Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm not ready to birth babies but I love my nephew for teaching me this

So I've posted a lot of serious things lately, mostly about working out and being mentally sound.   I felt like posting something funny tonight, so here goes.
Jarrett and I had a very awesome and tiny little guest spend some time with us yesterday.  Our favorite (and only) nephew Brody stopped by to hang out for a bit while his mom had her hairdo did.  I mean, how can you not love those cheeks and big huge eyes???
  Anywho, this little guy inspired my blog post today. 
I'm sure a lot of you just read the title of this post and thought...."OMG is she???" Let me dispel the rumors by saying NO, I'm definitely not with child.  I'm sure my parents are breathing a big sigh of relief. I will not be pulling this move come December:
(Although truth be told, I did just purchase a maxi skirt from Target this weekend and it was so cute, that even when realizing it was for the pregnant ladies, I bought it anyway.  It was on sale and comfy.)
Brody blessed us with his presence this past December and has been the center of the Davis family ever since.  I must admit, having a nephew for the first time REALLY brought on some baby fever for both me and J.  We've always said we'll be married awhile and see what happens.  It's funny, I feel like the rest of the world always wants to know what's going on in Uterus-ville.  I feel like that happened right after we got engaged, which struck me as odd.  We pretty much had only a few wedding ideas and we started getting the whole "so, any plans for a family?" question.   I felt like my ovaries were on the outside of my body or something. 
So it's a pretty big life event we know we want to happen, but just not sure when.  Babysitting this little guy yesterday definitely was a great reality check. Not to say that we were like "OK YOU CAN GO NOW" when his mom showed up.  No, but it did show us how much work babies are.  So here are a few things I learned, along with gratuitous cuteness overload.
 1. Babies need a lot of attention and distraction.  See all those toys? He would play with one for about 5 minutes, then be done with it.  Pick up another, play, laugh, then be done.  That's like 10 minutes of distraction.   And then he looked at me like "Now what, funny lady? What else you got?"
 2. They have to be fed every few hours.  Sometimes, I look at my cat's food bowl and if it's still halfway full, I'm like "meh, she's ok", and then I leave her be.  (Then she meows furiously when I get home and demands that her bowl be filled to the rim, which will take several days to finish off).
3. They fight sleep HARD.  This little guy did.  No matter what lullaby I would sing or how much I dimmed the lights, I would sneak a peek at what I thought was a sleeping baby and find that he was wide awake and staring at me. 
4. They poop and pee a lot.  I didn't take any pictures of that.
5.  They really like fans and lights on the ceiling.  There was a lot of looking upward and he was mesmerized by the fan moving around.  I guess inside a little mind, that is really cool.   See? He loved it!
6. Once they are semi-mobile, they will roll around like baby alligators trying to escape their captor.  And it's hard to stop the roll once it starts.  You just have to eyeball them CONSTANTLY once they hit the phase where they are almost ready to crawl.  I mean this kid is not even walking and I felt like I ran a marathon with him yesterday with him rolling on the floor.
All in all, I felt like I learned a LOT.  It was really eye-opening, so much to the point that it made me rethink my potential baby-having timeline. I'm sure all the potential grandparents are like....sigh, ok, we'll wait a few MORE years I guess..  I think J was even thinking, yeah, we got some time.  I know that children are a blessing and will enrich our lives, but I'm also ready to enjoy being married for awhile with our one furry child.  Maybe 2 if we get ambitious about getting a dog. 

I will say, after the Brodster left yesterday, the house was really quiet and I was slightly sad.  There were no baby coos, no sweet giggles, and no toots coming from the below the belt region.  Life returned to normal for the time being, but I can't wait to see that little stinker again soon.  And I really hope that I can be a good aunt and a good influence on his life.  He brought me so much laughter yesterday.
Just a little Gone With the Wind to end this post...Happy Hump Day!!!

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