Friday, November 22, 2013

Long time, no blog post....

Hey guys!!!!
I know I's been awhile.  But just a quick recap on what's going on in my life, some weight loss updates, and fun things coming up.
SO I had my bachelorette party 2 weekends ago.  IT. WAS. EPIC.  Loved being around my girls for one night.  We had such a blast.  We had mason jar champagne glasses (enough said).  We went to one bar and got cheered on the way in....and then someone yelled "COUGARS" and we prompty left that bar.  So we went to a totally different random bar where there were old men and bikers and proceeded to have a blast.  And drink lots of shots.  I would do it all over again. know only marry once! Here's a photo!
Me and my sister
And for some reason my phone is being a POS and I can't upload a ton of photos, but I will assure that photos do not do the night justice.  So much fun.  Sigh, sad that it's over.
In other non-wedding related news, I'm still managing to workout 3-4 times a week.  I did manage to pull a groin/hip flexor (not sure which one but it HURTS) and that has put me on the sidelines lately.  But I'm happy to report that clean eating is still taking place (amidst wine drinking) and I'm feeling pretty groovy.  Feel like my hips are smaller and my legs have NEVER been this little (I inherited big muscular thighs from my mom,yo).  I can wear single digit pants, MAJOR accomplishment. Trying not to blow the weight loss on holiday dips and goodies. Did you know that most peopple put on 10 pounds during this time of year that takes them at least a year to work off?  Not doing that.  Avoiding all the sugary things, even though people bring all sorts of holiday treats to work right now.
I was trying to find a picture of me in this same sweatshirt from a few years back to show some progress but I can't find it on the 'Book.  My girl Samantha at 24 to 30 has some great comparison photos, so go check her out. 
The wedding is 3 weeks away.  EEK! It's starting to slightly freak me out but I know it will be an awesome day.  My wedding planners have everything organized and have kept me calm, so I'm feeling pretty good.  Just hope I don't like forget my underwear or something, that would not be fun.
I even got crafty and made some fun centerpieces that I'm still working on, but they turned out great so far.  And some chalkboards.  I felt like pinterest threw up on my porch, but it was fun...and may have involved a whole bottle of wine to myself.

Sigh, thank the LORD for those Hemsworths. 
I am such a dork about these books and have re-read Catching Fire and Mockingjay this week.  I mean, in my fantasy life, I want to run around like Katniss and shoot at things with a bow and arrow.  Just not humans.  That would be awkward.  But she's awesome and who doesn't love her new hairdo!?!??!?!?!? Yay for short haircuts.  How cute is she?  Totally doing this after the wedding. (and get on a private plane too, that's in my fantasy life as well).
That's all I got for your Friday.  Posts will be sporadic for the next few weeks but once we get some fun photos back from the wedding, I can't wait to share them with you all.
Until then...keep eating clean, keep working out, and JUST...KEEP...GOING!

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