Monday, July 29, 2013

Standing Firm

The weekend is officially over.  Insert sad face here.  My parents were here all weekend and we had SUCH a blast having them in Charleston.  My dad spent most of the weekend looking like this:

Fix all the things!  Seriously though, that man is a lifesaver.  He can build/do/solve just about anything.  He even brought me a Dr. Phil book to read.  He made delicious turkey spaghetti for us to eat.  He even shopped ALL DAY on Saturday with me and my mom.  That's dedication to your family. 

So time to start all over.  It's Monday.  I wanted to start off the week with a new post that's a little two-fold.  I've had two thoughts really dominate my brain lately.  Standing firm and running free. I feel like I'm finding a good balance between those two thoughts in my personal life, so I thought I would share.  Part of this post is going to relate to the physical aspects of standing firm, the other half will be dedicated to mentally grounding yourself in what you believe.

Tonight, I did a little weight lifting with some friends by taking a Body Pump class. 

While I list Spinning as one of my first loves, I've started to become a little obsessed with weight training.  Why? Because when I first met with my Doctor back in April this year, on what I like to call Dooms Day (the day I figured out I was fat), she really encouraged me to start lifting weights in order to burn additional calories, thus leaning myself out and losing weight.  She could not have been more correct.  I started really focusing in my training classes a few times a week.  I saw some big time gains over a few months.  I used to not be able to bench press the bar (45 lbs), and now, I can press about 95 lbs on a good day.  I could not do a single hang clean with correct form for about 5 months.  I am really uncoordinated with some things, so it took me a long time to master the movement.  Finally, one day, after working with an awesome and patient trainer over and over (thanks Colt!), I was able to do a proper hang clean. That right there was like winning the lottery.

The one thing that I gathered from going to class and going to Body Pump over and over is that building muscle takes time and patience.   My fat did not start to melt away easily.  I was sore every single time, so I knew something good was happening.  Basically, I learned that this process would take dedication, patience, and a whole lot of perseverance.  There are days where I want to punk out and grab the little kettle bell.  Instead, I go with what I can handle at first, and then I build on that.

Quick shout out to my homeslice Ashley that attended Body Pump tonight.  This girl was anti-work out for as long as I can remember.  She recently joined the gym and is loving how she feels.  Good job dudette, save me some biceps, ok?

Now that I've imparted the physical part of lifting weights, let me get down to the mental part.  I've been challenged on a professional level lately.  I've had to really look inside myself and question over and over if I'm doing the right thing.  One of the things that kept popping into mind as I was starting to doubt myself was the phrase "stand firm".  I know that like weight training, dealing with tough situations will take patience and perseverance.  We all have our moments where we want to break down, throw up our hands, and just be done with things.  I've had to fight that feeling by just digging in my heels and trying to remain as calm as possible.  I think the major thing to remember here is that just like physically training yourself for greatness, you have to be consistent.  You have to lift the weight, strain, struggle, but do it over and over again.  You have to know that improvement is happening, even if you can't see it immediately.  You have to be steady and constant to those that are around you. 

For you all that know me personally (or just via the interwebs), you all know that I am a crazy, nutjob, insane University of South Carolina football fan.  I have been going to games with my dad since I was 5, and now, it's a tradition that I get to share with my fiancĂ©.  One of my favorite players of all time is an incredible running back named Marcus Lattimore. 

You guys probably know him for his amazing speed and unbelievable touchdown runs during his short college career. If you Google him, you will probably also know him for the gut-wrenching, stomach-churning injury that occurred this past October when his knee was completely dislocated.  His leg was pointing in an unnatural direction on the field.  I've never been more sad and devastated for someone that I didn't personally know.  I really thought his career was over. The thing that impressed me most about this young man was his attitude towards adversity.  One of my favorite quotes from an interview he did was this: "Adversity introduces a man to himself".  Adversity makes you face the true person inside so that the only way to move is upward.  Marcus has worked to regain not only his physical ability, but his amazing mental perspective as well.  This guy just doesn't give up.  Not after two knee injuries...on opposite legs.  He continued to push through and impress scouts and NFL coaches so that he would be drafted this year by the San Francisco 49ers.  I see a jersey purchase in my future!  Good job Marcus.  All I can say is I hope that you continue to persevere and inspire so that we can all learn from your example.

