Sunday, September 29, 2013

Loving fall and some new changes!

Hello my lovelies!  It's been a busy week and weekend, but Sunday is dedicated to throwing open my windows, doing a little work and catching up on writing.  I am seriously loving this time of year and the gorgeous weather.  Are you guys ready to pull out your boots and scarves ? I am!
The change in the season also has me thinking.  You know how most of us get all pumped in the spring, start running and working out like crazy for bikini season? I've always wondered why that seems to stop for everyone just because fall rolls around.  Is it the time change? Is it the unending supply of pumpkin EVEYTHING?

Maybe it's just the fact that we know we don't have to be in outfits that show skin for the next 6 months.  Or the fact that leggings have stretchy waistbands and we forget what a real size feels like...
So this year, I'm taking a little bit of a different approach.  Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, part if it has to do with the fact that I have to fit in a wedding dress.  The other part of it is, I want to be insanely healthy for 2013 going into 2014.  Here are a few changes I'm making for the fall that I hope will kick start some positive changes in my body.
1. Cut out the sugar!!!  To be honest, I'm not a huge sweets person, but I do love a salty/sweet combo.  My newest discovery of a great (and unhealthy) snack is Nutella and pretzels.  YUMMMM.  But Nutella has like 23 grams of sugar.  And I could pretty much eat with a spoon.  It's the devil!  So I had to throw out the jar.  It was a sad day in my trash can.  This will be especially hard to do because Jarrett lives on a diet of powdered donuts, diet Mountain Dew and anything chocolate.  Sigh...I can do it!
2. Go to the gym/run even when it's dark at 5:30.
If there is one thing I despise every year, it's "falling back".  UGGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHHG.  Sundown at 5:30 means I just want to get under a blanket and snooze on my couch.  Not this year. Must stay motivated.  My plan is to put multiple, offensive reminders on my calendar that say things like "GO TO SPIN Chubster." :)
3. Try to cut out some more gluten and do more paleo things.  I'm one of those peeps that while I won't deny myself some breadsticks here and there, I typically lean out when I eat more protein.  I've been doing a lot of research on cleaning up my diet and have referenced The Freckled Foodie blog a few times.  It's time to get serious about food.  I look at Rachael's results and I'm like "yeah, those stubborn 8 pounds I want to lose can be gone if I just eat better".  So with that, I'll be cooking a lot more of my own meals in the next few weeks.  I have not been doing that lately.  And I love when my stove looks like this:
4. Bone up on the Omega 3's.  Whether it's taking the capsules or just buying more fish, this is getting added to my diet now.  Again, reading other blogs has influenced this decision as something that's missing from my world.  While realizing that no capsule/vitamin/pill is a miracle pill, research has proved that taking this can seriously help with your gut.  And by gut, I mean gross issues with it.  Like bloating, cramping, IBS....I won't go into detail but it's a good thing.  (Thanks, Martha)
That's my plan starting this week.  I've already pre-cooked some healthy meals for this week, so I'm looking forward feeling even better in the next few weeks.  For all those times that I promised before and after pics, I haven't done them yet because to be honest, I'm still not happy with the progress.  I can definitely do better.  Let's see how at least 30 days of clean eating and working out impacts those picture finally.
10/31, you guys will see a side by side of today and a month from's a promise!
Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your weekend!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend Recap and Early Morning Workout!

Hey guys!  I've been missing from blog-world for a bit but I have good reason.  I had Friday off and my mom came into town and last night we had a birthday function so I haven't had a chance yet to recap all the fun things this weekend.  Here's a little look into what was one of the best weekends I've had in awhile.
I LOVE when my parents come to visit, but it's even more fun when my mom comes down and we can just do girly stuff.  She came down to do my bridal portraits.  Unfortunately, I can't post any of them (and I'm DYING to), so you'll have to wait until December.  But we kicked off the weekend with some good food.  If you're ever in Charleston., you MUST go at The Tattooed Moose.  Weird name, amazing food.  And they have duck fat fries.  I have no words :)
Saturday morning, I was excited to start the day and woke Mom up at 6:00 AM to go catch a sunrise on the beach (I know, we don't sleep in on weekends, that's just how we are). She and I both do some photography on the side and have been trying to do this every time she's here.  Here's a few shots of a beautiful morning:
Sun just coming up

Sun was up at this point, so gorgeous...

