Friday, August 9, 2013

It's the freakin' weekend baby!

Hello blog-lovelies! FINALLY...Friday has arrived! I thought it would never get here.  My lack of posting this week is due to the fact that I was sick with a gross stomach...thing.  I won't go into the awful details, but it was pretty disgusting.  That, or I've diagnosed myself as being lactose intolerant. Is WebMD the best thing ever created??? Either way, I'm glad to be back to reality and sharing some of the gut busters from this week's gym sessions.
Tuesday consisted of this workout:

2 circuits, both deceptively hard.  This looks like the shortest workout ever right? WRONG

Circuit 1: (x4)
10 Hang Cleans
5 Pull Ups
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts.  Think really wide grip, super heavy weight. 

Circuit 2: (again, x4)
10 Reverse Lunges with dumbells on shoulders
Run 1 lap (in the heat or rain)
Run 1 more lap (steaming hot humidity)

So circuit one was amazing and fast and I was like, SWEET, bring on the hard stuff.  Boy did I bite off more than I could chew.  That second circuit with the barfees was so hard.  It was the running the lap part AFTER slamming yourself on the floor ten times that was crazy.  But my new workout buddy Tom pushed me through and even raced me on one lap.  I almost barfeed. but once again, I made it. 

Wednesday I was miserable...this is my sick face...(no Mom, that's not sexy lingerie, it's my nightgown...).  I did make it to dinner with two friends and they were so sweet to hang out with me while I wasn't feeling awesome. 
Thursday I  recuperated...and then Friday dawned with all it's glory!!!
Ok so here is tonight's workout, fresh from the chalkboard:
50 of all of those things.  Including barfees.  But it's called a "chipper" because you can chip away at it on your own.  So you can do 10-10-10...etc.  Or all 50 at once.  Or 25 and 25.  Either way, it was still brutal.  Here is my shirt after tonight's workout...oh and something was up with the A/C, also known shirt looks like I went swimming in it:
So I did finish this, but it was super tough after being out of commission for 2 days and probably somewhat dehydrated.  Once again, victory is mine.  Another tough workout in the books.  BOOM. Done.
I think my new favorite phrase (and I used it earlier) is "deceptively hard".  That's how these workouts were this week.  They looked ok, but when you really got into them, they wound up being insanely crazy.  That's a lot like life in general.  You tell yourself "I got this bro" when it comes to a certain situation...10 hours later, you're still trying to figure out what you need to do.  But that's the beauty of life you guys.  I don't think it's ever meant to be easy.  We're not really living unless we go through the experiences, whether they are light and easy or down and dirty. 
A lot of people lately are noticing my physical progress.  They ask me how much weight I've lost or what size I'm in now.  Or I hear this a lot "hey girl HEY your face is SKINNY!" Thanks you guys!  The cool part is, I know I'm doing some really hard, crazy stuff and loving every minute of it.  I don't look at 50 barfees and regret them later.  I may hate them in the moment, but it's worth it to know that my deceptively hard workout didn't own me.  I owned it.
Own it you guys. My new philosophy is that I don't let the weekend start until I've completed a weekend workout. 
Happy Friday!

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