Watching someone go through a devastating physical and mental situation is hard, but it makes me realize that we all have challenges to face.  Heck, sometimes not hitting the snooze button 4 times in a row is a challenge. 
Regardless, you have to stand who you are, in what you believe, and in what you're becoming.  Happy Monday y'all!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekend with the fam!

Hi all!

Happy Weekend!

My parents are here and staying with us for the first time ever and it's SO fun!  Even if they are early bird old folks (just kidding), and like to be up at 7:30 on a Saturday.  All of us (J included) had yesterday off and we went to see the place where we're getting married.  Mom and Dad haven't seen it yet and they were very excited to finally get to see the vision we've had for awhile.  Check out Founders Hall here if ya'll want to take a gander. 

We took advantage of being tourists in Charleston yesterday, something I don't get to do often enough, and went to the South Carolina Aquarium.  They had a Madagascar exhibit and we saw some lemurs!!! Unfortunately, these guys didn't look like they liked to move it, move it :)  They were all piled up on a branch just chillaxing, but they sure were interesting.

We enjoyed some Charleston sunshine and good eats all day long.  We went to the beach to try and do some engagement photos, but they were kind of a bust.  I was a little disappointed, but I didn't take into account that being on the beach = lots of my curly hair-do was quickly blown out and my dress was too parachute-like.  I felt like all my pictures looked like I was prepared to take flight from the sand. But it's ok, I was tired and happy last night as I laid my head on the pillow, thankful that I have a great family and that I'll be joining a new one very soon. 

This morning, we went on a very long, sweaty walk around the neighborhood.  See how gross I am right now? (PS-Check out my guns, I feel like my shoulders and arms are starting to look less fat and more firm)

We're off for a few more activities today, but I wanted to stop in and let you guys know I was still alive.   Just lots of cleaning and preparing for family to be here this week, so it's been really busy, but it's also been awesome.   I'm sure our next activities today will include a trip to Lowe' dad is Mr. Fix It and wants to do some small home projects today.  Look, he's already researching this morning. 
Weekend recap will be up after this fun weekend is over.  See you guys next week with some new fun updates.  I've been working on a cool, new blog design with Beth Bradford Design and I can't WAIT to share!  She's put together such a cool look.  Check out her site for a great discount on a  custom blog design.  I am super happy with what she's put together so far, thanks Beth!!! Funny, I've already had 2 people tell me that I'm going to have to change my blog name since I'm losing weight, which is very encouraging. 

Ya'll have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wine + blogging = Inspiration

Hi all!  It's been a few days, so apologies for no blog posts.  Tonight's post is not about fitness, or what I ate today, or my workout.  There are no fun pictures or ecards about how burpess make me want to barf.  I'm taking a little more serious tone, but I promise that my snarky, sarcastic self will be back in full effect soon.

It's been a few days of just dealing with personal things, but today, I wound up having a time of reflection and I had a major light bulb come on (that, and I've also had about 2 glasses of wine).   That light bulb was this: Life is too short, things are really good right now, get out of your funk Rebecca!

Without disclosing my entire personal life, I'll just say that the past few days have been riddled with small things that bogged me down emotionally and mentally.  I've felt tired, uninspired, even sad at times and all for reasons that I just can't put my finger on.  It's days like the past few that I've had that make you want to veg out in your sweatpants on the couch and watch re-runs of The Cosby Show.  Sounds awesome right?

