Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Did you miss me?


Photo: ©Richard Bell Photography, 2014

Did you guys ever think I would post again? Probably not, but alas, here I am, staying up and feeling inspired to start posting again after a long 6 month hiatus.  I just couldn't stay away. 

Since my last post back in 2007 :) lots has been going on.  I think I mentioned to you guys that I started a new position at work.  It's been super challenging every day of my life and I have traveled some over the summer to support some clients.  While it was fun to be in another city for a week, there's just no place like home.  And nothing beats an ocean breeze every day of my life!

For those that follow me on IG, you'll probably notice that I obsessively post pictures of my dog, because I'm biased that he's the cutest thing EVER.  He really is an awesome dog (when he's not howling or trying to eat whatever we leave on the counters).   Not sure if I explained much about his health story when we first got him, but he was heart worm positive and a little underweight and just very lethargic.  He scared us to death with his coughing fits at night.  We started treating him every month, and since he came to be in our lives, he's gained 13 pounds and can now go on 1-2 mile walks with me.  He LOVES to be outdoors and he's just a big ole baby.  We heart Boone.  I mean, this picture melts my heart every time.

Tink has been booted as the main pet...but we still love her and let her sleep in the bed at night.  She bites our toes out of spite for replacing her.

Fitness wise, I'm still trying to work out and not be a Chubby Spin Instructor :)  Truth be told, I haven't taught in months, but, I did ask to start subbing again this month.  Like writing this blog, Spinning is a huge part of who I am and I truly miss it.  I miss teaching and coaching people.  And it's SUCH an amazing workout.  I noticed another fellow blogger purchased shoes the other day and that is the true sign that you're hooked.  Because it's like the heavens open up and an angelic light shines on your bike and your feet say THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!!

J and I both started running again, which is great because we were enjoying too many craft beers and duck fat fries this summer.  We were eating all the things.  All. The. Things. Time to get skinny in time for winter :) 

Married life is good!  Now I will say, everyone told us the first year is the hardest.  And it's like someone told me that in Arabic, I was like "Ok yeah, I don't know what that means, but thanks for sharing bro".  But I quickly learned that year 1 is a big ole transition.  I learned that if you fight, you can't like go run home or hit up your BFF because chances are, they are probably fighting with their spouse too and they can't come to the phone right now :)  Just kidding, but in all seriousness, things like a new dog and job changes are great, but stressful experiences and a total adjustment.  Yesterday, I looked at my calendar and realized that 7 months had gone by.  I was SO surprised.  I feel like I walked down the aisle yesterday!  Where does the time go?  

That's pretty much all that's going on! Job, marriage, and life is rolling along at an amazingly fast pace.  I have missed sharing and quite honestly, posting has helped me be accountable! So......I'm back!

Tune in next time for some workout FUN! Even though I can go to my gym down the road, I've taken great pleasure in working out on my back porch most nights during the summer.  All you need are some weights and a little motivation!

See you guys real soon!

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