Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Final Vacation Recap and What's In Store...

Hey guys! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you miss me? Actually probably not since I kept you all abreast of life on vacation.  

Abreast.  Such a funny word.  This is exactly comes to mind...

So vacation was WONDERFUL and we rounded out our last few days just chilling on the beach some more, taking long walks, watching the sun set and enjoying killer frozen beverages.  Those wine slushies were so good.  I have decided to use any remaining wedding gift cards to buy a Margaritaville machine. All in all, it was a great time.  We were sad to come back.  I miss this view already.


ANYWAY, it is good to be back and to get back into a regular routine.  I have some new goals that came to mind while I was hanging out eating fried shrimp and hush puppies last week. Every night.  While drinking a wine slushy. 

Here they are!

1. Purchase new running/gym shoes and break them in within a week.
2. Get the legs and hips in shape by upping some weight in the gym.
3. Purchase some decent protein powder.  I have been cheap lately and need something decent that the hubs will like. (any good suggestions)?
4. Try out some new, clean nutrition bars and provide reviews for you lovely peeps.
5. Write a blog post about fitness and vacation...how to not totally undo your hard work.
6. Try not to dislike work a ton now that I'm back and improve on my daily attitude.

I'm definitely knocked #1 off my list.  Aren't they pretty?!??!?  PS these are girl's shoes from Kohl's.  I have teeny, midget feet.  They just fit my little narrow child's feet better.

I am partnering up with another site to do a full review about working out while traveling.  That is on tap for later this week.  I really was able to get out and do a few fun workouts on the beach last week and was asked to blog about that, so keep your eyes peeled for my workout tips.

Last but not least, I'm really making a major effort now that I'm back from vacation to work on my attitude.  Some of you guys are reading this going "what?!?! but you're so positive in your posts and motivating, how can you be unhappy?!".  And for those of you that know me in real life, you guys know that I typically don't let things get me down.  I'm a pretty happy girl most of the time.  Except when I haven't eaten on time and my blood sugar drops.  HANGRY!

Without going into elaborate details, let's just say that work has been pretty challenging lately.  And I'm usually up for that, but it's been a very stressful couple of weeks over the summer professionally that really took a toll on me.  I've always been a perfectionist and when things are not going right in certain areas, I take it really hard.  I take it out on myself and beat myself up over things that I truly can't even control.  It turns me into an angry person.  I've identified it and now have to work to get back to a better, happier place.  I can't continue to be mad everyday and upset to the point that I feel trapped.  This is going to take more than some deep breaths and sniffing lavender oil at my desk :)  It's going to mean really big changes on my part with how I deal with things and it will take having God on my side.  I know I can work through this, so there is a silver lining to what I'm going through.  A good friend of mine posted this a few days ago and it totally hit home with where I am.

That being said you guys, I can't help but think about dear, sweet, funny Robin Williams tonight.  How shocked were all of us this morning to find that out that he had passed away? A bright light that was definitely extinguished way too soon.  But to read about someone that seemed so happy and made us laugh that struggled for decades with depression and addiction just goes to show that self doubt and fear impacts everyone.  It doesn't matter if you are a Hollywood superstar or the regular 9-5 person coming home to your pile of bills at night.

I think the message that I try to send in this is no matter who you are, when you do feel trapped and alone and about to lose your mind, reach out.  To know that this wonderful comedic genius has left behind a heartbroken family just breaks me inside.  And I don't even know him, except for his films.  But what I do know is that Mork made us laugh every time.  He gave a lot of people joy over the years that will never be forgotten.  Deep down, maybe he didn't feel like he was funny, or didn't know his impact on people.  Reach out you guys.  Don't let yourself fall so far that you can't get back up.  Someone will always be there to catch you when you fall. 

Alrighty you guys, there is a good thunderstorm brewing outside so it's time for some chamomile tea and to keep my animals from freaking out.  Happy Tuesday everyone!

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