Nope.  I started thinking about this today as I forcefully pulled myself out of my slump.  One, sweatpants or anything with an elastic waistband is a bad idea multiple days in a row.  BECAUSE, when you go to put your real pants on (with an actual button and zipper), they don't fit, you become more sad, and then you put on your big girl pants, and then you feel even more sad. 

Two, re-runs are things you've already seen .  You know the lines by heart.  You remember the episode when Vanessa went to The Wretched concert in Maryland, got robbed, and Claire and Heathcliff were waiting up on her.  But what's the point in watching that? You know the outcome of the story already.  Don't you want to surprise yourself with different endings?

I digress about fat pants and re-runs, but my point is...stop worrying about the small things.  Let's worry about big things and be happy with the progress that has already been made.  As I've spent today almost waking up from a deep sleep, I started thinking about the things and the people that inspire me.  I'm inspired by mentally or physically challenged people in tough situations that make life work and come out on top.   I'm inspired by my parents that have been married 32 years and continue to amaze me with their commitment to each other.  I'm touched and moved by my friends and peers that tell me that they read my blog and love it and to keep on writing.  In the grand scheme of things, these are major life events that matter.  Not a fleeting moment that you replay over and over in your mind.  Or a small regret you had 20 years ago.  Or that delicious cookie that I ate at a company meeting today.

I've written a lot lately about change and transition because that's where my life is.  As I do that, I realize it's hard when life starts to change on a big scale and you have to either get in line and go with it, or else you'll just fight a losing battle.  This life is a beautiful thing and I am kicking myself for wasting 3 days feeling sorry for myself and just rolling around on my pillows.  I'm getting those 3 days back starting now and going forward. 

Life is too short you guys.  This could be your last.   Can you look back and say that you were truly happy as the sun went down on today?

Ok I lied, I do have one picture.  This is the sunset tonight after a company event I attended.  I stood in that salty Charleston breeze, looking at the water and all those gorgeous colors painted in the sky an thought "life does not get much better than this right here".

Feeling blessed y'all!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I totally sucked

So let me tell you guys about yesterday's workout.  It's been oooooooooooooooooh like a week and a half since I've done my small group training (which I love, and try not to miss).  It's called Go Performace AND it rocks my face each time I do a WOD (workout of the day).  I work out with some pretty amazing trainers, they all push me and get behind me when I feel like booty-hole.  Which is pretty much how I felt yesterday.  It was a long day at work, I left really late, and I rolled up in the gym literally pulling my shirt over my head.  (not really, but you get the idea)  Here was the workout.  Next time, I'll link up for Workout Wednesday with Skinny Meg.
7 different moves (so think burpees, kettle bell swings, rope climbs, wall balls....pretty much any type of movement that you would hate for an extended period of time).....times 4 minutes.  THEN when you are done with four minutes of brutal repetition, you go run a lap around the gym.  The round lasts 7 minutes before moving onto the next thing.  Whatever time you have left after your lap is your recovery time.
Sounds fun right?
Not so much.
First of all, I felt like a week and a half of not working out zapped my muscles I was starting to build.  I felt like a complete flabby butt. 
Second, I finished each round dead last.  I'm not really a fast runner at all, but when you're in a class full of people, there's always a little competition.  I did not feel competitive.  I was just happy to make it around the track without collapsing. 
Third, the last thing I did at the end was....yep, burpees.  Imagine 4 minutes of throwing yourself on the ground.  There were a lot of breaks.  A lot of feelings of the vomit making its way into my throat. 
I struggled.  I fought.  I really wanted to quit at times.  But I finished.  My trainer Eli made a good point.  I haven't seen him in awhile, so we were chatting and I mentioned it was my first session in awhile.  And he goes "sometimes you need the kick in the butt to get you back to where you need to be".    How can you not like a guy that puts stuff like this on his Facebook page?

 Thanks, Eli!

