Monday, January 20, 2014

Sickly Post

Hi all!

So I've finally come down with...something.  All the stress of the wedding and holidays and all I got was a fever blister.  Now, I'm laying in bed, can hardly move, and have tremendous nausea and a stuffy nose.

To answer the burning question...there is no bun in the oven.  I checked the oven. There's just oven racks in there :)

I'm pretty sure my deskmate felt like this today:

Funny Get Well Ecard: It was brave of you to come into work with the flu and give us all the flu.

She has a kid, I'm pretty sure she sprayed Lysol all over my desk and chair when I left.  No flu, but something just doesn't feel fantastic.  So I'm resting this evening.

Being sick always throws me into a huge inner turmoil over one thing.  Working out.  Do I do it? Do I just suck it up since I came to work and now go to the gym, while feeling miserable?  Or do I just go home and rest and not work out?  This one always stumps me because I've done both in the past.  Back in the days of being a hardcore runner, 5 miles with a cold was nothing.  (But then I would feel like butthole for 3 days, yes, I said BUTTHOLE!).

As I get older and hopefully a little wiser, I've started to err on the side of caution and just go home.  Sleep.  Drink lots of water.  Actually take real medicine.  Hunker down under a blanket and just ride out your fever.  Or sometimes I sleepwith a bowl next to my head.  How do you home remedy but not eat all of the things?

Funny Seasonal Ecard: Here's to shivering under blankets on the sofa burning as many calories as going to the gym.

Do you guys remember being in college and being sick?  Like away from your mom for the first time?  When all you wanted was for your lovely mother to come bring you chicken soup but you had to deal with your roomie bringing you some lukewarm spaghetti noodles instead.  (Not me though, I had an amazing college roomie, she took great care of me always!)  I have fond memories of so many nasty gross germs all from co-habitating with 20,000 girls in one dorm.  And we always shared drinks, shared lip gloss, shared cigarettes.  It's a wonder we all didn't contract the same strand of some terrible fungus from sharing all of the things.  I was fortunate to not have the mono-meltdown mid semester but I remember SO many people that got it.  I mean these peeps would SHUT. DOWN.  Full on hibernate, in class, feverish and bleary eyed in their college sweat pants.  And then they would disappear for a month and be quarantined to their dorm room only to lose 15 pounds by subsisting alone on ginger ale and mac and cheese.

Bottom line: Nobody wants your crud.  Stay home.  

I do have one bright spot looming for me while being the sickly one in the bunch.  I ordered my very first HAC Pack last night and will be checking the mail EVERY single day until it gets here. 

I love this Maskcara IIID Foundation HAC Pack! Definitely an easy way to highlight and contour

I had to go with the light, and I'm pretty pale, just hoping that this turns out ok and I don't look like Bella Swan.  

What does HAC stand for? Highlighting and Contouring.  I've already thrown this regimen into my beauty routine, it's just nice to see that there is a kit out there to help you and include everything all on one nice, perfect little package.  

I'll fully review and post some before and afters in a few days once the package arrives.

See you guys in a few hours or days once this grossness clears up.  Until then, Happy Monday!

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