Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hurt so GOOD!

Hey everyone!

So since Monday, I've decided to get back on the fitness band wagon by setting foot inside the gym.

It was a big step and I was a "wittle" scared....but I did it.

Tuesday I took my very first spin class since November...and I loved it.  I have MISSED being on that bike and inside that sweaty, dark room that sounds like a club.  

And then there's always THIS feeling after you haven't been in forever...

Tonight led me back to the world of my training class.  A lot of people have asked me "oh, you do Crossfit?" Not exactly.  This is something through my gym that has a different name, but it's very similar to Crossfit.  There's lots of kettlebells, ropes, and pull up bars.  It's awesome and I love every minute of it while hating simultaneously...if that makes any sense.

It's a little bit like this...

I knew tonight was going to suck and that I would be super sore and tired.  I also drank about 3 glasses of wine last night which contributed to a slight hangover and mental fog all day.  So, I knew that class would REALLY really really be a toughie.

5 Rounds for Time of:
5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Overhead Thrusts
Followed by 20 pull ups

My arms are officially jello as I type this post tonight.  And I won't lie, I had to bust those pull ups into sets of 5 with a band.  And I could only do about 10.  

I will say, picking up the lightest bar with the lightest weight tonight really humbled me because it made me realize how quickly I can let myself go when I get lazy.  I was squatting some serious weight about 2 months ago and throwing around big manly kettlebells. Now, I feel like I'm starting all over.  I never really gained much weight during my time off (only about 4 pounds), but I've gotten soft and fleshy and I am so ready to get that muscular lean body back.  Beastmode is about to resume in a big way.  I have big goals for 2014. 

I had a flashback in my mind tonight of the time that I sweated in the Belk's dressing room so hard while trying on a size 8 suit for a business trip that I thought would fit.   This was about 2 years ago.  Because no matter how much weight I gained, I just remained at a size 8 in my mind.  The pants wouldn't even pull together to button and I seriously knew I would split the butt if I sat down.  The jacket was pretty much a throwback to "Fat Guy in a Little Coat".  

I felt so awful, and had to go up to a size 12.  I hung my head as I walked out of the store.  I shed some tears in my car. Even then, that didn't open my eyes.  I knew things were not great, but I had a great man that didn't care if I was an 8 or a 12.   I had so many people tell me "you're beautiful at any size".

If there is one thing I've learned in this journey, it's that you have to get uncomfortable in order to see progress.  I had to almost vomit on the floor tonight and want to quit to make me realize that I'm doing the right thing for myself.  I had to struggle to make myself realize that I can definitely do it.  

This is a girl that's had an amazing and tiring week.  I've already worked forty hours in four days.  I found the strength to just keep going.  I managed to not eat like it was still Christmas.  The more I do, the more I realize that I can do just about anything.

Keep pushing my friends! 

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