, "I would like to live here one day".  Just thinking about sitting on one of those 3 balconies enjoying the salt air and a gin and tonic made me smile even more.  This is my future dream house. 

Everyone always says you can't out-train a bad diet.  This is so true, but one thing I learned yesterday is that you CAN out-train a bad day.  When I just wanted to give up yesterday, I kept on going.  I felt so focused while I trained that I didn't even think about what was going on around me.  Anger wound up being a good motivator.  Eventually, I forgot everything I was mad about. 

So now that it's Friday, here are some things I'm excited sock bun (no I'm not naked, you just can't see my shirt):

Spending time with snuggling with my kitty this weekend:

Chilling by the pool with an adult beverage: (shout out to Amy and Ben, CONGRATS, your koozie is now a permanent accessory in my purse)

To wrap all this up, just remember, a bad day doesn't have to become a bad week.  And if you are having one, go sweat it out, you'll be glad you did.  Enjoy your Friday!!!

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