Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Go Heavy

Ok so tonight's post is dedicated to the benefits of weight lifting.  I had an amazing workout tonight (just me and 2 dudes, which is fun, I feel like they push me to go hard).  One of the things that was a goal for me this month was increasing my weight during training.  You guys saw my 195 pound sled push/pull and can read about it HERE.  That kind of sparked something inside me to want to do more.
Ever hear of the saying "Go hard or go home"? Well, I think that now, I've added something to that.  It's "Go hard, go heavy, or go home".  I'm writing this for a lot of the ladies that are scared of the weight room.  Y'all know how intimidating it can be.  Let me paint the picture of......the weight room!
First of all, there's dudes sweating real bad and grunting so loud that you are sure the veins in their neck are going to pop out and say hello.  Then you have like Prancercise lady lifting her 2 pounds weights in her pearls.  And then you have random college dude who is texting on his iPhone his entire workout, which totally counts as working out, right?
Funny Flirting Ecard: I'd love to go to the gym with you and watch you work out.
All in all, that overall picture right here is super confusing.  Do you grab 20 pound dumbells? Or fives? How do you use all of the machines? WHAT'S A HANG CLEAN?!?!?!?!?!  If you guys have lots of questions, I highly recommend you asking your local gym for a training session on how to use the machines or work with a trainer.  If you're lucky to find small group functional training, then sign up TODAY, you will not regret it.  Besides, working out with your friends is cool. 
Ok so my lovely trainer/coach Jonnie let me know that the next several weeks are dedicated to lifting heavy.  SCORE! Right up my alley. 
Let me give you guys an idea of what a 156 pound, 5'2 little short munchkin can do in the gym. 
Tonight I did Romanian dead lifts, increasing the weight each round.  5 rounds, 4 lifts.  I started with 65 pounds, ended up around 135 pounds.  And let me tell ya, my hammies are totally feeling those right now. 
Strict press (shoulders only, no thrusting) I pushed 70 pounds up in the air.  Now, my upper body is not super strong, but I used to not be able to lift the heavier bar.  And now I can.  And now I can add weight. Welcome to the gun show....
That's definition within the past MONTH, peeps.  Case in point guys, up your weight.  Do it right and make sure your form is not suffering just because you want to go heavy.  When you increase your weight, you'll see results.
OH and there's the common misconception that lifting heavy will make you bulky and hulky.  It won't.  I ran this by my trainer tonight and her response was you're only going to get bulky if you can grow a beard (aka, you're a DUDE and have lots of testosterone), or if your taking steroids.   Which may make you grow a beard.  Either way, there's no bulk in that arm/shoulder region.  Just muscle taking over fat and leaning everything up.
Does this leg look bulky to you? (well it's a weird angle, so probably)
Ok so enough weird body snapshots, let's briefly talk food.  When you're working out or training like this, you have to eat and you have to eat well.  You are fueling your muscles for more growth. Balance your proteins and good carbs.  Try to stay away from white flour and white pasta, but a biscuit every now and then won't kill you.  Avoid the sugar (said at Halloween, yeaaaaaaaaaah right).  Eat fresh and eat lean.  So many girls used to come to my spin class and ask for diet advice.  And they would say "I'm just going to eat green things because that makes me lose weight really fast".  Ok well that would work for anyone, but you can't just cut out food groups and hope your waistline stays that way forever.  It won't.  The first amazing slice of pizza will give you a permanent food baby.  Don't cut stuff out, just portion control and eat good stuff.  Mmmmk?
This is my lunch today.  Roasted chicken with potatoes, carrots and steamed broccoli.  Lots of water.  And I have not felt sluggish or tired once.  Good food in, good results out:
Going heavy has made a huge difference for me in the past few weeks.  My trainers root me on and I'm pumped when I cross a new milestone.  My new goals are to deadlift close to 200 pounds (just once), and strict press 100 pounds over my head (once).  Those max results are coming in a few weeks so stay tuned.
Until the next post, you guys have a great rest of your Tuesday!

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