Even though yesterday was a really rough workout, it came and went really fast.  So when you convince yourself that you shouldn't go to the gym because you're too tired, too fat, or too busy.....just go.  You'll thank yourself. 
Short post tonight y'all! This southern girl is tired, but is happy it's almost Friday!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New things

Hi everyone!  Sorry for the long hiatus.  Jarrett's birthday is today (happy 35th honey, looks good on you)...and we've been celebrating since Friday.  So I've been out of blog world for a few days, but have a fun NEW post for your Tuesday.  You're welcome.

I thought I would give you guys a few new updates to some things I've been doing/researching/accomplishing.  It's been a busy couple of days.

1.  I've been taking this since last Tuesday...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is that!
Great question, have a good answer.  
Recently, I was in the healthy store near my house and I asked if they have any good supplements.  The bright, perky store owner gave me a few samples of some pill-like substances, which she promised would not make me feel like vomiting up my food while my heart beats out of control.  Well, I KNOW BETTER, because I've taken these things before.  She did, however, throw around the term "CLA" a few times.  I did some research on my own after leaving with my sample crazy pills (which I did not take).  Significant research has shown that this stuff can be found to reduce heart disesase and carcinogens, BUT, the thing that got me was interested is that it increases lean muscle mass, thus increasing metabolism, thus increasing fat loss.  Winner, winner, chicken dinner.   This stuff does not make you feel weird, it's also FDA approved, which is really important.  I've been hovering around the 160 mark for a few days now, so I'm hoping that CLA, along with clean eating and running/training, will break the barrier.  YAY, weight loss. 
2.  I'm thinking about trying out a Paleo lifestyle for the next 30 or so days.  (my fiance is probably groaning right now). 
I've heard a lot of my trainers and workout buddies talk a lot about eating a Paleo diet.  I'm always like.....what's that meaaaaaaaaan????
Like I usually do, I turned to blog world for a little insight and stumbled upon Rachael's blog.  Go check out her before and after.  Amazing results, which just goes to further prove that what you put into your body really does matter.  If you eat fatty, greasy stuff, you will probably be a fatty (and maybe greasy).  But on a serious note, eating this way is going to further help with obtaining that amazing muscle tone that only Jillian Michaels seems to know how to pull off.  So I'm giving it a shot.  No sugar.  No dairy.  (sigh, cheese).  Anything that grew in the ground, swam in the sea, flew in the air, or walked on's all game.  All of those gluten free people that I've probably made fun of for so long, well......I'm about to be one of you. 
3. I'm going to attempt to start running in the morning.  I LOVE my evening training classes, which I will still go to (and must start back up this week, I've been MIA).  But I've been busting out the running shoes and feeling pretty amazing lately, so it's time to start some AM sessions.  I went this morning.  I watched the sun come up.  People were out walking their dogs.  I got a few human and furry hello's.  I just loved the feeling of nature and life teeming all around me as I pounded the pavement. I felt more complete and calm as I drove to work this morning.  I'm going to attempt to make this a habit. 
4. And the most important news of the week is...we're going to the Bahamas for our HONEYMOON!  We found this wonderful little secluded getaway (referred by my maid of honor, she loved this place) on Eleuthera, little place called Gregory Town.  We were planning on going to Asheville, NC, but.....we can do that any weekend we want, this is the chance to get tans at Christmas.  It's not a 5 star resort and there is no maid, but it looks like it's millions of miles away from reality.  Which we'll need after the big day.  We're both so excited and I'm even more motivated to stay in shape so I can post bikini pictures up in December.  Without a dress covering the bikini. 
Happy Tuesday ya'll!  And Happy Birthday to J.  Life is SO much better with him in the picture.  Even if he does stick his chin out a lot and make this face in selfies :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Things I'm not...

This week has been a time of self reflection.  Not sure why, nothing major happened that would cause me to ask myself a million questions...about myself.  But I started thinking about the ways I define who I am.  I'm a spin instructor.  I'm a woman.  I am a preacher's kid (that right there probably explains a LOT).  I'm a country girl and city girl all at the same time.  I really love Christmas, probably more than Buddy the Elf. 

