Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to tailgate...like a boss.

So most of you guys know that I love a little thing called college football.  With a passion.  I love it! 
Oh really? No....you don't say!!!! I just thought this chick maybe pretended to like football because her fiance is a football fanatic.
This weekend was an epic football shenanigan-filled time full of tailgating, some great food, and even better company.  I don't normally sign myself for road game road-trip, but being as Jarrett and I have never done that and had tickets this time, we headed off for Athens, GA.  The ride to Athens was mostly cow pastures and big farms, so not much in the way of scenery, but downtown was pretty cool.  We perched ourselves right up on a little hill and proceeded to have a grand ole time.
Now, I write this post today because normally, tailgating has previously lead to the demise of my waistline, firm buttocks, and given me some batwings.  Since the wedding is coming up, I made a promise to myself this year to not chug multiple beers and eat horrible food every weekend. 
I can hear my mom going "Oh honey, don't drink beer, it's not ladylike and makes you fat."
It's really hard beacuse how can you not want to dig into sausage dip, buffalo chicken dip, pizza bites, chicken nuggets, brownies, cakes...oh and then wash that down with an ice cold beer?
Well, this year, I learned to tailgate smarter.  I noticed that in the past, I would wake up on Sundays with awful bloat (and gas too, ew!) and feeling ridiculously tired.  Not this year.  2013 changes everything. 
This is how you tailgate...LIKE A BOSS. You're welcome.
1.  If you are going to eat, ingest a good bit of protein.
Eat a burger.  Eat some meat on a stick (like from the Chinese place, those things are GOOD).  Eat some chicken.  Eat some wings! Eat a hotdog or a bratwurst (turkey if you can swing it).  I know it's not like eating some pork tenderloin and a side salad, but you will fill up faster and all meals need some protein if you're going to try and remain lean.  If you're at a breakfast tailgate with some sort of eggs around, EAT THOSE FIRST before you hit up the melty cheese dip.
2.  Try to eat some fruits/veggies if they're around
If someone is awesome enough to bring a veggie or a fruit tray (and we usually have some), put that on your plate along with your protein.  If you're going to graze, let it be on the fruits and veggies.  Chips and salsa are good choices too.   
3.  Liquor before beer...you know the rest! (Ok Mom and Dad, this is just advice, it's not like I'm college tailgating like old times)
Ok so we all know this saying.  If I drink more than a few beers at a tailgate, you may as well put me in a chair for a few hours.  I'll be so full, sluggish and sick it's not funny.  Now, that being said, that doesn't mean you can't have beers.  Try the MGD 64 or Bud 55.  It works.
If beer is not your thing, there's always liquor.  This does not mean go buy all the Jose Cuervo and start doing shots. NO.  We are not in college anymore and you will not make it to the game.  I'm talking to my girls here.  Get yourself a cute/sparkly/girly cup and try to stick to the clear liquor (white rum, vodka, etc). Mix it with a good bit of some low calorie flavored waters, Vitamin waters, heck I've even done Gatorade.   I really love these things, they're also usually on sale anywhere you go:
These first couple of games are super toasty (if you live down south).  Make sure that you drink water/Gatorade and always carry some extra cash so that you can snag a cheap beverage on your walk to the stadium.  8 glasses a day isn't just for the weekdays. 
5. Get yourself a cute hat to protect your face from the sun (and so you don't have to do your hair).
Put that crap in a ponytail, throw on your cute hat and rock it all day long.  I watch these girls with perfect hair, short dresses and cowboy boots and I'm like "yeaaaaaaaaaaaah I sweat too much to look that perfect". 
I got this at Cracker Barrel.  Do yourself a favor and get one.  I may eventually rock the cowboy boots, but ain't nobody got time fo dat in 90 degree heat. 
 6. Last but not least HAVE FUN!
I mean come on, you're really going to avoid the sausage dip? Have a few bites, just don't stand by the crockpot for an hour. Want a beer? Ask your buddy to trade with you and make them a fancy drink.  Bring some champagne and celebrate! Have a brownie, but don't have 5. Just don't go overboard with it.  There may be a game or two where you get a little crazy, but don't let 4 months derail all your hard work.  It's not worth it. 
All in all, it was a blast.  We came back on Sunday slightly tired but not completely out of commission. 

Hope you guys are enjoying your fall! I'm burning a cinnamon candle tonight to make my house fall all fall-ish...meanwhile, it's still like summertime out there. 

Happy Tuesday!

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