Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throwback Thursday!

What up y'all!  This week has flown by SO fast and I'm super stoked that it's almost Friday. 

So I started seeing #tbt a few weeks ago, and I'm slow on the uptake , so I was like.....tbt? Tbt......Turn back time? like Cher did?
I finally got wise and saw everyone's old school pictures and was like OOOOOOOOOOOOH it's Throwback Thursday.  Duh.
So I decided to turn back time and show some eye opening photos of myself. 
Me, 3 years ago, with short hair (WHICH I LOVE, will be cutting it after the wedding) super slim, training for my first half marathon.  I felt healthy, super fit, and was ready to take on the world. 
 Probably about 25 pounds later...
 December 2012, RIGHT before we got engaged this year.  First of all...Jarrett looks like a lumberjack.  Second of all...what am I doing with my hand?  Third...I'm pretty sure I was only working out MAYBE once a week...when I was teaching spin.  Those jeans were pulled so tight at the button that I probably needed a rubber band.  And that shirt is an XL.  I didn't weigh then, but I'm pretty sure I was close to 170, maybe more.
Ok now this picture REALLY makes me sharply inhale and shake my head....February 2013...costume party with some friends, AMAZING night, but WOW, this really put things into perspective...
I mean, that looks like sausage stuffed into a bright orange casing.  I feel like I had a Kim Kardashian butt going on, but not in a good way, in a flabby, dimply way.  My boobs were resting on my gut...I remember seeing this picture of myself and crying. 
I was sluggish, tired, and putting bad food in my body.  I drank a lot of beer.  I kept watching my jeans get tighter and tighter and was mystified.  It's so funny that when you put on weight, you don't really notice it, and you're like totally stumped when your clothes no longer fit.  LIKE DUH, you're eating bad and not working out.  Not that hard.  And I am a fitness instructor. 
Let's fast forward to today!
Tonight's WOD at the gym involved pulling a sled with a ton of weight on it.  I pulled 195 pounds and then pushed it back 3 times.  It was all I could stand, but I had a blast AND have the picture to prove it.
Photo: Feeling very beast mode because I pulled 195 pounds on a sled tonight. And pushed it back. Three times was all I could stand but very happy!
I LOVE THIS PICTURE.  I finally am developing some shoulder definition.  My legs are the smallest they have been in awhile, and toned, not jiggly.  I'm about 14 pounds lighter.  There are days where someone is like "BURPEES!" and I throw myself on the ground with a newfound determination.  Because I like what I see, I want more, and I want to go further.  I'm eating lots of veggies, lean meats, and good carbs.  Do I enjoy a beer or some wine here and there? Absolutely! But I don't shovel in whatever I want to anymore. 
Even my face looks different!   
The other day, one of my friends was like "You know, it's not like you weighed 200 plus pounds and had a ton to lose".  This is very true.  But 170 was a number I never dreamed of seeing.  I wasn't happy with me.  I didn't feel good in my own skin.  I felt my former athlete dying to break out, meanwhile, I was smothering her with food, depression, and booze.  Not a proud moment in my life. 
 My point is, you can look back, but there is no turning back.  When I see these pictures of myself, I don't ever want to look like that again.  Done and DONE!
Happy TBT you guys! OH and check out my new workout tank that I just got! SUPER CUTE, can't wait to wear it for my Friday workout!

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