I began to think about some of the things I'm not, because there are definitely things out there that don't and should not define us.  I felt pretty liberated in breaking the boundaries on the things that don't define me so I thought I would share.  Since I'm in a year of transition in my life, understanding who I am has been very important.  I think it's because at the end of the year, I'll be taking on a new identity as a wife, a new last name, and eventually, a mother.  Mama Laughlin's post yesterday about self worth really brought that home in thinking about how important I am to myself. 

Side note...if you are offended or just don't understand, I really can't help you there.  Some of you are probably going to read this and go ... well she's selfish, that's conceited, what a B! I'm really not, I'm just feeling a sense of coming into my own right now.  Sharing is caring.  Get over it :)

So here are 10 things that I'm not.

1.  I am not 100% defined by my job.  Do I love what I do for a living? Absolutely! Do I work for a wonderful, expanding company?  Yes.  Do I go around introducing myself as "Hi, I'm Rebecca, Manager for eExchange Account Management"? Not a lot. Not unless I'm in a meeting and have to say it.  But this is not who I am 100% of the time.  I'm so many other things.  I think it's important to enjoy your job and truly be good at what you do, but know that you other things to other people. 

2. I am not quiet.  EVER.  I talk loud, I laugh out loud, I sing loud.  If I'm not being loud, that usually means something is wrong.  I get this from my Granny Price.  She has never been quiet.  She's almost 94 and when I'm out with her cranky self, sometimes I find myself going "Shhhh....GRANNY, don't say that so loud!"  She will flat out criticize the prices on thrift store clothing to the store owners (when they're like, a dollar for a shirt).  But you know what, she's earned the right to be loud and say whatever she wants.  I hope I'm just as snarky as she is one day. 

3.  I am not defined by my kids...yet.  (well, I don't have any, just a furry baby).  Ok so some of you moms are going to probably get mad at me on this one.  I sometimes drink champagne with my girlfriends at fun restaurants and not at my house because I still can.  But that's where my life is right now.  I can't wait to be a mom one day.  I love a lot of other people's kids.  I babysit a lot.  I think they're wonderful little human beings.  But sometimes, when I'm in Publix, I see one running around acting a fool with snot boogers and I think....hmm....not yet....but one day. 

4. I'm not level headed at times.  I like to play it like I'm a powerful woman that can walk around in her high heels, smugly, and just not care about small things.  But I have emotions.  I have a lot of feelings.  And sometimes they come the form of tears.  Sometimes at my desk.  I'm a woman with just have to deal. 

5.  I am not a size 2.  Nor will I ever will be any number close to zero.  But I'm learning to accept my shape and the improvements I've made.  Love to all the ladies with tree trunk muscular thighs, because that's EXACTLY who I am.

6.  I am really blunt.  This goes along with #2 at times.  Loud and blunt.  I speak my mind.  I don't have a filter most days.  I probably should at times, but I say exactly what I'm thinking.   

7.  I am not good at having long hair.  I love chopping it all off during the summer.  My mom has always had short hair, so that's probably why.  Short people = short hair do's.   I have to grow it out for the wedding.  I am probably going to get it all chopped off on Dec 16th, the day after we're married, for our trip to the Bahamas. 

8.  I am not as young as I used to be.  UGH, this one hits me every day of my life.  I work in a company that is full of 23-27 year old girls as the typical female demographic.  I look at their non-cellulite bodies, long hair, and pearly white smiles.  And I want to remind them that they too will get older at some point.  They'll put on jeans one day to realize they have muffin tops.  They won't be able to eat pizza at 3 AM after drinking all night and put on a bikini the next day.  They'll understand the 2 day hangover.  But you know what, I'm not jealous, because my 30's have been amazing and I'm going to embrace aging as best I can.  And I was once a young girl myself, so I'm more reminiscent on this one more than anything.  Even if I do get Botox in my face. PREVENTION Y'ALL!

