Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Running Free!

Happy Tuesday you guys! Let me start by saying I had one of THE MOST amazing weekends I've had in a long time.  First of all, the weather in Charleston was gorgeous and there was no rain for once.  It was just hot and sunny, perfect end of the summer weather.
Second, I spent some awesome bonding time with my dear friend Steph and her husband Mike.  Since J has to work a lot of weekends, I usually wind up doing some shopping or making my own fun, but I was super pumped when these 2 asked me to join them for drinks on Saturday afternoon.  This was our view...
Photo: Best place to be on a Saturday. #neverwannaleave
Unbelievable.  Drinks turned into a long dinner, filled with good talks, lots of laughs, and I think some Robin Thicke dancing ensued at some point.  Sunday was also awesome.  I participated in a beach baptism at our church.  Steph got to join as well.  I think it's pretty cool that she and I have traveled the world together, we'll have been a part of each other's weddings, and now we've shared in an even more cool experience together.  All in all, a top weekend in the books.  Couldn't be happier right now.
I've been waiting to write this post for awhile because I know people are going to read it and probably assume that I need to go on Dr. Phil and talk it out with the big guy.  But let me just start out by saying that I consider running one form of therapy for me, as well as this blog..so here goes. 
Physically, running is one of the most amazing cardiovascular workouts out there.  You're bound to burn over around 100 calories for every 10 minutes you spend pounding the pavement.  The other great thing about running is you're working literally every muscle in your body.  Legs, arms, back, abs, your butt is bouncing around everywhere.  It doesn't matter how often I run, I know that I will always be sore the day after a really great sweat session.  I also love the fact that running doesn't involve a lot of thinking behind it...you just lace up your shoes and go. Yeah you may have to watch to the occasional friendly dog or in my neighborhood, spastic golf cart full of teenagers. But it's a chance to just get up and go.  No crazy choreography or complicated moves.  Just head out the door, go somewhere, and then come back.
Here's the truth behind running for me.  I've found that I usually lace up my shoes when I'm feeling like I need to just get out, clear my head, and gather all my thoughts.  It's a mental thing for me now.  Some of you are probably going "Ok Becca.....that sounds like you may be running AWAY from whatever is going on in life".  But not really.  I feel like I'm running toward a solution when I step out the door.  Maybe a solution to my fitness, a solution to an issue, or just a chance to get out and enjoy nature. The reason I run is really no longer physical for me.  It's a mental thing.  I recall the last half marathon I did a few years ago.  I remember getting to mile 12 and my body was almot done.  And then I remember that I had put songs at the end of my playlist that would motivate me to keep going.  I included things like parts of the soundtracks from "300" and "The Dark Knight".  They were intense, grinding, and it just pushed me forward even when I wanted to stop.  I remember looking up and seeing a finish line and watching my mom run alongside me and take my picture.  That was such a cool moment.  It made me realize that I had my physical limits, but my brain pushed me through when I really needed it.
I used to run all sorts of races and rack up major mileage during the week. Now, I run because I need a chance to just be free in the moment.  I write this today because I look around and I see people that are literally chained to situations that they can't free themselves from.  Maybe it's something that happened in your past that resurfaces over and over again.  Maybe it's a situation at work that no matter what you do to make it better, it stays in a stagnant place.  Maybe you criticize yourself so much to the point that you feel like a slave the mirror and the scale.  If there is anything I've learned from writing this blog over the past 3 months, it's that life is so amazing and rich that if you spend all your time running away from everything, you'll miss out all the wonderful things.   
I wrote about standing firm in who you are and what you believe in.  That is still true here, but you also have to be free of things that hold you back from being a better person.  Even if you can only run a few steps, or just want to get out and walk...just get out there and start to let the thoughts come and go.  Take a few deep breaths once the blood starts pumping and feel how great it is to just be alive.  
Hope you all have a BLESSED Tuesday! J and I have a special visitor coming by to see us today, so I'm sure I'll be blogging about this week.  Stay tuned!


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