Friday, August 8, 2014

Vacation Post Days 3 and 4

Happy Friday you guy! I can't believe our trip is almost over! So sad, but we have 2 full days left to enjoy, so we're up trying to make the most of it.  Thinking more jet skis today, not sure, but we had a blast on the earlier in the week.

Wednesday was more of the same as Tuesday, total beach day.  We dug in the sand and picked up some sand dollars and pretty shells.  It was just a fun, relaxing day.  We went out to eat at this place called Dockside Dave's.  We really haven't eaten a ton of seafood here yet but we decided to that night.  I ordered a grouper sandwich.  It definitely kicked my other sandwich's hiney from the other night.  HUGE and so flaky and good!

Y'all....I didn't even order french fries or anything else.  This was plenty. SO SO SO GOOD!

Wednesday night, we decided we would purchase tickets to Busch Gardens.  We were about 45 minutes from the park and drove our car, and we both love roller coasters, so we said why not.  We had a blast until I managed to get sick on one of the roller coasters and it started storming.

BG is like a big theme park and a zoo, so we saw all sorts of cool animals all over the place.

This kangaroo obviously did not want to get up and say hi, he just wanted to chillax on the ground.  But he was cute.

This guy was a little more friendly, but we didn't have any food.  Sorry 'roo.

FLAMINGOS! A ton of them, and some random seagulls. Bossy little birds.

White Bengal Tiger.  He was really pretty and just walked around like he was in charge! Reminded me a of a certain gray kitty back at home....

We did see some orangutans but they were like up in a treetop and hard to get a picture.  Meanwhile, Jarrett is standing at the bottom of the exhibit yelling "HEY MONKEY!".  I'm surprised they didn't like go all orangutan on his butt.

Anywho, the park was awesome.  The rides were really fun, but it was very apparent from the first roller coaster that I wouldn't be able to hang like I used to.  It rattled me so much that I quickly got a headache and then we rode another, which was awesome and very smooth, so I felt a little better.  Then we rode some water rides, which was awesome because it was 96 degrees here yesterday.  Good break from the roller coasters.  By the last ride, which had too many loops and turns, Jarrett was going "OMG THAT WAS THE BEST!" and I was quickly turning white and it felt like all the blood was pumping in my ears.  And then it started storming, so after grabbing some lunch, we headed home to nap it off.  We managed to get through about half of the park, but would definitely go back.  Total blast. 

And I am officially old :)

Last night we spent the evening at a beachside tiki bar to enjoy some drinks and watch the sun set again.  Just cannot get enough of the sunsets here.  They are beautiful.  I'll leave you guys with this for now.  I hope you have started off your Fridays on a good note and are looking forward to the weekend!  I haven't worked out since Tuesday so I'm about to throw on the shoes and go for a stroll and do some intervals in the humidity!  PHEW, it's hot here!

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