Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Recap and How to Food a boss

Hey y'all!  Sigh, it's Monday.  It's a rainy, muggy day here in Charleston, but I'm up and at 'em and ready for the gym.  Karen kinda blew through, but didn't really do much:
    HURRICANE KAREN            NEVER FORGET       Misc
We headed back up to Columbia, SC this weekend for one more home football game before we go on the road until November.  Jarrett's best friend joined us and we had SUCH a blast.  I love weekends where you have such a good time that you're pretty much depressed about it on both Sunday and Monday. 
Those boys had fun...
I managed to make some pretty decent food decisions while tailgating (like a boss) this weekend.  Lots of veggies and kabobs.  YUM and right up my gluten-free alley!
Speaking of food, I definitely have gotten into prepping on Sundays for the rest of the week.  I don't always do the best job, but this week, I definitely have a plan.  I even put things in containers and stuff so that making lunch wouldn't be a pain in the morning.  Remember how I told you guys that work was providing us breakfast and lunch all the time?  That just ended, so I have to start bringing lunch again, but I'm happy because I don't have to stare at a wrap/sandwich every day.  I think that may be how I possibly gained about 4 pounds back of the 14 I had lost.

THAT'S RIGHT....14 pounds down (well 10 now, but that 4 is coming off soon).  Pretty happy with that number.  But there's always room for improvement.
So how do you food prep when trying to eat really clean?  It's pretty easy, but you may want to budget for it.  Here's some tips on having a few pre-planned meals:
1. Buy up some potatos....sweet, yukons, red, whatever works for you.  I've bought baking potatos recently and started topping them with fresh veggies.  Steam it all up in the microwave and you have a delicous dinner. 
2.  Buy some fruit you can freeze for smoothies or snacks.  One of my all time faves is frozen grapes.  They are a great snack.  You can also freeze whole bananas for protein shakes.  Who knew!
Quite Revealing
3. Crockpots are awesome. Make a whole chicken in your crockpot, save the broth, and then shred up the chicken.  Right there, you have broth for soup, and chicken for quesadillas, casseroles, and whatever meal your little heart desires.  This week I'm making turkey chili.  This can also be used in enchiladas or as taco salad meat over fresh veggies and salsa.  If you don't own a slow cooker, go out and get yourself one.  You'll use it ALL THE TIME.
4. Make up individual baggies so you don't overindulge.  We all know that it's really easy to eat your favorite foods, but don't go to the extreme.  Back before I was trying to lose weight, I would scout out Publix for buy one get one potato chips or pretzels.  They would be gone in like 2 days.  I just ate them when I wanted to because they were there.  DON'T DO IT! (plus chose a healthier snack than chips).  Put you snack in zip lock bags, use them over and over, save the environment and maybe shed some pounds. 
5. Try to pack a lunch every day.  I mean come on, this one is common sense.  Lots of money will be saved and you don't have to worry about the potential for unhealthy meals if you are the one preparing them.  (Unless you're bringing leftover pizza all the time).
What do you do to prepare for the week? Do you shop on Sundays for a healthy week full of dinners? Do you allow yourself one night to go out?
Happy Monday you guys! New workout posts are on their way this week.  I did a five minute plank this weekend during a plank contest and HOLY LAWD, did it hurt, but in a good way.  Until then, enjoy some healthy meals and start your week off right.

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