One of my favorite pictures, there was a memorial service on the beach and families were tossing flowers into the ocean, which would wash back up on the beach.  I didn't want to intrude on their privacy, but this was such a cool picture and very meaningful.

Working on my zoom techniques and manual settings.  Some 'shrooms by the beach.

What an awesome morning.  We went shopping for mom's MOB dress.  I think we found a few things, but Dillard's didn't have a ton of sizes, so no purchase this time.  But she looked beautiful in everything.
Saturday afternoon was super girly and fun.  I did a trial run with my hair, and my hair stylist Maryann brought her super cute 8 week old baby Remington. I love the smell of baby and all their cuddly sounds.  So sweet. I digress.... My best friend Ashley joined us to help with photos and was a TROOPER.  Thanks to her, I will not need to have my dress dry cleaned before the wedding.  She was amazing.  She made a gorgeous bouquet of red roses for me.  I tell ya, I have good friends and family and this weekend made me realize that even more.  Super thankful for all of them.
Sunday we went shopping and just enjoyed each other's company until is was time for her to drive back home.  I have to admit, I was so sad to see my mom get in her car.  We had such a great time.  A few tears were shed.  But we have a shower coming up in a few weeks and I'll get to see her then.
That was my weekend.  What did you guys do this weekend?
This morning I taught spin for the first time ever.  I got real excited at the sight of these after such a long time!
It was a great class and I followed up with about 15 minutes of weights and abs.  Every time I teach early, I am always kicking myself for not getting up early EVERY SINGLE DAY and getting my workout in.  That may be a new goal this fall.  While I loved all my portraits this weekend, there is some arm and just overall toning that will be in the cards in the next few weeks.  But so far, still loving the weight loss progress. And I am really jealous of the 5 AM club that I read so much about because they get to go home after work most days and NOT work out while I try to motivate myself after work. 
There's finally a little touch of fall in the air, so I'm hitting the showers, putting some cinnamon in my coffee and heading to work 
Happy Tuesday you guys! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Anger is a good motivator to not be angry anymore

Let me honest with you guys.  I started to write this post about 10 times and it pretty much started like this:
AKA...raging river of furious words and venting.
Every time I started the post, I would stop, sigh, delete...and then try to re-word how I was feeling.
To explain how I was feeling, I let something really small take me down.  As in should have kept my cool, not let it bother me, just kept on going.  But I didn't.  And I threw myself into work, meetings, responsibilities to take my mind off of it. 
When I got home today, I had this excited feeling of opening up my laptop and just letting out all my anger and frustration.  I thought about putting my Carrie Bradshaw hat on and just letting the words flow.
But as I sat here and struggled to articulate a decent post, I changed direction completely.  I did something I've been doing lately when I just need a sign or some inspiration.  I went and read other blogs for a bit.  I hopped over to Brandi's AKA Mama Laughlin's blog and re-read her post from last week called "Don't Let Hate Breed Hate".  This post was so amazing.  A woman that read her blog and struggled with her own weight issues admitted to being a hater.  Of being jealous of ML's weight loss and the amazing accomplishments in her life.  The best part of this post is the response that Mama Laughlin gave.  It was one of true class and character.  Rather than get angry and not be understanding, she offered encouragement.  In a world where so many women tear each other down, she took the high road.  I read this again tonight for the second time and realized that sometimes in life, you just have to step back and let things go.  You can't be angry at every person or thing that doesn't "get" you.  You have to be you, but you have to handle things with grace and positivity. 
I hopped over to my friend Beth's blog at That Little Spark and read today's post (again, because I read this during coffee/me time this morning).  A lot of you already know that Beth re-designed my blog and did an amazing job.  Since then, we've become good buddies and some days I read her posts and I'm like "we were separated at birth and share a brain?".  And she is SUPER sweet.  Girlfriend tried to send me a thank you card for working with her, but it got returned in the mail to her, but that's a good person right there. 
Anyway, I digress, but her post today was about not letting the "ants" in life take you down.  And I love this quote from her post and feel like I should Pinterest-it up on a palette and hang it on my wall it was so good:
"In the midst of all of life's frustrations, I'm thankful for the fight inside me to keep going."
That was deep and awesome...Thanks Beth!
So after reading both posts and gaining a little perspective, I grabbed my running shoes and headed out the door.  My walk started off at a fast pace (because I was still mad).  I had so many thoughts and my feet were trying to go one direction, so 10 minutes of coming close to looking like a mall walker, I broke into a good run.  It lasted for 45 minutes.  And in that 45 minutes, I had some things happen to me that just made me smile and I felt the heaviness start to lift off my shoulders little by little.
I passed a lady and her yorkie on the running path.  As much as she tried to restrain that dog, that little stinker broke away from the leash and ran towards me like I was its long lost best friend.  And she licked me all OVER the face.  I did not care at all.  In fact, I wanted to steal her and bring her home with me.
A serious looking cyclist-type passed me on his bike.  I heard him coming the first time and was able to get out of his way.  On the way back, I heard a bicycle bell and expected it to be a little girl with pink streamers and a basket on the handlebar.  Nope, same guy.  Seeing him be all serious with his tiny little bell made me giggle.
And the last thing that put things in perspective tonight was turning the corner to come home, looking up...and seeing a full moon.  I had to smile and shake my head at the thought of God putting that up there for me to see on the last part of my run.  And at that moment, what I went through today didn't seem quite so bad after all. 
I always said that this blog would be a positive space and I plan to keep it that way.  Even though I may post about how things my drive me crazy (like Matt Lauer or people forgetting how to drive when it rains), I can't let anger seep into this space I've created.  People have told me how proud they are of me.  How much I've inspired them.  How they wait on my post to appear in their Facebook feed.  It's an honor to keep writing and being accountable to my friends, old and new.  Anger motivated me to be productive today and it also motivated me to not be angry for longer than I needed to. 

