Sunday, October 13, 2013

Things that make me happy

Happy Sunday y'all!  I'm sure not ready for Monday at all.  I've had too much fun and enjoyed myself all weekend.  Since it's Sunday and this is usually my day to relax and reflect on life, I started thinking about what makes me really happy.  I have a ton to be happy about right now.  I'm getting married in 2 months (EEK, I'm hoping I have everything done!), I have a wonderful man in my life, and I couldn't ask for a more supportive family.  But when it comes to everyday life, I started thinking today about what really completes me.  Some are serious, and some are funny, but as long as I have all of these things happening, I'm a happy girl.
So here's 10 things that make me happy!  These are not in any particular order, so don't judge me :)
1.  Celebrity gossip.  I'm ADDICTED to gossip mags and E! news.  As long as I can get a peek into someone else's fabulous life, I'm pretty thrilled.  I will always follow the happenings of Britney Spears, any one of the Kardashians, and Beyoncé.  I will never retire from reading about famous people....
Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: I'm retiring from reading about overrated semi-famous people retiring.
 2.  Family. I love my parents, sister, my granny, aunts and uncles and love the fact that I'm about to join another family.  There's nothing that makes me happier than sitting around, just talking and laughing and enjoying the company of family.  Although we may drive each other crazy at times, we still love each other.  This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad. 
3.  My girlfriends! I seriously don't know what I would do without these girls.  I have a lot of them, many that now live far away, but they keep me sane.  We love to east sushi, drink wine and goof off.  They have done nothing but support me this year as I've prepared for my wedding.  In fact, they support me no matter what.  And I couldn't be happier to have each and every one of them in my life. 
 4.  My kitty. I know, I know...I'm the crazy cat lady.  But Tinkles really is cute, even if she still does bite and scratch at times.  I love her little furry butt.  She also head-butts me like crazy, which is her real way of saying "I love you, mom".  Or, "please pet me right NOW"
 5. Sandra Bullock.  This probably goes with number 1, but I think she is incredibly talented, strong, and funny.  She managed to deal with her public divorce (to a LOSER by the way) in a really classy way, as well as adopt a son, raise him on her own, and keep on working.  She's also strikingly beautiful and not a size 2.  I love her.  She rocks.  And she's over 40 and looks like this:
Sandra Bullock
 6. Breaking a sweat.  I know that's a little weird to say, because not everyone feels complete by hitting the gym. I truly live for getting in a hard workout and feeling like I've accomplished something great.  It's officially a part of my lifestyle and if I miss a session, I really try to make up for it.  But yes, I would say working out is one of my favorite things to do. 
7. WINE.  I really don't have much to say about wine, other than I love a big glass of it.  White, red, sparkling, it really doesn't matter.  LOVE WINE.
 8.  A pretty sunset.  My mom and I have this thing where if we see one at night, we call each other.  It will always make me think of her.  This is picture from Mykonos, Greece of one of the most amazing days of my life, followed by the most beautiful sunsets in the world.  I wish I could have called my mom that day, but I know she was thinking about me as I was thinking of her.
 9. Re-reading the classics.  I've read The Great Gatsby more times than I can remember.  Catcher in The Rye. Lord of the Flies.  I had an English teacher in high school that instilled this love of the classics. You just don't find things written like they were a long time ago.
10. Last but not least, I can't leave this guy out.  I really am lucky when it comes to Jarrett.  He's my rock when I'm freaking out.  He's my best friend.  He protects me.  He talks me down off the ledge a lot.  He supports me no matter what I'm going through.  We've been through tough times, but we always manage to work through them.  And for that, he's my favorite.
What truly makes you happy?  Can you sit down and think of 10 things?  This post took me about 30 minutes to write, meaning, I think I really know in my soul what makes me super happy in life.
Hope you guys have a great start to your week!

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