Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shenanigans and how I was lazy on Labor Day

Hi lovelies!  So it's the day after Labor Day and UGH, going to work this morning was so hard! I'm sure a lot of you felt that way today too. This is how I felt today, only make it 4 days since it's a short week...

Anyway, my holiday weekend kicked off with the most wonderful time of the year...next to Christmas...and my birthday. :)

COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS BACK! (insert happy dance here)

Like I've mentioned before, I'm a huge, crazy fan for USC (that's University of South Carolina, not the California school) football.  I've been going to games since I was 5 and have managed to remain a huge fan throughout my adult years.  Fall is one of my favorite times of year because it means 4 months of weekends spent with friends and family, eating good (ok bad for you) food, weather cooling off so I can wear boots and leggings, and just enjoying watching one of the greatest sports in the world.  

So this is what our Thursday looked like:


This is what Jarrett looked like (he's so going to kill me for posting this):

So to explain, it was literally one million degrees outside. The last few weeks had been very fall-like, cooler temps in Charleston than normal, but hey, I'll take 85 degrees and low humidity any day of the week.  Thursday dawned HOT and gross, 95 degrees, heat index of 102...let's just say there was lots of swass and swoob going on that called for a long, hot shower later.  Cold towels on heads were a must last Thursday.

Here is my game day hat...it stayed on the whole day due to the heat and sun.  Loved it and will definitely be wearing it again!  Great for covering up day old greasy hair or just sweaty hair if it's hot out.  

All in all, a GREAT way to kick off the weekend, even though I had to go to work on Friday (that was super rough times). The one AWESOME thing about seeing folks I haven't seen in a year at our tailgate is that I got several shout outs on the blog.  People are reading this thing, which shocks me and makes me smile all at the same time.  And then I was all like "OK welllllllllllllllll leave me some comments so that I feel loved!". 

Nobody comments on my blog anymore.

 Just kidding, but thanks y'all.  It makes this girl happy to know that someone is stopping by her little corner of blog world to read about weight loss, bad days, wedding planning, weekend shannies...and now, college football. 

The long weekend did give me a chance to rest and relax and visit the MAC counter.  I even got a free makeover and felt refreshed and rejuvenated.  

 I took the idea of not laboring very seriously and took multiple naps, went to the pool, and shopped.  It was quite wonderful and I wish every day were Labor Day. 

So I haven't done a healthy post or WOD recap in awhile, but trust me, they're coming back.  I actually have been running more, which has been amazing and I've just really been enjoying getting out and hitting the pavement.  In my early to mid-twenties, I was a bonafide runner.  I ran every 5 and 10K around, I worked on personal bests, and I was really, really skinny.  I loved how I felt and how I looked.  When I gained weight, I did not feel like slugging around for all the world to see.  I was ashamed and carrying 170 pounds around at a fast pace felt like I was getting beat to death with mallets with each step.  But since losing some of that weight since April, I've rediscovered my love of running.  It's the best free stress relief and I feel so much better now that I'm lighter.  My 2-3 mile runs have turned into 4, almost 5 miles at times.  I love knowing that progress is happening.  I know I still have to do weights at some point, but for some reason, running has crept back into my routine and I'm loving it.  

That's all for now you guys.  I am planning on a WOD tomorrow early in the morning and this girl needs her beauty/fitness sleep.  Until next time, take care and get your "fall" on.  Enjoy these last days of summer with your friends and family as the days grow shorter.  

Good night!

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