Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bye Bye 2013!

Happy 2014 Everyone!  Everyone seemed to get their posts in yesterday, but between work and cooking a huge meal (dessert included, which I don't ever do), I found myself busy right up until 11:00 last night.  Just enough time to snuggle with my guy, catch some bowl game action, and watch the ball drop at midnight.  In my younger years, I used to buy the most glittery dress I could find, spend too much money on tickets to do something stupid, and watch people drink too much champagne.   Now, I'm perfectly happy under a blanket with my furry baby and my man each year. 
Last night had me doing a lot of reflecting.  I think that's pretty common for everyone as one year comes to a close and another one starts.  2013 was a HUGE year for me.  I got engaged to my best friend.  I got serious about my health.  I had some highs and lows in my job. I started this blog and got amazing feedback on it. I got married in front of all my dear friends and family.  So far, it's been the best of my life.  I could not be happier right now. 
I'm not one to make resolutions, but I'm all about revelations instead.  There are things that have been revealed to me over 31 one years that causes me to stop and think pretty deeply today.  It feels a bit like a Thanksgiving for me, because I am so grateful for so much, but here are a few things I've learned in 2013.
I've learned that I could let someone love me and make myself completely vulnerable to that person.  J opened up my world to love.  I was pretty independent and proud to be a single girl until he shattered all that mess.  Now, I'm completely content that he wants to take care of me in so many ways.  And he does.  Thanks honey. 
I learned that no matter what, there will always be haters for no reason.  People will trash you...for no reason.  They will be angry at you...for no reason.  Yes they will mean-mug you...for no reason.  I'm having to learn to get better at ignoring that because I take things very seriously.  Now that I know the haters exist and who they are, I'm leaving them behind in 2013.  I don't have room for that on this bandwagon.
I've learned that family will always be there for you, no matter what.  My mom, dad and sister have been my biggest cheerleaders in everything.  They continue to rally for me all the time.  I am so blessed to have them in my life.
I've learned that I have the best friends in the world and they are a hodgepodge of childhood friends and people I've known only a few years.
I've learned that in losing weight and getting fit this year, I won't go back to the person I was 8 months ago in April 2013.  Health will be at the forefront of my life from now on, with my focus moving to weight and interval training.  I figured it out this year and it's what works best for me.
I've learned that J and I will have our own timeline when it comes to having kids and we're ok with that.  We love them and want to have them, but we're not ready just yet.  But when it does happen, it will be awesome.  J will be an amazing dad.  I have this vision of having a daughter and coming home one day to find him playing tea party with her, bows and ribbons tied everywhere in his 'do.  Or teaching our son to throw a perfect spiral. It will be great, but there's still time for us.  We want to enjoy our marriage for a bit before babies come along.
I've learned that I should stop having second thoughts on things.  I have to go with my gut.  Even if it means sucking it up through hard, crazy times, it will be worth it.  Life is about change and growth, if you don't take a risk, you'll never understand the full benefits. 
I've learned that blogging has tapped into a really personal part of myself that I love revealing all the time, so I'm going to keep with it.  Today is my 51st post, so onto 100 and more.  So many people have told me how proud of me they are about blogging, while other are confused about why I do it.  I really don't care who I please, it's the audience that I reach and inspire that is worth the time and the effort.
On that note, I'm learning that I can't please everyone, and that's ok.  I've been a "yes" man all my life, and now, I've learned to say no and you know what? It feels GREAT when I do it. 
I've learned to be smarter about money.  In the evenings on the way home from work, I listen to Dave Ramsey.  (Yes, I know, I'm old for doing that).  He has killer advice and I am about to apply his principles to our income this year.  Debt free in 2014!
Finally, I've learned that no matter what, you just keep going.  Quitting is not an option in this life.  Some days are better than others and easier, but those hard days make you realize how strong you really are.  Whether is battling a bad work situation or pulling a sled of almost 200 pounds, I'm stronger than I've ever been.  And I will only get stronger this year.
Happy New Years Y'all!  Enjoy your day and make it a memorable one.

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