And with that, I let it go. 
Night y'all!

Monday, September 16, 2013

It's DEFINITELY a Monday

Hey guys! I'm back after yet another weekend got it, FOOTBALL!  Are y'all tired of it yet? After 3 weeks on the road, getting dirty in dusty parking lots and smelling of beer all day (not me, everyone else around me), I'm ready to get a pedicure, a massage, and eat some swanky salad with goat cheese and pine nuts  No more hotdogs or hamburgers for a bit.
Anyway, nothing special about this post today.  It's going to super random.  Most of it will be about how challenged I am and how I don't love Mondays. 
I'll start off with saying that yes, I'm still a new blogger, and yes, I struggle my butt off sometimes.  Like the fact that I was commenting like a crazy person on all my fave blogs lately but wouldn't get any reply emails.  And I was all sad because I thought my comments were lost forever to the interwebs...this was how I was feeling...
Today, I decided to check my gmail, because I never check it and LO AND BEHOLD, there are all my blog emails from Mama Laughlin, Katelyn at Imperfect Perfection, Nerky Meg, Beth Bradford (blog design queen!), Jessica from Carpe the Sangria, Jenna from Jenna Rae Everyday and Holly Stanfield.  I mean, really, I am challenged.  BUT I did take the time and effort to respond to all of THEIR emails to let them know I'm not super rude.  I'm just kind of special when it comes to certain areas of my life.  Sigh...Monday brain lapse...moving on.
My work laptop has decided to go on the fritz and not function properly.  It stops working for 30 minutes at a time at random points during the day.  And then I get the spinny circle, and it taunts me, and then I have to shut it ALL down, sometime twice.  And it's usually during something important.  Like work. 
In MORE work news, the company I work for has started catering our lunches everyday.  So that sounds awesome and all (and it is) until they place out a giant box of these:

SO truth be told, I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, but it's close to lady time and I could eat bout 10 of these cookies.  OR get mad about something dumb and then crush them all in my hands and throw them in the air like confetti.  Aren't hormones AWESOME!?!?!??! (Jarrett just read this and probably decided to stay with his brother the rest of the week)
But I managed to keep it in control and just have 1.  And not throw things.  Good job. 
I heard someone use the phrase today "that's arrowing out"....meaning "that's erring out" and was really tempted to correct them.  Like really?  Are you a Google map pointing to something???Grammatical things like that in a professional environment drive me insane in the membrane.  I think it's all beacuse my world history teacher in high school used to say "Be PACIFIC when you answer your questions".....Um, no, that's an ocean, not an adjective.  That crap has haunted me for 15+ years.   If you guys want a really awesome post about grammar issues, go read The Alot over at Hyperbole and a Half...... awesome and love her drawings.  Also check out the post on The Sneaky Hate Spiral.  That could totally qualify for a Monday post.
 SO that was a taste of my Monday.  Nothing huge, just little annoyances.  How do you combat annoying things that could somehow ruin your day?

