Friday, November 8, 2013


 Hey guys!  Happy Friday!!!  OK so a few weeks ago, I posted that I may apologize a lot for not posting.  Well, I definitely have to apologize (again) for the lack of posting and feel bad for not many updates, but life went from like 0 to 100 mph in a matter of 3 weeks.  I miss writing and putting out my fitness updates each week.  But I'm still kicking tail in the gym, feeling awesome, and enjoying the last few weeks of being Rebecca Johnston.  It's gonna be weird (but a good weird) to become Mrs. Davis.

 Here's 5 things I'm looking forward to this weekend!
1. Bachelorette Party of the CENTURY!
My bachelorette is this weekend.  At the edge of America (Folly Beach, SC). All of my good friends are coming.  My sister is coming too, which makes me estatic, although I'm sure I'll be red in the face from embarrassment and whatever gets front of my big sister :)  I'm hoping that because I'm 31, there aren't many penis straws or penis hats, but my friends are a lot of fun so who knows :)  It will be epic, I am ready for lots of champagne and laughs. 
Funny Wedding Ecard: May your bachelorette party be so fun that you don't notice how annoyed the rest of the bar is. 
 2.  Pre-marital counseling..............
So, this techincally is happening on Monday, but I have the day off, so it counts as a long weekend.  J and I are meeting with our minister and talk about all the fun life things.  And our minister is a great friend of my dad's, so I'm sure it will be funny and entertaining.  He called to tell me that I failed my quiz that I took online, baaaaahahhahahaha.  He really made me think that J and I were NOT compatible for a second there.  Total heart failure 40 days before the wedding.
3.  GHETTO Friday!
Ok so, just to explain how awesome one of my trainers is, meet Eli.  (he's gonna totally bust my butt tonight for using this squinty picture)
All I'll say about Eli is that he loves some good jams and totally pumps up and pimps out our Friday night work outs.  Total sweat session to some good tunes. He's also been partly responsible for my ongoing transformation by working on my food choices for the past few months, cleaning up my diet, and getting me to lift heavy.  We're doing max lifts right now for the next few weeks and I bench pressed 95 pounds 4 times last night.  I used to not be able to lift the bar off the rack.  And he pushes me and makes working out a ton of fun, so thanks for that Eli!  Anyway, can't wait for ghetto Friday, it's a fun time. 
4.  Wedding band shopping.

I picked out my own this week since I have such a weird shaped engagement ring.  Pretty sure I finally settled on one I like.  What do you guys think?
 5. Shenannies!!! (as in shenanigans)

The past 3 weekends have been full of road trips, showers and family time.  This weekend, I get to chill with my girls, on the beach, relax and just kick back and goof off.  Like I can totally do that in front of mine and J's family, but this will be silliness on a GIRL level.  I'm pretty sure there will be lots of laughs, snort giggles, possibly some tears (this wedding stuff has made me emotional, geez), and just an overall good time.  These are my two best friends from home, we've known each other for over 15 years, and I'm pretty sure between the two of them, we're going to laugh our heads off this weekend and do a lot of reminiscing.  CAN'T. WAIT.
 Happy Friday you guys!
 Enjoy your weekends, have some laughs, and maybe a drink or two!

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