Thursday, December 26, 2013

Getting back on the Wagon Wheel!

Hello blog lovers.  Happy Thursday!  As promised, some healthiness to bring you out of your sugar/alcohol coma also known as...the holidays.
Funny Christmas Season Ecard: My favorite part of the holiday season is blaming my long-term weight gain on the holiday season.
Ok first of all, before I dive right into talking about how to stay healthy during the holidays, I have to throw some support out to my girl Skinny Meg.  It's funny, when you start blogging, it's usually because you are inspired by other bloggers, and Megan happens to be one of those people.  She's has an amazing story of weight loss and getting healthy forever, all while growing her cute little family in Texas.  I literally get pumped for a "bumpdate" every week to see how her pregnancy is going.  I don't personally know her, but in the blog world, you make all kinds of friends with people you don't know.

Seriously, Jarrett hears me talk about these girls and thinks they are like imaginary friends.  Like Jan Brady's imaginary boyfriend George Glass.  But they're not.  They're amazing strong women that have a story to tell.  Which is what inspired me to tell my story. 
Anywho, my skinny blog friend received some unwarranted criticism today and while I won't go into the details, as that is her business, all I can say is that I'm appalled by the lack of respect that exists in this world.    Especially between women.  We tear each other down...for what?  We throw jabs and say things that result in hurt feelings and sheer jealousy.  I don't think I will ever understand why this happened, but Meg, you are lovely, and so is your family, and your blog community is behind you 100%.  I hope you know that you inspire and continue to inspire me as I read your posts each week. 
Ok so enough of my soap box, but for real y'all.  Don't hate. Appreciate. 
SO the holidays were not that bad as far as eating went.  Fortunately, I ate a TON of seafood on the honeymoon, so I know I boosted my Omega-3 intake by like 300%.  Which made feel really awesome.  Or maybe that was all the rum I drank....
Regardless, we all know that being fit is 80% what you put into your body.  If you put in French fries and bacon and cheese (while that's yummy and great), then most likely your butt will look like greasy fries covered in cheese and bacon.
Here are a few tips to getting back on the wagon after shoving in too many cookies and glasses of champagne.
1. REHYDRATE! Drink water.  All day long.  Dehydration headaches are the WORST so when you start to feel parched and crappy during the day, get 8 oz's, throw it back and then get some more.
2. IF you aren't ready for the gym yet, your best bet is a workout DVD that has collected dust in the past few months.  Since I've done my training program, I haven't had the need to bust out Jillian Michaels's crazy self for awhile.  Thank God.  Because her voice makes me want to scream and cry all at once.  But until training starts back up in mid January, I'm getting my workouts in 20-30 minutes at a time and going full force.  Turn off E! News and get your sweat on.

3. STOP. DRINKING. (Booze).  This is a hard one because this time of year is so celebratory.  And I feel like I could exist on red wine alone in the wintertime.  But alcohol converts to sugar, and sugar turns into butt dimples and bat wings.  Maybe start to moderate and not drink yourself to sleep each night.
4. Work out in the daylight/morning.  Have I mentioned that I despise the time change? It happened 2 months ago and I still hate it.  Getting dark at 5:30 makes me want to put on sweatpants at 5 PM and retire to my couch with some Doritos.  Get up. get moving and get your day started.
And last but not least...since this post started out talking about support...
5. Get a buddy! Working out alone sucks.  Drinking alone sucks.  Everything is way better with a partner in crime.  Find someone that doesn't wish to shovel in food any longer and starting getting sweaty together.  Chances are, you will push each other and your pants will start getting looser the more you laugh, talk and run/Jazzercise.
Ok guys, it was a long first day back at work after being gone for so long, so this little blogger is heading to bed and getting some sleep.  I'm reviewing a few DVDs after I test some out over the weekend.  Some I've owned and others I acquired from friends, so if you need some good workouts coming up, I'll hopefully have some good, if not funny, reviews of DVD-workout land.  It's a scary place...but it's free and you can do this in your living room.  Tony Horton says it all the time. 
Until next time, grab some water, your tennis shoes and let's get back on the wagon together!

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