I ward off Mondays the following ways:
Work out!!
Putting on some new lotion from Bath and Bodyworks.  Have y'all smelled this Pink Chiffon? It smells like a unicorn crossed with a Care Bear.  Simply fantastic.
 Wine ALWAYS helps...
 Flowers are nice too.  I love mums in the fall, they are my fave...I didn't even buy these, just seeing them at the BI-LO made me happy...
 Last but not least, being reminded that all bad days can turn out great.  As I pulled into my condo tonight, this was the sky after a bad thunderstorm.  Amazing.  Love that even the worst days are just a day. 
 Hope you all had a better Monday than I had.  Exciting things ahead this week because I'll be getting my bridal portrait done this weekend (thanks, Mom) and I can't wait to show some sneak peaks.  No dress shots obviously, but if some cute face pictures turn out ok, I'll post up one or two.  Meanwhile, you'll just have to wait until December 15th like the rest of the world.
At least today is over with.  Let's get on with the rest of the week.  Night y'all!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes, I struggle

I've written lately about how I've noticed some progress in the body transformation.  My clothes are looser. My face is thinner.  I've even donated some larger sized items to Goodwill.  You know you're serious when you start getting rid of clothes because you don't want to ever fit into them again.  While it's awesome , I've had this nagging feeling lately that I'm definitely not doing enough.  And to be honest, I really don't know why.  I was super motivated about a month ago and then all the sudden I was like "meh, I'm good."
I'm always baffled when this happens.  I LOVE to work out.  It's a mind-body thing for me.  If I'm having a bad day, I am usually the first one to leave the office, put on some workout clothes and just pound the pavement or the gym floor until I'm sweaty and feeling better.  I guess I started to see some changes, got all excited and then decided I was good for the moment.
The one thing I'm realizing about blogging and putting my story out there is that this holds me accountable. I noticed that my WOD and running posts were less.  That's fine, because I had other things to say.  Like giving a shout out to my Granny on her b-day.  She deserved it after 94 years.  But all in all, I hadn't written any good workout posts lately because quite frankly....deep breath....I haven't really been working out.  I know....I know....I'm shaking my head right now too.  I'm a spin instructor for crying out loud.  But that doesn't mean anything at all.  Anyone can start their own journey, it's just staying on the right path that is the challenge.  I feel like I definitely got derailed here recently for about 2 weeks.  It's not like I gained 10 pounds, got depressed and started shoving donuts in my face.  I just felt unmotivated.
  So let me bring you guys back to my homeslice Ashley.  Remember this chick?
I'm not sure what happened to her brain, but out of nowhere, this girl became a fitness fanatic.  I mean, we're talking boot camp, body pump twice a week, running here and there, and eating really clean.  And it's not like she had weight to lose, but she is a lean little machine these days.  Her eating habits are way better and that's the hard part about getting in shape. The place where we both work has a tendency to put out some really amazing food all the time and here lately, she's all "DO NOT EAT ALL THE THINGS!"
 Last night I took a long walk with my good friend Stef.  Probably close to 4 or 5 miles, and that was the start to feeling good.  Today, Ashley asked me to go running with her and then do body pump.  And she was all happy about it too.  Like I think she almost orbited into outer space when I mentioned I brought workout gear.  I really wanted to bail on the body pump part after our run.  Like get in my car, buy some wine, and go veg at home.  I have to say, I'm super happy that she pushed me to go to the gym.  We had a great class.  I'm sore as crap right now.  But I need the push.  And right now as I write this, I feel like I'm on the road to being my crazy workout self soon.  I just needed someone to step in and say "Hey! Let's go be all fit and stuff!"
The hardest part is just showing up.  I plan to show up now. 
Night y'all!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to a boss.

