Monday, September 16, 2013

It's DEFINITELY a Monday

Hey guys! I'm back after yet another weekend got it, FOOTBALL!  Are y'all tired of it yet? After 3 weeks on the road, getting dirty in dusty parking lots and smelling of beer all day (not me, everyone else around me), I'm ready to get a pedicure, a massage, and eat some swanky salad with goat cheese and pine nuts  No more hotdogs or hamburgers for a bit.
Anyway, nothing special about this post today.  It's going to super random.  Most of it will be about how challenged I am and how I don't love Mondays. 
I'll start off with saying that yes, I'm still a new blogger, and yes, I struggle my butt off sometimes.  Like the fact that I was commenting like a crazy person on all my fave blogs lately but wouldn't get any reply emails.  And I was all sad because I thought my comments were lost forever to the interwebs...this was how I was feeling...
Today, I decided to check my gmail, because I never check it and LO AND BEHOLD, there are all my blog emails from Mama Laughlin, Katelyn at Imperfect Perfection, Nerky Meg, Beth Bradford (blog design queen!), Jessica from Carpe the Sangria, Jenna from Jenna Rae Everyday and Holly Stanfield.  I mean, really, I am challenged.  BUT I did take the time and effort to respond to all of THEIR emails to let them know I'm not super rude.  I'm just kind of special when it comes to certain areas of my life.  Sigh...Monday brain lapse...moving on.
My work laptop has decided to go on the fritz and not function properly.  It stops working for 30 minutes at a time at random points during the day.  And then I get the spinny circle, and it taunts me, and then I have to shut it ALL down, sometime twice.  And it's usually during something important.  Like work. 
In MORE work news, the company I work for has started catering our lunches everyday.  So that sounds awesome and all (and it is) until they place out a giant box of these:

SO truth be told, I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, but it's close to lady time and I could eat bout 10 of these cookies.  OR get mad about something dumb and then crush them all in my hands and throw them in the air like confetti.  Aren't hormones AWESOME!?!?!??! (Jarrett just read this and probably decided to stay with his brother the rest of the week)
But I managed to keep it in control and just have 1.  And not throw things.  Good job. 
I heard someone use the phrase today "that's arrowing out"....meaning "that's erring out" and was really tempted to correct them.  Like really?  Are you a Google map pointing to something???Grammatical things like that in a professional environment drive me insane in the membrane.  I think it's all beacuse my world history teacher in high school used to say "Be PACIFIC when you answer your questions".....Um, no, that's an ocean, not an adjective.  That crap has haunted me for 15+ years.   If you guys want a really awesome post about grammar issues, go read The Alot over at Hyperbole and a Half...... awesome and love her drawings.  Also check out the post on The Sneaky Hate Spiral.  That could totally qualify for a Monday post.
 SO that was a taste of my Monday.  Nothing huge, just little annoyances.  How do you combat annoying things that could somehow ruin your day?

I ward off Mondays the following ways:
Work out!!
Putting on some new lotion from Bath and Bodyworks.  Have y'all smelled this Pink Chiffon? It smells like a unicorn crossed with a Care Bear.  Simply fantastic.
 Wine ALWAYS helps...
 Flowers are nice too.  I love mums in the fall, they are my fave...I didn't even buy these, just seeing them at the BI-LO made me happy...
 Last but not least, being reminded that all bad days can turn out great.  As I pulled into my condo tonight, this was the sky after a bad thunderstorm.  Amazing.  Love that even the worst days are just a day. 
 Hope you all had a better Monday than I had.  Exciting things ahead this week because I'll be getting my bridal portrait done this weekend (thanks, Mom) and I can't wait to show some sneak peaks.  No dress shots obviously, but if some cute face pictures turn out ok, I'll post up one or two.  Meanwhile, you'll just have to wait until December 15th like the rest of the world.
At least today is over with.  Let's get on with the rest of the week.  Night y'all!

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