Monday, August 19, 2013

Accidental Recovery Week

Hello everyone!!! I'm back from a few days of unplugging to start up the week with a fun post for your Monday.  Welcome to how I accidentally decided to not work out for a week and totally enjoyed it.
Every once in awhile, I just hit a fitness wall.  I think I definitely hit it recently when I started coming home to see my laundry look like this almost every day...full of sweaty clothes...could not wash them fast enough...and it was just gross.  Trust me, it was STANK!
Exhibit A:

I mean no matter how much I washed clothes, it was like Groundhog's Day all over again.  So around Tuesday of last week, when I would normally go to my small group training class, I decided to just come home and enjoy a little peace and quiet.
Tuesday turned into Wednesday...then Thursday...then the weekend got here and GASP...I didn't even make it to my Saturday workout (which I rarely miss).  This is exactly how I felt:
What I did have time for were things that I don't normally I'll share...I bought wedding shoes on a whim...SOMETHING BLUE! (Jarrett took one look and was like, um, they're blue.  He did not appreciate the significance but oh well).
I won a blog giveaway, my first EVER! Shout out to Morgan at Fat to Fit Confessions.  She is a mom losing weight and she is kicking butt and also giving away CUTE cute cute pieces of jewelry from time to time.  I've checked my mailbox everyday for my prize and can't wait to wear them!!!
I enjoyed this view...the weather finally cooled off some and it was SO nice and cool outside.  It felt like fall, which is by far my fave time of year.
We got our season tickets for USC Football, and I have stared at these things a few times just for fun.  CAN'T.  WAIT. 

I realized it's 4 months until our wedding as of last Thursday, so I worked on making my mom's veil look more white than yellow :) Still have a ways to go but this is a major improvement. 
All in all, I just did things that I wanted to do.  I didn't set a schedule.  I didn't plan to not work out.  It just kind of happened.  And you know what, I felt rested, relaxed and when today rolled around, I was ready to hit up the gym. 
Sometimes you just need to stop for a second and recover.  I don't know about you guys but my life is physically and mentally demanding.  I work hard so I can play hard.  But sometimes I work too hard and I can just feel myself becoming tired and not energetic.  Working out is supposed to give you energy, which is a major difference I've noticed in the past few months.  My energy level is way above where it used to be before I started losing weight.  But one of my last workouts before my recovery week made me sore, tired, and I just knew I needed to take a brief rest. 
One of my spinning instructor friends said it best one time.  She taught a recovery ride to a very busy class on a Saturday morning, which is prime time gym time for most hardcore people.  As soon as the words "recovery" slipped out of her mouth, you could feel the energy in the room shift.  Everyone was expecting a crazy ride, full of sweat puddles and stanky air.  But that's not what she went for.  And she said this: "I am not a good instructor if I don't teach you how to recover.  I am doing you a disservice if all I do is whip you day in and day out and don't show you how wonderful recovery is".
It was one of the best rides I remember.  I felt at peace, relaxed, and even pretty sweaty by the end of it.  Listen to your body.  It's there to tell you when you can push your limits and when you can slow down.  I'm so glad I listened to mine last week. 
Happy Monday y'all!

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