So most of you guys know that I love a little thing called college football.  With a passion.  I love it! 
Oh really? don't say!!!! I just thought this chick maybe pretended to like football because her fiance is a football fanatic.
This weekend was an epic football shenanigan-filled time full of tailgating, some great food, and even better company.  I don't normally sign myself for road game road-trip, but being as Jarrett and I have never done that and had tickets this time, we headed off for Athens, GA.  The ride to Athens was mostly cow pastures and big farms, so not much in the way of scenery, but downtown was pretty cool.  We perched ourselves right up on a little hill and proceeded to have a grand ole time.
Now, I write this post today because normally, tailgating has previously lead to the demise of my waistline, firm buttocks, and given me some batwings.  Since the wedding is coming up, I made a promise to myself this year to not chug multiple beers and eat horrible food every weekend. 
I can hear my mom going "Oh honey, don't drink beer, it's not ladylike and makes you fat."
It's really hard beacuse how can you not want to dig into sausage dip, buffalo chicken dip, pizza bites, chicken nuggets, brownies, cakes...oh and then wash that down with an ice cold beer?
Well, this year, I learned to tailgate smarter.  I noticed that in the past, I would wake up on Sundays with awful bloat (and gas too, ew!) and feeling ridiculously tired.  Not this year.  2013 changes everything. 
This is how you tailgate...LIKE A BOSS. You're welcome.
1.  If you are going to eat, ingest a good bit of protein.
Eat a burger.  Eat some meat on a stick (like from the Chinese place, those things are GOOD).  Eat some chicken.  Eat some wings! Eat a hotdog or a bratwurst (turkey if you can swing it).  I know it's not like eating some pork tenderloin and a side salad, but you will fill up faster and all meals need some protein if you're going to try and remain lean.  If you're at a breakfast tailgate with some sort of eggs around, EAT THOSE FIRST before you hit up the melty cheese dip.
2.  Try to eat some fruits/veggies if they're around
If someone is awesome enough to bring a veggie or a fruit tray (and we usually have some), put that on your plate along with your protein.  If you're going to graze, let it be on the fruits and veggies.  Chips and salsa are good choices too.   
3.  Liquor before know the rest! (Ok Mom and Dad, this is just advice, it's not like I'm college tailgating like old times)
Ok so we all know this saying.  If I drink more than a few beers at a tailgate, you may as well put me in a chair for a few hours.  I'll be so full, sluggish and sick it's not funny.  Now, that being said, that doesn't mean you can't have beers.  Try the MGD 64 or Bud 55.  It works.
If beer is not your thing, there's always liquor.  This does not mean go buy all the Jose Cuervo and start doing shots. NO.  We are not in college anymore and you will not make it to the game.  I'm talking to my girls here.  Get yourself a cute/sparkly/girly cup and try to stick to the clear liquor (white rum, vodka, etc). Mix it with a good bit of some low calorie flavored waters, Vitamin waters, heck I've even done Gatorade.   I really love these things, they're also usually on sale anywhere you go:
These first couple of games are super toasty (if you live down south).  Make sure that you drink water/Gatorade and always carry some extra cash so that you can snag a cheap beverage on your walk to the stadium.  8 glasses a day isn't just for the weekdays. 
5. Get yourself a cute hat to protect your face from the sun (and so you don't have to do your hair).
Put that crap in a ponytail, throw on your cute hat and rock it all day long.  I watch these girls with perfect hair, short dresses and cowboy boots and I'm like "yeaaaaaaaaaaaah I sweat too much to look that perfect". 
I got this at Cracker Barrel.  Do yourself a favor and get one.  I may eventually rock the cowboy boots, but ain't nobody got time fo dat in 90 degree heat. 
 6. Last but not least HAVE FUN!
I mean come on, you're really going to avoid the sausage dip? Have a few bites, just don't stand by the crockpot for an hour. Want a beer? Ask your buddy to trade with you and make them a fancy drink.  Bring some champagne and celebrate! Have a brownie, but don't have 5. Just don't go overboard with it.  There may be a game or two where you get a little crazy, but don't let 4 months derail all your hard work.  It's not worth it. 
All in all, it was a blast.  We came back on Sunday slightly tired but not completely out of commission. 

