Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fitness Tips for your Busy Schedule!

Happy Sunday y'all! Is the weekend really over already? I started writing this on Friday and totally forgot to finish and stick to my writing schedule.  Sorry dudes! But I'll make up for it.  I promised that I would post about good fitness tips and workouts for when you're traveling

I thought I would fill you guys in on how I squeezed in working out while I was on vacation.  It was hard, but it was totally worth it to still fit in my pants when I came back home.  

Being close to a beach to work out was awesome.  1.  Awesome scenery.  2.  SOFT SAND.
Have you guys every tried to run across soft sand when it's 100 bajillion degrees? It's hard as crap and you might as well be running in quicksand.  

I managed to work out 3 days on vacation, which to me was a huge win.  We jet ski'd twice, which felt like a massive set of squats and lunges and was pretty physical.  We were super sore and probably should have not done that the last day of vacation (AKA, still sore on Monday morning). But it was fun.

All 3 days I worked out, I looked all over the interwebs for on-the-go WODs from some Crossfit-type sites.  I found this site which has a plethora of workouts without equipment.  Jackpot!  

All of the workouts were very basic and easy to remember.  I would stroll over to the beach, leave me flip flops close by, and start an interval right by the water.  Any of the sprints I did, I tried to do in the soft sand.  Here's a great example of one that I did:

Ladder WOD-Pushups, air squats and walking lunges
Start at 10, go down to 1
Sprint back to the start (soft sand)

Ladders are fun because they progressively go down in reps, but sometimes you can start at the bottom and work your way up.  Just depends on what you want to do.  It's YOUR workout.  Just don't be a slacker and start whining at rep #1, because then you have 9 more to go :)

Or you could just bag the workout, be like this guy and totally lose it all during vacation

For real though, I know that for most of us, vacation is a time to relax and not do anything that remotely resembles any type of work.  Including working out.  But I really struggle with the whole idea that letting things go for a week can quickly throw you back into horrible habits.  I'm just not down for that.  Being healthy is a lifestyle, not just a choice you make from time to time.  It can be for some, but when you commit, it just feels better.  Indulge, but know when to pull back.  Let me give you guys a real life example of that from last week.

Wednesday night, Jarrett worked super late and I had a friend over.  We may or may not have indulged in some red wine.  We also may or may not have stayed up until midnight...on a school night.  I also may or may not have indulged in some cheese fries from a food truck at work.  So Thursday was a huge struggle, and while I don't do that often, I indulged and had fun.  I gave myself some room to cheat, but I didn't totally let my hard work go to pot by saying "you know what, I am just gonna eat McDonald's the rest of the week." No, because that would be hard.

By the time Friday rolled around, I got motivated and took my workout clothes to work and did a quick circuit at lunch.  1/2 mile run, with a little workout on some park equipment, followed by running that 1/2 mile back to the office. You make it a part of your routine and life just starts to include those healthy decisions without much thought.

Here are some other great circuit workouts you can do outside of the gym and with no equipment.

There's so much you CAN do.  You just have to do it.  I went to the gym today when I just felt like laying in my bed and enjoying a nice Sunday nap after I ate eggs benedict for breakfast.  But instead, I threw on my shoes and got busy.   Sometimes, all it takes is just stepping out the door.

Happy Sunday y'all!

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