Thursday, August 1, 2013

We should rename burpees to barfees

Ok guys, it's been awhile since an good workout post, so here it is.  This was a BRUTAL workout, but I am so glad I did it.  Welcome to the 8/1/2013 WOD!
Here's a picture of what it entailed.  Ugh, I feel the sweat forming just thinking about it.  It was deceptively hard.  One quick glace and I was like, "I can totally handle this".  Three rounds in, I was chest-heaving so hard, it felt like I had just run straight uphill for a mile in 95 degree heat with 100% humidity.  Holy. Moly!
 That's 7 different moves:
Goblet squats, the blasted burpee, sumo squats with a high pull, plank with a dumbbell row (each arm), overhead lunges with a plate, V-ups with a plate.
Now here's the fun (or not fun) part.  You start at 10 reps a piece, then do 9, 8, get the idea.  THEN, just when you get down to 1, you go back to, and finish at 5.  I looked at that board and was like....Shut the front door, I got this.  I'm a BA. This is right up my alley.
What I didn't realize is that in the first round, you've already done 70 reps.  Seventy.  Begins with a 7, ends with a 0.  That's a lot!!! Then you have to keep going! If you add this up, this winds up being 490 total reps. 
So my awesome friend Sarah agreed to work out with me tonight.  And the workout was not really a partner thing, but we wound up being next to each other the whole time, so it was fun to push each other.  Get a gym buddy y'all.  It's way better to have an accountability partner than working out alone.  Because if you work out alone, you're going to be that person in the weight room that is texting your friend, not lifting weights, and then you decide to just go home. 
When we got down to reps 2, then 1....we were like "YEAHHHHHHH WE ARE AWESOME AND SO SWEATY!!!"  And then, we realized we have to go back up to 5.  It was brutal, but we made it. 
I would just like to say that I think that burpees were seriously misnamed.  They should totally be called barfees.  Because that's what I felt like doing tonight.  Barfee-ing all over the floor.  That's doing a burpee, standing up, and then tossing your cookies on your workout partner.  And amazingly, when you get down to just one burpee, you think you would be super stoked. But you've already done around 60, and it's crazy how hard it is to fling yourself on the floor just one time.  I hated the one burpee/barfee just as much as the first 10. 
I can't complain too much.  I had a blast.  I know I torched a ton of calories tonight.  It was super hard, but it just proved that I'm able to do way more than I think I can.  The BEST part of the night was being done, and then a sweet guy in our class, Tom, finished up his last round said this: "Well I may be older, but I finished!"  Yes you did Tom, be proud. 

And then he got a picture with all the ladies :)
Happy Thursday y'all!  Challenge yourself and don't quit.  You never know what you are truly capable of until you try.  Tonight, I rocked 70 barfees and wanted to give up, but I did it. 
OH by the way, don't ya'll love the new blog design?! I am super happy with it.  Thank you Beth B for your vision and bringing my little space on the interwebs to life!  I woke up at 1 AM this morning just to look at it.  You ROCK!

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