Saturday, January 11, 2014

Celebrating 29!

What up guys!  It's FINALLY the best day of the week.

Today, I turn 29 for the....3rd time.  Last year was by far the birthday of all birthdays (thank you J for proposing!), but so far, my first married birthday has been pretty awesome!  I'm getting together with friends tonight for dinner and we're doing the adult thing of drink and eat early so we can all go home and crash before 11 in order to have a productive Sunday.  #adulthangoverssuck

I will say, that Facebook is a wonderful thing and makes you feel so loved.  Who knew that technology would bring us all closer together???

Ok so I'm linking up with some lovely ladies because I definitely need the accountability here lately, so welcome to Follow Through Friday! (I'm a day late obviously, but better late than never!)


 So I'll be honest.  Jillian Michaels stopped happening for me right around...Tuesday.  It's not due to the voice aggravation, or the left eye squint, but the transition to my new job happened RAPIDLY and I had to like rework my life in a matter of a few days.  And learn new things.  And like study for what I feel like are college exams. 

The one thing I did do well with is eating.  Because I like have time to throw back some food, and it was mostly salads and healthy leftovers.  I ate oatmeal a lot for breakfast and drank LOADS of water.  And coffee, because I literally am like trying to be awake as long as I can during the day to learn all the new things I need to learn.  Which is a lot.

I am going to try to get back on track with J-Dawg (I did do some P90X this week, so that helped), but in the meantime, I've also decided to get back on track with my weekly small group training.  I just do a better job in a group of people and a fun trainer.  And someone is yelling at me.  Or slow clapping as I stand up from a heavy squat.  All of that starts back on 1/16, so look for some upcoming WODs that you can do yourself in the gym or at home.  Lots of kettle bells and chin ups, can't wait!  Time to lose some of the holiday fluff.

Link up for the party each week and let us all know how you're following through with whatever is important to you this year.  I always say that fitness is not just a one time thing, it's a change to your life that has to stay permanent.  That's my goal in 2014.  Not to become the Chubby Spin Instructor all over again.  

Short and sweet post today guys.  Tomorrow I'm going to attempt for the first time in awhile to Sunday food prep so that I can have an easy week when it comes to bringing food to work and staying on track.  Same for the hubs, he's getting some sandwiches in bags to take to work and SAVE US MONEY (ahem, cough cough, stop buying stuff at the gas station, I see it in the bank account).

Happy Saturday y'all and enjoy your weekend!

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