Monday, January 6, 2014

Combating the Negatives in 2014

Hey y'all!

It's Monday!!! (thumbs down) It's also cold as balls out there (double thumbs down), so bundle up and get your sweat on.  Maybe do some JM Yoga Meltdown.  You can read about my DVD review of that here.


Follow all of the #jmdvdchallenge stuff on Instagram!  It's really fun to see all of the posts, so go check out your fave bloggers and join in the fun.  

Tonight, I wanted to talk about change and fighting against negativity in the new year.  As most of you know, a lot has happened recently in my little simple life. Even more stuff has happened just last week.  I found out that I'm transitioning to a new role in my career (same company, different job).  It's a little unnerving and pushing me outside of my comfort zone, but I'm up for a challenge and ready for a change.  

While in the Bahamas, Jarrett and I sat talking on a dock one day about this very thing...change.  So much had already happened to us in just a few days, so it was the topic of convo (while drinking rum).  Should we buy a house? Do we build a house? Do we combine all the bank accounts into one? How in the world did we manage to become adults? Do we have babies in 6 months or just travel, drink and damage our livers a little more?

See? Lots of change.

We tried not to bring up work while relaxing, but we talked about some of our work issues and how we were feeling about changes there.  And I knew I was ready for a change, and J has been for awhile.  I didn't expect it to happen so soon, but I'm feeling happy about it. 

Here's the thing that I'm learning about change.  It will make you second guess yourself.  You may be like "YES, bring it ON Change!"....and then the next minute you're like "ugh, I shouldn't have changed, I should have stayed where I was comfortable!!!".  It's not comfortable.  In fact, in our marriage counseling, our minister talked about how we both react to change.  I do manage to handle it well and can roll with things when they happen.  I guess that comes from being a preacher's kid and moving around all my life.  Jarrett is more suited with knowing what he's doing, all the time, with little change.  But he does deal well when things come up, so it's a good balance to have. 

But still, it scares the crap out of me to think about stepping into a new role, a hard one, and then moving forward into the unknown (As Tom Petty sings "Into the Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Wide Open").

Well...I'm about to say bump that noise.  Forget being scared.  I took a look back at my life over the last year and thought about how unafraid I was by just starting this blog.  I put my fluffy butt out there for the world to hold me accountable.  I talked about my ups and downs.  I shared all of the good and bad moments.  What's all of that compared to accepting a new opportunity at work?

I feel like it's such a negative stance to sit back and say "nah uh, not changing, not moving, not getting up and doing anything different".  When my boss talked to me about this opportunity, I didn't need much time to think it over and accept it.  And then, I gave myself ONE MINUTE of self doubt to be like "I can't do this, what am I thinking? Why not just stay the same? I know what I'm doing, I don't want to be the new kid again!"  And I told him that.  And he had to talk me back to a normal state of mind.  Nothing is ever easy, neither is life, so may as well take a chance.'s time to shake it up.  Saying yes to change and letting go of what's comfortable.  

So that's my new goal for this year.  I know, I know, it's not New Years anymore and we're not smooching away 2013, but I am still forming a few goals for this year.  I'm saying yes to whatever comes my way.  

Keep up with all the blog updates this week and the rest of the month for more Jillian updates, work updates, life updates...just all new things in 2014 :)

 Night you guys!

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