Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Workout Wednesday!!!

Hey guys!  It's Wednesday!  Since I linked up 2 weeks ago for Workout Wednesday with SkinnyMeg, I'm back again!  Grab a button and join the workout partay. 
This is actually last week's workout, but I didn't get a chance to post, so enjoy, it's a DOOZIE.  I taught spin this morning, so that was my workout, which I'll be happy to share with you, but this WOD was WAY intense to not share with you. 
 OK so last Wednesday's workout at the gym was SUPER HARD.  It was a 30-20-10, as it REPS.  I usually love high repitition workouts, but this one was super tough.  Here it isssssssss......
Pull ups
Box Jump Burpees (OMG, hardest thing on the planet)
Push Ups
Wall Balls
Jump Squats
Chops on a Bosu Ball (these were hard too)
Sledgehammer tire swings (each side, sigh)
The idea is to do 30 reps, then move to 20, then 10.  No deviating or doing all at once, 30-20-10.
First of all, let me explain a box jump burpee (barfee).  Jump on a box, jump back off, throw your feet back to plank, slam your boobs on the ground, the jump back up to a standing that 29 more times.  This by far was the hardest part of the workout.  After 5, I was like "Um, yeah, can't do 25 more, NOT happening".  But I managed to do them without hurling, so mission accomplished.
Second of all, I finished right around 26 minutes last week, which was a good time and I just tried to keep moving.  This was super challenging and even the fittest folks were definitely working hard, so this was killer.
So last but not least tonight, let me give you guys some inspiration.  Kinda like Mama Laughlin, I've been pondering the whole fitness competition thing.  People keep asking me "oh now that you've lost weight for your wedding, what are you doing after that?"  Well......pretty much I've decided that I'm never done improving.  SO .... it's a thought right now.  But not a for real thing yet.  Maybe I'll move on to Crossfit finally.  Who knows, whatever I do, it will be awesome. 

Like I totally DO NOT WANT to look like this....this just scares me...and it's photo shopped, but really, that's a LOT of quad happening.  I'm just happy with no jiggle :)
Happy Hump Day you guys.  Have a great rest of your week!

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