Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When you can't run...just do INSANITY!

Hot Tub John Stamos

I would just like to start off by saying that my evening is complete right now because...I have discovered Full House re-runs on Nick at Nite.  Have mercy, Uncle Jesse.  Now that show was some good clean fun back in the 90's.  Cut. It. Out.

Ok I digress, let's get to the past 2 days of working out.  Tuesday was a rockin', 45 minute spin ride, complete with 3 very hard hills.  Lots of resistance loading followed by very little recovery.  It was a great ride, but man was I tired, however, I proceeded to babysit until almost midnight.  Late night, but mama can always use a little shopping money. 

Today, I made plans to go running with my good friend and maid of honor, Ashley.  But Charleston decided to flood, so we worked out indoors.  This girl is the queen of workout DVDs, so we did Insanity with Shawn T!  This is the type of workout where you feel every piece of you jiggle around as you jump up and down.  Your fat cries until you can't take it anymore...and then it's over!  Who doesn't want to work out to a program that is synonymous with being crazy? Exactly my kind of workout.

We did overindulge a little for dinner.  We hoofed it over to one of THE best burger joints in town, Poe's Tavern.  Named after Edgar Allen Poe, who spent a little time on Sullivan's Island back the day (like WAY back in the day, pretty sure there wasn't electricity going on back then).  Even though we had 2 beers, some chips and guac, we did manage to make one seemingly healthy decision...we split the burger and fries.  WHAT, SPLIT A BURGER?! Yes, we ate beef topped with an egg, cheese, and shared some fries, but I didn't feel like exploding.   Probably the right decision too, because I won't have to wear elastic waistbands for the next 3 days..

Stay tuned, next Monday, I'm starting the Advocare 10 day cleanse. I'm going to need it, especially after this monster I just consumed (technically, it was half a monster).  Super pumped!

Happy hump day y'all!

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