Sunday, September 29, 2013

Loving fall and some new changes!

Hello my lovelies!  It's been a busy week and weekend, but Sunday is dedicated to throwing open my windows, doing a little work and catching up on writing.  I am seriously loving this time of year and the gorgeous weather.  Are you guys ready to pull out your boots and scarves ? I am!
The change in the season also has me thinking.  You know how most of us get all pumped in the spring, start running and working out like crazy for bikini season? I've always wondered why that seems to stop for everyone just because fall rolls around.  Is it the time change? Is it the unending supply of pumpkin EVEYTHING?

Maybe it's just the fact that we know we don't have to be in outfits that show skin for the next 6 months.  Or the fact that leggings have stretchy waistbands and we forget what a real size feels like...
So this year, I'm taking a little bit of a different approach.  Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, part if it has to do with the fact that I have to fit in a wedding dress.  The other part of it is, I want to be insanely healthy for 2013 going into 2014.  Here are a few changes I'm making for the fall that I hope will kick start some positive changes in my body.
1. Cut out the sugar!!!  To be honest, I'm not a huge sweets person, but I do love a salty/sweet combo.  My newest discovery of a great (and unhealthy) snack is Nutella and pretzels.  YUMMMM.  But Nutella has like 23 grams of sugar.  And I could pretty much eat with a spoon.  It's the devil!  So I had to throw out the jar.  It was a sad day in my trash can.  This will be especially hard to do because Jarrett lives on a diet of powdered donuts, diet Mountain Dew and anything chocolate.  Sigh...I can do it!
2. Go to the gym/run even when it's dark at 5:30.
If there is one thing I despise every year, it's "falling back".  UGGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHHG.  Sundown at 5:30 means I just want to get under a blanket and snooze on my couch.  Not this year. Must stay motivated.  My plan is to put multiple, offensive reminders on my calendar that say things like "GO TO SPIN Chubster." :)
3. Try to cut out some more gluten and do more paleo things.  I'm one of those peeps that while I won't deny myself some breadsticks here and there, I typically lean out when I eat more protein.  I've been doing a lot of research on cleaning up my diet and have referenced The Freckled Foodie blog a few times.  It's time to get serious about food.  I look at Rachael's results and I'm like "yeah, those stubborn 8 pounds I want to lose can be gone if I just eat better".  So with that, I'll be cooking a lot more of my own meals in the next few weeks.  I have not been doing that lately.  And I love when my stove looks like this:
4. Bone up on the Omega 3's.  Whether it's taking the capsules or just buying more fish, this is getting added to my diet now.  Again, reading other blogs has influenced this decision as something that's missing from my world.  While realizing that no capsule/vitamin/pill is a miracle pill, research has proved that taking this can seriously help with your gut.  And by gut, I mean gross issues with it.  Like bloating, cramping, IBS....I won't go into detail but it's a good thing.  (Thanks, Martha)
That's my plan starting this week.  I've already pre-cooked some healthy meals for this week, so I'm looking forward feeling even better in the next few weeks.  For all those times that I promised before and after pics, I haven't done them yet because to be honest, I'm still not happy with the progress.  I can definitely do better.  Let's see how at least 30 days of clean eating and working out impacts those picture finally.
10/31, you guys will see a side by side of today and a month from's a promise!
Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your weekend!

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