9.  I'm not into music that is jam-bandy or so weird that I can't follow it.  Sorry DMB.  I hated your concert I went to years ago.  Your songs should stop after 5 minutes.  Widespread Panic falls under that category.  Grateful Dead.  I just can't do it. 

10.  I am not afraid to make mistakes.  I make mistakes on a daily, probably hourly basis.  I assume the wrong things sometimes.  I stick my foot in my mouth.  But along with that, I'm not afraid to apologize.  I know when I'm wrong.  One thing I will do is answer for myself. 

Today's my day off, but the first thing I wanted to do this morning was share this with you guys.  How do you define yourself and what things don't define you? How do make changes to how your view yourself?

Just a little food for thought as you start the weekend.  Exciting news, since I'm in love with blogging, I'm investing in an updated blog design.  Should be available in the next few weeks.  REALLY happy because I need some help in that area.  And sometimes, you just need a professional to do it.  So keep an eye out for a new, cute design.  SUPER pumped about that. 

Ya'll have a GREAT start to your weekend!  I know I am!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Make Change Happen FOR YOU!

First off,  I had a really frustrating day.  It was one of those days where I let the negativity get to me.  I'm usually not like that, but it happened.  And then I taught a HARD spin class ..and felt like Elle Woods:

This right here proves my CAN out-train a bad day. 

Second, I taught my last Tuesday spin class tonight.  It's bittersweet to see it come to an end, but I got a lot of thank you's tonight, so that made me smile.  I look forward to actually getting to be a student again for a bit.  The only way to grow is to learn more. 

So after I started feeling more like myself, I sat down after my workout and healthy meal to chill.  Here's what I ate, doesn't it look festive and fresh?

I cooked this all together and topped with a little goat cheese! I could bathe in goat cheese and be so happy. 

After dinner, I turned on the TV and became riveted to Extreme Weight Loss.  Think The Big Loser, only focused on individuals, not an entire team competition. 

If you want to get motivated about losing weight....wait, scratch that, just changing your life in general, you need to watch this show.  I am truly touched right now.  I literally just speed showered during the commercial break so that I could get back to watching. 

Jami is originally from Chile (HOLLA, I spent 4 months there in college, have a tramp stamp of the Chilean flag to prove it!) and was adopted at 2 years old by an American woman.  She has never been close to her adoptive mother and she has been working to meet her biological mom most of her life.  She has also struggled with weight problems, tipping the scales at 292 pounds.  She wants to lose the weight so that her biological mom will meet her and be proud of her.  TEARS flowing!! 

Watching her tell her trainer that she wanted to do this for someone else hit home with me.  I feel like I've had that same motive for part of my weight loss journey.  When I got engaged, I was like "I want to lose weight for Jarrett, so that I can look amazing on my wedding day...and then in a bikini on our honeymoon".  But as I watched Jami say this to her trainer Chris, I saw him respond exactly as I would now.  He said "you have to do this for you, not for anyone else."  How profoundly true is THAT!?

Amidst the negativity and then in watching this amazing show, I came to a major realization today.  You have to make change happen for yourself.  You can't do things for other people.  Whatever your goal is, make it for you and only you.  Since starting to lose weight in April, I've visualized my goals. but in a different light.  I want to lower my cholesterol (because it's bad, but it can be lowered, I just can't eat chocolate and cheese every day).   I want to run on a regular basis again.  I want to get up early in the morning, not hit my snooze button and just get outside and enjoy God's great earth He's given me.  I still want to look great in my wedding dress and bikini, not for my fiancĂ©....but for me.  I want the reflection he sees of me to represent health, vitality, and a beautiful strong woman.  Much like Jami tonight, I want to make the change happen. 

And on that note...Jami just did her final weigh a bikini...and she rocked it.  You GO girl! I am motivated. 

