Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Morning Thoughts: Words and Music to Fire You Up

A lot of you guys obviously know by the name of this blog that I'm a spin instructor. 6 years and running. One thing that absolutely drew me in from day 1 is the power of words and music, sometimes even song lyrics can get you absolutely fired up.

For some reason, as I was just writing about words, Stuart Smalley and his cardigan, bad wig and mirror came to mind...

"Because I'm good enough, smart enough, and doggoneit, people like me!"

Haha! Isn't Al Franken like a senator or something now? I hope he transforms into Stuart on the Senate floor one day, that would be hilarious.

Wow, I just derailed big time, back to the original message!

Like a lot of my students that I teach, I'm big on a killer playlist.  I love songs that motivate and a crazy beat that just pushes you up and over the hump.  I also love awesome quotes from athletes or motivational speakers that just stick with you when you hear them.  I tend to read some of these each  class and it's a great way to coach without telling people to "Add two turns of gear, I see you faking it over there." I spend a lot of time pulling together the right stuff for 45 minutes each time I teach.  One of the best pieces of advice that my spin director Jonnie gave me early on was, plan your ride and the goal of the class, and then add your music and anything you'd like to say.  It will come naturally rather than trying to be a DJ up there and please everyone.

TRUTH! And that's what I've been doing for 6 years.  Not all of my songs have words to them and some of the best rides I've done before have contained crazy instrumentals (think the soundtrack from Inception, OMG.  Will make you want to run around a track like Usain Bolt).

(Lol, look at Prince Harry.  What a geek!)

This morning, I got up knowing that I wanted to get back in the gym today before our quick 2 day trip to hang out with J's family at the beach for Labor Day.  Yesterday I did legs and my booty was super sore this morning, but alas, these hiney cheeks aren't going to get perky on their own.  I strolled up to the stairclimber, took a big deep breath (because I knew it was going to suck) and got on it.  Started my playlist and just went to town.

Now as I was pulling together my playlist this morning, I just felt in the mood for ghetto and just fun jams. I know, it's Sunday and I should probably be listening to Enya and getting all peaceful and stuff, but I just wasn't having that.

About 18 minutes into my 30 minute stair climb, B Spears lit up my world with "Work B*tch".  (Right about now,  my husband has eye rolled and said "ok yeah, I can't read this anymore!").  Now..............we all know that B Spears isn't known for being like the Mariah or Whitney of the music world.  Girlfriend likes to lip sync BUT....this song came on as I was just feeling like I wanted to quit.  That whole part that starts out "You want a hot body....", in my mind I was like "YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

And. I. Went. Nuts. The sweat started to pour.  The lady next to me looked over at me, smiled, and picked up her pace too.  It was just what I needed to push through.  And who doesn't want to look like B Spears 10 years ago with abs like the underside of a turtle?

And then it was like Christmas because more fun songs started to roll in...."Numb" by Usher. (Ursher, can you NOT love the dude, he's the bomb).

The song opens like this: "They say life is a battlefield, I say bring it on".  WHAT! Not only is the beat of this song infectious but the words are killer "Keep on doing the same old thing, and you're expecting change.  Well is that really insanity or just a loser's game".  WOW Ursher, speak the truth this morning bro.  Seriously though, that was around 22 minutes, sweat was literally all over the floor below me and it was feeling awesome.

The last song that came on was Eminem's "Til I Collapse.  How can you not get jacked listening to that chorus?  It made me want to throw my hoodie on, jump rope, tape up my hands and just start swingin' at people!

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth.

Needless to say, this morning was a hard workout, but with all that inspiration flowing through my headphones, it was honestly easier than I thought it was going to be.  The lady next to me watched me get off the machine, took her headphones off, and goes "I don't know what you were listening to, but I want your playlist. You were going to town this morning!".  

Life if short you guys.  You have to capitalize on each and every day.  Not all days are awesome.  Heck, my life for the past 3 months has been a major struggle, but I keep going.  We have so much to be thankful for.  I look around me and I have a great husband, 2 awesome (sometimes obnoxious) furry children, good health, a home, and jobs.  We probably complain about all of those things way too much.  I think back to that lyric about life being a battlefield and it totally is.  But you know what? BRING IT ON! 

(but not like the Kirsten Dunst movie, you know you want to say Go Toros right about now)

Happy Sunday y'all!  Get out there and work!

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