Thursday, September 5, 2013

Healthy Post and Non-Scale Victories

Hey guys! One more day until the weekend WOO HOO!!!
So I'm going to start with a little comparison of the ole' face tonight, because it's where I can tell the most difference in the weight loss when I actually see it in pictures.  Prepare to be shocked and amazed (not really, but maybe shocked, because I was).
Here's me in March 2013 at a wedding. Ugh.  Notice double chin, AKA The Meat Necklace, pasty pale skin (ugh, sorry, I just don't tan anymore, don't love the skin cancer), the roundness of the face and the out of control hair.  Ok so that doesn't have a thing to do with being larger, but I can also see some massive FARMS (fat + arms = FARMS!) going on in the shoulder region.  I cropped out my boobs because...well they were just out of OOC. 
Exhibit FAT:
This picture made me sligthly sad.  How could I not know? I mean I feel like I look pretty happy in this picture, but I remember picking out this dress because it was the only size that didn't make me want to cry.  I also bought it from ROSS, which I mean come on, you guys all know that store sells clothes that fit only 13 year olds.  But still, I see my face in this picture and think DANG, wow, I let myself go. 
Let's fast forward to 9/1/2013.  Also known as this weekend as I noticed my face was skinny for the first time-day.

 Yes, this is a selfie in my car.  Yes, I fixed my hair a few times and just had my makeup done.  Yes, I was grinning from ear to ear and feeling pretty!  Here's the big point with all that.  This past March, I was sporting the world's biggest girdle/big girl panties to that wedding to hold in my gut.  My hair was a mess because I was March....when I shouldn't be sweating.  When I waved bye-bye to people, not only did my hand move, but so did my fluffy tricep/bicep.  I did not feel radiant, I didn't feel pretty, and I didn't feel like myself.  I felt like a big, blue blimp that was hiking up her girdle to her sternum.   In this picture, I am wearing clothes that are too loose and a smile that won't quit.  You know you're never fully dressed without a smile... #namethatmusical
I finally am feeling good about me.  I want to do things like shop, or buy new makeup, or get my hair done, or show off my muscles.  And I'm ok with that.  Is it vanity that has found it's way into my life? Not at all. It's a newfound sense of being proud of my accomplishments.  I still have a ways to go, but I'm SO happy with the progress.  It's fun to buy smaller pants and shirts.  I even fit into a medium shirt recently and almost did cartwheels in Old Navy.  Normally, the amount of back/shoulder mass, accompanied with a larger stomach would cause me to buy a large.  I used to buy things that camoflagued all my flab. And the fact that my boobs are....well, they're not small.  But NOW, I'm able to fit back into some mediums and I could not be happier.  I've cleaned up my diet, I've revisted the running game, and I am going to start hitting the weights again after a 2 week hiatus.  CAN'T WAIT for BEAST MODE. 

A lot of you guys have requested a WOD post, so happy Thursday, here's tonight's WOD.  Remember how I deemed one of these "deceptively hard" recently? Yep, that would describe tonight.
Exhibit WOD
 IN case you can't see this one, here it is:
Descending and then ascending reps: 8,7,6,5 (at this point, grab a heavier weight), 4,3,2,1.....
(breath) 1,2,3,4 (lighten up the weight), 5, 6, 7, 8
Descending is awesome! Ascending SUCKS!
The workout was ALL legs tonight: Goblet squarts, burpees, sumo squats with a high pull, plank with dumbell rows, and reverse lunges with plate overhead push.  Start with 8 reps, work your way down, grab MORE weight, then work your way back up, eventually unloading some weight.  This results in rolling around in the floor in a pool of your own sweat on the last rep.  Yep. I did it.  I had floor things stuck to me and didn't even care because I was too tired to think. 
As you guys know, I haven't worked out in about 1.5-2 weeks.  I traveled for work, have not felt great since my trip, but I have been running and I've also been watching the food intake.  Tonight, this workout was hard, BUT, I'm in better shape than I thought I was.  I finished with about 5 other people left to finish, so about half of the folks had already finished right in front of me.  That's such an amazing feeling to know that I haven't let myself go like I did so long ago. 
 Do you guys feel this way after reading this?
 I hope not! OH and if you're wondering where I got the term "Meat Necklace", please hop over and check out Brin at Bold Butter Baby.  She is my blog girl-crush and super hilarious.  Meat Necklace is one of THE funniest posts I've ever read.  Talking about how to disguise your fat is a post that most all women can relate to.
Hope you guys all enjoy a wonderful start to your weekend! I will be back next week with some weekend recaps, as I'll be traveling to Athens, GA tomorrow for what may be the most epic football weekend ever.  There will most likely not be a blog post this weekend, but there probably WILL be lots of fun Instagram/Facebook updates.  Stay tuned!

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