Do it today.  It all starts with trying.  Don't be afraid to embrace change.  Don't wait for your life to begin.  Start.  NOW. 

Good night! :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

That's what I love about Sunday...

Hello lovelies!  So I was looking at my calendar today as I turned it to July (I'm a few days late) and I noticed that Sunday is TECHNICALLY at the BEGINNING of the week.  Yes, I know, a lot of you are probably like...umm hey Rebecca, that's the way it's always been, duh.  You know how we're always like "UGH MONDAY, beginning of the week, I can't wait until it's Friday...."? Well, what if we applied that thinking to Sunday instead?  Not the UGH part, because how can you be all negative about Sunday?  It's a chance to start over, to be renewed, refreshed, and ready to face the other 6 days of the week.  Just some food for thought.  I'm going to try to adopt that attitude from here on out so that Mondays are less painful. 

Guess what, I FINISHED THE BATHROOM!!!! Now, I will say, my paint job is not professional, and this bathroom has really high ceilings, so at certain points I was dangerously hanging from a ladder just hoping to throw some paint on the wall at all.  But it's done!  Here are a few pictures...

Before and During....
Since I live at the beach, I picked a lovely light gray color called Coastal Pleasure.  It turned out super cute and mellow.  I bought a girly new shower curtain and new, fluffy white bath mats.  Look, even Tink likes them:

All in all, I'm glad it's done.  I don't love to paint. I may tackle the guest bedroom on another weekend and cute that up too, but not this weekend :)  That was quite the workout on Saturday. 

So since I'm taking on this new attitude towards Sunday being the first day of the week, I'm going to do the following.  Clean up my diet, starting today.  Breakfast consisted of 2 hardboiled eggs topped with some homemade fresh salsa and some diced turkey. YUM, very filling......and pretty:

Go on a long walk/run.  Confession, I have not worked out since like Wednesday.  Time to bust out the running shoes and just get out there, sweat it out, and just enjoy being outdoors for a bit.

I'm going to meal prep big time this week and make sure all of my lunches are packed a day ahead of time.  Last week was just not good for my diet.  I finished the cleanse and just basically enjoyed every bit of food that I haven't had in a few weeks.  BUT, I cheat every once in awhile.  Back on track this week for sure. Plus it's cheaper to bring your own lunch, as's free :)

Last but not least, I'm going to finish up some hovering projects/wedding things that keep lingering that I just haven't checked off my list.  Like respond to a few emails, start getting addresses for my invite list, and finish registering.  It's hard to believe it's only 5 months away, so it's time to start wrapping a few things up.

Ok y'all, have a GREAT Sunday, let me know how you're renewing and getting prepared for the week ahead....

Friday, July 5, 2013

I am blog-tarded...and how I spent my 4th :)

OK so first things first, I would like to send a SPECIAL thank you to Beth K at Hang On Honey for helping me with a few blog items.  I did not realize that I was a no-reply blogger (I didn't even know what that meant, geez, I am not tech savvy sometimes)....well, I take that back, my dad did mention a few weeks back he couldn't leave a comment.  But I just assumed that is because he's of an older generation and just couldn't figure it out. :)  Sorry Dad!!!  But I think I've regulated this now, so everyone, please feel free to comment, on the hour, ever hour, so that I know this is working right.  YAY!

She also sent me some awesome tutorials on creating a button, so that's in the works once I find a good picture of myself that doesn't make me look fat, tired, or drunk when I'm not even drinking...

The 4th of July has come and gone, and I have to say, I'm pretty sad to be working today.  It's pretty quiet, lots of people were smart and took today off.  I was not one of those people.  This is what I'm doing right now...teach me how to snuggie.....

