Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thinking about all the future things...AKA GOALS

1) Apologies for no pictures on this blog post today.  I am a BIG dork and left my iPhone charger back in Charleston.  My parents use flip phones.  Charger fail :(
2) I like to number things, it keeps me on track.  I also like to talk that way sometimes in conversation.  Example: "One, that chick is a troll! Two, she is also a hobbit"....(this is a recent convo with a good friend of mine at work over a girl we aren't real fond of.  We are mean girls sometimes).
3) At least ONE of my friends (you know who you are) will make fun of me for starting off my post as a numbered checklist. 
4) I'm having SO much fun at home right now!

So as I'm sitting around at home alone this morning, I was reading a few other blogs while drinking my morning coffee, which is pretty much my daily routine.  I noticed one theme in common for all of these chicks that I follow.  Everyone has a goal...correction, everyone has MULTIPLE goals.  And it's not just one goal like "I want to weigh and look like what I did in high school", and then when it happens they're like "BOOOOM! I did it, no more blogging, peace ya'll while I enjoy my hotness".  Nope not these ladies.  They all have more than one goal, and more often than not, they get so inspired by what happens, they just keep on going, thus forming new goals. 

I started thinking about that.  Today, officially, I am 6 months away from my wedding day (WOOT WOOT).  That right there is a goal that I really wasn't sure was ever going to happen in my life.  I was content to be single, travel the world (and Vegas), and just be a successful career woman. Right there, I can check 4 things off my list (soulmate, world trip, Vegas and good job).  But why not add more to that list?

Now that I'm in my 30's, my goals are now focused on becoming a better "me", not trying to please everyone else.  Yep, sorry, that kinda happens the older you get, sorry to everyone in high school on Facebook that I don't follow or are friends with.  Your circle of friends becomes smaller, your begin to form your own family, and somewhere in there, you start wanting to take care of yourself.   Physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

That being said, here are the goals I have for myself this year.  Yes, this includes another checklist:

1) CONTINUE THIS BLOG! (And get good at it) Yes, I work for a software company, no I do not know what widgets, rafflecopters, or linkups I'm determined to make this space better.
2) Get to a healthy weight.  Preferably around 145-ish.
3) Start running some races, possibly another half marathon again.  I love getting out on the road, with my music, just losing myself in a run.  Time to start racing again.
4) I have some goal pants I want to fit in.  Size 6.  Not throwing these away, they're too cute for that.
5) Look AMAZEBALLS in my wedding dress...tried it on's going to be epic.
6) Be a better spin instructor, possibly pick up another fitness certification. 
7) Stop being so EMOTIONAL sometimes.  I can't help my hormones, but I'm tired of having the out of body experience where I watch myself unravel, lose it, and then shove chocolate in my mouth.  Hormonal-fail!
8) Take a good trip with my man...not including the honeymoon.  We've never taken a vacation together. We are LONG overdue.
9) Be a good sister and a good daughter by being a better listener.  Sometimes, I'm way too opinionated, but I hope I'm getting better at this.  My fam can chime in on this one.
10) Stay consistent about going to church and my faith.  This is a big one for me and J.  Our faith is very important to us, we just need to try harder sometimes.

I could go on and on, but this works for now.  What are your goals? Where do you want to see change? Don't just let it be a number on a scale and that's it.  Let me become a growing project that turns into your life.  Happy Saturday y'all!

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