Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend Recap and Early Morning Workout!

Hey guys!  I've been missing from blog-world for a bit but I have good reason.  I had Friday off and my mom came into town and last night we had a birthday function so I haven't had a chance yet to recap all the fun things this weekend.  Here's a little look into what was one of the best weekends I've had in awhile.
I LOVE when my parents come to visit, but it's even more fun when my mom comes down and we can just do girly stuff.  She came down to do my bridal portraits.  Unfortunately, I can't post any of them (and I'm DYING to), so you'll have to wait until December.  But we kicked off the weekend with some good food.  If you're ever in Charleston., you MUST go at The Tattooed Moose.  Weird name, amazing food.  And they have duck fat fries.  I have no words :)
Saturday morning, I was excited to start the day and woke Mom up at 6:00 AM to go catch a sunrise on the beach (I know, we don't sleep in on weekends, that's just how we are). She and I both do some photography on the side and have been trying to do this every time she's here.  Here's a few shots of a beautiful morning:
Sun just coming up

Sun was up at this point, so gorgeous...

One of my favorite pictures, there was a memorial service on the beach and families were tossing flowers into the ocean, which would wash back up on the beach.  I didn't want to intrude on their privacy, but this was such a cool picture and very meaningful.

Working on my zoom techniques and manual settings.  Some 'shrooms by the beach.

What an awesome morning.  We went shopping for mom's MOB dress.  I think we found a few things, but Dillard's didn't have a ton of sizes, so no purchase this time.  But she looked beautiful in everything.
Saturday afternoon was super girly and fun.  I did a trial run with my hair, and my hair stylist Maryann brought her super cute 8 week old baby Remington. I love the smell of baby and all their cuddly sounds.  So sweet. I digress.... My best friend Ashley joined us to help with photos and was a TROOPER.  Thanks to her, I will not need to have my dress dry cleaned before the wedding.  She was amazing.  She made a gorgeous bouquet of red roses for me.  I tell ya, I have good friends and family and this weekend made me realize that even more.  Super thankful for all of them.
Sunday we went shopping and just enjoyed each other's company until is was time for her to drive back home.  I have to admit, I was so sad to see my mom get in her car.  We had such a great time.  A few tears were shed.  But we have a shower coming up in a few weeks and I'll get to see her then.
That was my weekend.  What did you guys do this weekend?
This morning I taught spin for the first time ever.  I got real excited at the sight of these after such a long time!
It was a great class and I followed up with about 15 minutes of weights and abs.  Every time I teach early, I am always kicking myself for not getting up early EVERY SINGLE DAY and getting my workout in.  That may be a new goal this fall.  While I loved all my portraits this weekend, there is some arm and just overall toning that will be in the cards in the next few weeks.  But so far, still loving the weight loss progress. And I am really jealous of the 5 AM club that I read so much about because they get to go home after work most days and NOT work out while I try to motivate myself after work. 
There's finally a little touch of fall in the air, so I'm hitting the showers, putting some cinnamon in my coffee and heading to work 
Happy Tuesday you guys! 

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