The 4th was great though.  I feel like my intestines have been in revolt since ending the cleanse because I went from eating lots of fruits and veggies, to eating burgers covered in cheese, slathered in mayonnaise, surrounded by non-wheat bread.  It was a great day though.  We spent the day between not 1 but 2 parties....we are wild and crazy people :)  There were lots of fireworks, hotdogs, and ice cream.  I can't wait to have kids so that I can dress them up like this on the 4th:

Now the weekend approaches with questions like......what should I do this weekend? Should I stock up on groceries, should I watch more HBO than I can stand OR....should I paint my guest bedroom and bathroom? Truth be told, I'm not thrilled about this idea.  I always start off really jazzed up for a home project, only to hate it halfway through, complain, moan about it, and possibly delay finishing it for as long as possible.  But the condo we are renting is painted blue...not the exact same shade of blue in all rooms, but it's a little too dark for me in the guest area.  And my landlord is my boss, and he's cool with it, so I'm about to turn bright blue into pewter gray over the weekend.  Plus I feel like getting that fresh paint smell in the house may make me giddy (or high) enough to do a few more projects.   Now that you all can leave real comments, please let me know what you think of my paint job :) Before and after pictures to follow.
Not much went on in the world of fitness this week....well wait I take that back.  Next week is the last Tuesday night class I'll be teaching Spin.  Insert sad face here. There were not a lot of folks coming each week and more were sticking to a MWF schedule.  Which is totally fine, but I will miss teaching my class each week.  I still have a lot of subbing opportunities though, which is great.  I was actually really sick on Tuesday and not able to teach, so I'll be announcing that this coming Tuesday.  Please say a little prayer, as I do have a few regulars that will be a little bummed, but it will be ok. 
How was your 4th and what are your plans for the weekend?  Ya'll have a great weekend, tune in next time for what will hopefully be an "after the paintbrush" post....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hi everyone!  Sorry for the long hiatus from blog's been a crazy few days...

So it's day 10 now, finishing up this cleanse, and I have to say....I have never felt better!  Now, because I am kind of a slowsky and didn't take pictures, I won't have any body images to post up.....unfortunately.  Work has been crazy and I just haven't had time to document that day by day BUT....I am definitely seeing results....physically and on the scale.  Overall though, the biggest change is the level of energy I feel.  It's amazing how I don't feel sluggish at the end of the day.  I've actually been attacking some workouts with a ferocity I've never know rather than whining and just going through the motions. 

I had some interesting bumps in the road along the way with this cleanse.  So remember how last Thursday I was all gung ho like "don't give in, don't let the bad food tempt you, just stay away from the pizza..."  Well, that all went out the window on Friday.  I proceeded to have 2 glasses of wine and some pizza at a new restauarant with my best friend.  It wasn't like dripping with grease and cheese, it was more like wood fired and DELICIOUS, but it was still pizza, so there's no getting around that.  But the interesting part about all of that is that I could TOTALLY tell on Saturday morning that I got off track with the food part.  It felt like a huge rock in my stomach.  I also was slightly dehydrated from the vino, can you say headache? 

This is me on wine:

wine wine wine

ALSO.....I picked a bad time to do this cleanse, as I had to sample wedding cakes.  I picked them up Saturday after my training session at the gym...and they smelled of sugary, sweet goodness.  I did manage to eat small samples, but it's been hard having those in the house.  Get your cakes from Publix, for real, they do great work and the cakes are delicious. 

I kind of had that moment like Miranda did in SATC when she pours dish detergent on her cake. 

quotes by Miranda Hobbes
I did have one small weigh-in victory.  I landed on the scale on Saturday at the gym and weighed 161.  WOOT.  I know part of that is from the cleanse, the other part is from sweat/water weight loss, but I was happy with seeing some movement.  I can tell that my clothes fit better and that I have less of a fat roll when I sit down.  I did a little happy dance in the locker room at the 2 pound weight loss.
Overall, I was very pleased and will definitely do this again.  Perhaps closer to wedding time.  Hope you guys have a very happy 4th of July (God Bless 'Merica), be SAFE, and I'll be back to regular posts now that it's not so insane around here.