Hope you guys are enjoying your fall! I'm burning a cinnamon candle tonight to make my house fall all fall-ish...meanwhile, it's still like summertime out there. 

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Healthy Post and Non-Scale Victories

Hey guys! One more day until the weekend WOO HOO!!!
So I'm going to start with a little comparison of the ole' face tonight, because it's where I can tell the most difference in the weight loss when I actually see it in pictures.  Prepare to be shocked and amazed (not really, but maybe shocked, because I was).
Here's me in March 2013 at a wedding. Ugh.  Notice double chin, AKA The Meat Necklace, pasty pale skin (ugh, sorry, I just don't tan anymore, don't love the skin cancer), the roundness of the face and the out of control hair.  Ok so that doesn't have a thing to do with being larger, but I can also see some massive FARMS (fat + arms = FARMS!) going on in the shoulder region.  I cropped out my boobs because...well they were just out of OOC. 
Exhibit FAT:
This picture made me sligthly sad.  How could I not know? I mean I feel like I look pretty happy in this picture, but I remember picking out this dress because it was the only size that didn't make me want to cry.  I also bought it from ROSS, which I mean come on, you guys all know that store sells clothes that fit only 13 year olds.  But still, I see my face in this picture and think DANG, wow, I let myself go. 
Let's fast forward to 9/1/2013.  Also known as this weekend as I noticed my face was skinny for the first time-day.

 Yes, this is a selfie in my car.  Yes, I fixed my hair a few times and just had my makeup done.  Yes, I was grinning from ear to ear and feeling pretty!  Here's the big point with all that.  This past March, I was sporting the world's biggest girdle/big girl panties to that wedding to hold in my gut.  My hair was a mess because I was March....when I shouldn't be sweating.  When I waved bye-bye to people, not only did my hand move, but so did my fluffy tricep/bicep.  I did not feel radiant, I didn't feel pretty, and I didn't feel like myself.  I felt like a big, blue blimp that was hiking up her girdle to her sternum.   In this picture, I am wearing clothes that are too loose and a smile that won't quit.  You know you're never fully dressed without a smile... #namethatmusical
I finally am feeling good about me.  I want to do things like shop, or buy new makeup, or get my hair done, or show off my muscles.  And I'm ok with that.  Is it vanity that has found it's way into my life? Not at all. It's a newfound sense of being proud of my accomplishments.  I still have a ways to go, but I'm SO happy with the progress.  It's fun to buy smaller pants and shirts.  I even fit into a medium shirt recently and almost did cartwheels in Old Navy.  Normally, the amount of back/shoulder mass, accompanied with a larger stomach would cause me to buy a large.  I used to buy things that camoflagued all my flab. And the fact that my boobs are....well, they're not small.  But NOW, I'm able to fit back into some mediums and I could not be happier.  I've cleaned up my diet, I've revisted the running game, and I am going to start hitting the weights again after a 2 week hiatus.  CAN'T WAIT for BEAST MODE. 

A lot of you guys have requested a WOD post, so happy Thursday, here's tonight's WOD.  Remember how I deemed one of these "deceptively hard" recently? Yep, that would describe tonight.
Exhibit WOD
 IN case you can't see this one, here it is:
Descending and then ascending reps: 8,7,6,5 (at this point, grab a heavier weight), 4,3,2,1.....
(breath) 1,2,3,4 (lighten up the weight), 5, 6, 7, 8
Descending is awesome! Ascending SUCKS!
The workout was ALL legs tonight: Goblet squarts, burpees, sumo squats with a high pull, plank with dumbell rows, and reverse lunges with plate overhead push.  Start with 8 reps, work your way down, grab MORE weight, then work your way back up, eventually unloading some weight.  This results in rolling around in the floor in a pool of your own sweat on the last rep.  Yep. I did it.  I had floor things stuck to me and didn't even care because I was too tired to think. 
As you guys know, I haven't worked out in about 1.5-2 weeks.  I traveled for work, have not felt great since my trip, but I have been running and I've also been watching the food intake.  Tonight, this workout was hard, BUT, I'm in better shape than I thought I was.  I finished with about 5 other people left to finish, so about half of the folks had already finished right in front of me.  That's such an amazing feeling to know that I haven't let myself go like I did so long ago. 
 Do you guys feel this way after reading this?
 I hope not! OH and if you're wondering where I got the term "Meat Necklace", please hop over and check out Brin at Bold Butter Baby.  She is my blog girl-crush and super hilarious.  Meat Necklace is one of THE funniest posts I've ever read.  Talking about how to disguise your fat is a post that most all women can relate to.
Hope you guys all enjoy a wonderful start to your weekend! I will be back next week with some weekend recaps, as I'll be traveling to Athens, GA tomorrow for what may be the most epic football weekend ever.  There will most likely not be a blog post this weekend, but there probably WILL be lots of fun Instagram/Facebook updates.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shenanigans and how I was lazy on Labor Day

