Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes, I struggle

I've written lately about how I've noticed some progress in the body transformation.  My clothes are looser. My face is thinner.  I've even donated some larger sized items to Goodwill.  You know you're serious when you start getting rid of clothes because you don't want to ever fit into them again.  While it's awesome , I've had this nagging feeling lately that I'm definitely not doing enough.  And to be honest, I really don't know why.  I was super motivated about a month ago and then all the sudden I was like "meh, I'm good."
I'm always baffled when this happens.  I LOVE to work out.  It's a mind-body thing for me.  If I'm having a bad day, I am usually the first one to leave the office, put on some workout clothes and just pound the pavement or the gym floor until I'm sweaty and feeling better.  I guess I started to see some changes, got all excited and then decided I was good for the moment.
The one thing I'm realizing about blogging and putting my story out there is that this holds me accountable. I noticed that my WOD and running posts were less.  That's fine, because I had other things to say.  Like giving a shout out to my Granny on her b-day.  She deserved it after 94 years.  But all in all, I hadn't written any good workout posts lately because quite frankly....deep breath....I haven't really been working out.  I know....I know....I'm shaking my head right now too.  I'm a spin instructor for crying out loud.  But that doesn't mean anything at all.  Anyone can start their own journey, it's just staying on the right path that is the challenge.  I feel like I definitely got derailed here recently for about 2 weeks.  It's not like I gained 10 pounds, got depressed and started shoving donuts in my face.  I just felt unmotivated.
  So let me bring you guys back to my homeslice Ashley.  Remember this chick?
I'm not sure what happened to her brain, but out of nowhere, this girl became a fitness fanatic.  I mean, we're talking boot camp, body pump twice a week, running here and there, and eating really clean.  And it's not like she had weight to lose, but she is a lean little machine these days.  Her eating habits are way better and that's the hard part about getting in shape. The place where we both work has a tendency to put out some really amazing food all the time and here lately, she's all "DO NOT EAT ALL THE THINGS!"
 Last night I took a long walk with my good friend Stef.  Probably close to 4 or 5 miles, and that was the start to feeling good.  Today, Ashley asked me to go running with her and then do body pump.  And she was all happy about it too.  Like I think she almost orbited into outer space when I mentioned I brought workout gear.  I really wanted to bail on the body pump part after our run.  Like get in my car, buy some wine, and go veg at home.  I have to say, I'm super happy that she pushed me to go to the gym.  We had a great class.  I'm sore as crap right now.  But I need the push.  And right now as I write this, I feel like I'm on the road to being my crazy workout self soon.  I just needed someone to step in and say "Hey! Let's go be all fit and stuff!"
The hardest part is just showing up.  I plan to show up now. 
Night y'all!

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