Hi lovelies!  So it's the day after Labor Day and UGH, going to work this morning was so hard! I'm sure a lot of you felt that way today too. This is how I felt today, only make it 4 days since it's a short week...

Anyway, my holiday weekend kicked off with the most wonderful time of the to Christmas...and my birthday. :)

COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS BACK! (insert happy dance here)

Like I've mentioned before, I'm a huge, crazy fan for USC (that's University of South Carolina, not the California school) football.  I've been going to games since I was 5 and have managed to remain a huge fan throughout my adult years.  Fall is one of my favorite times of year because it means 4 months of weekends spent with friends and family, eating good (ok bad for you) food, weather cooling off so I can wear boots and leggings, and just enjoying watching one of the greatest sports in the world.  

So this is what our Thursday looked like:


This is what Jarrett looked like (he's so going to kill me for posting this):

So to explain, it was literally one million degrees outside. The last few weeks had been very fall-like, cooler temps in Charleston than normal, but hey, I'll take 85 degrees and low humidity any day of the week.  Thursday dawned HOT and gross, 95 degrees, heat index of 102...let's just say there was lots of swass and swoob going on that called for a long, hot shower later.  Cold towels on heads were a must last Thursday.

Here is my game day stayed on the whole day due to the heat and sun.  Loved it and will definitely be wearing it again!  Great for covering up day old greasy hair or just sweaty hair if it's hot out.  

All in all, a GREAT way to kick off the weekend, even though I had to go to work on Friday (that was super rough times). The one AWESOME thing about seeing folks I haven't seen in a year at our tailgate is that I got several shout outs on the blog.  People are reading this thing, which shocks me and makes me smile all at the same time.  And then I was all like "OK welllllllllllllllll leave me some comments so that I feel loved!". 

Nobody comments on my blog anymore.

 Just kidding, but thanks y'all.  It makes this girl happy to know that someone is stopping by her little corner of blog world to read about weight loss, bad days, wedding planning, weekend shannies...and now, college football. 

The long weekend did give me a chance to rest and relax and visit the MAC counter.  I even got a free makeover and felt refreshed and rejuvenated.  

 I took the idea of not laboring very seriously and took multiple naps, went to the pool, and shopped.  It was quite wonderful and I wish every day were Labor Day. 

So I haven't done a healthy post or WOD recap in awhile, but trust me, they're coming back.  I actually have been running more, which has been amazing and I've just really been enjoying getting out and hitting the pavement.  In my early to mid-twenties, I was a bonafide runner.  I ran every 5 and 10K around, I worked on personal bests, and I was really, really skinny.  I loved how I felt and how I looked.  When I gained weight, I did not feel like slugging around for all the world to see.  I was ashamed and carrying 170 pounds around at a fast pace felt like I was getting beat to death with mallets with each step.  But since losing some of that weight since April, I've rediscovered my love of running.  It's the best free stress relief and I feel so much better now that I'm lighter.  My 2-3 mile runs have turned into 4, almost 5 miles at times.  I love knowing that progress is happening.  I know I still have to do weights at some point, but for some reason, running has crept back into my routine and I'm loving it.  

That's all for now you guys.  I am planning on a WOD tomorrow early in the morning and this girl needs her beauty/fitness sleep.  Until next time, take care and get your "fall" on.  Enjoy these last days of summer with your friends and family as the days grow shorter.  

Good night!