Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Recap, Food, Vacation and Finding Peace!

Hey y'all!

Ugh, it's Monday again...


Hope you guys all had a lovely weekend.  If you live in the southeast, I hope you stayed out of the brutal, hotter than the hinges of hell heat this weekend.  I don't get the heat index/wind chill ordeal anyway.  Can we just say it's 110 degrees rather than say "well, it's really 90 degrees, but feels like 110!".  Am I right?  Does anyone else get annoyed with that?  Let's just call things what they are.  Who has time for that!?

I digress, but let's get back to the subject at hand.  Last week, I posted about my clean eating goals of bringing my lunch every day during the week.  I managed to stay true to that until Friday, so 4 outta 5 days ain't too shabby.  There was a yummy food truck onsite at my office.  Even so, I managed to order something remotely healthy.  

This is pernil, a Puerto Rican pulled pork shoulder, which has been cooking in yumminess and secret spices.  Also, salad and rice and beans.  It wound up being super filling and worth the $8 I spent.

The cool thing about bringing my own food is that I feel so much better than when I'm grabbing things on the go.  I tend to meal prep on Sundays, but last week was a little different while wrapping up J's birthday, planning to be out of town, and just trying to save a little $$$ in general.  J's grill has nicely contributed to some good meals though, so, that thing was an awesome investment.  I also made protein shakes and loved every drop of them.  Frozen bananas, PB2 and Chocolate Protein Powder are my jam.

Also, I did some online research (AKA, spent 7 hours on Google and WebMD) one evening and tried to look up any nutritional supplements that I may be missing.  I came upon a wealth of information, but after doing some reading,  I realized I'm not getting enough calcium anymore due to the fact that I stopped eating dairy about 2 months ago.  Now, I do have a tendency to self-diagnose myself at times, but I never considered myself lactose intolerant.  I love cheese and it loves me...except when I have bad gas, the bloats, and then major stomach pain.  Same happened with milk and especially ice cream.  Getting old sucks.

Back in May, my dermatologist started noticing broken blood vessels on my face and arms.  She asked me to scale back the dairy a great deal and since then, I've truly felt better.  But I didn't think about adding in a calcium supplement, so I've been sleeping horribly for 2 months and also having random muscles spasms.  Pair that with turning into a raging hormonal pyscho during lady time meant...I just needed to do something.  So I boned up (no pun intended) on a good multivitamin, calcium and vitamin D chews (so important for women anyway), and added in magnesium and evening primrose oil.  A week into that, I'm feeling a great deal better, more energetic and mentally more calm.  I'll report back in a month on updates with all the supplements, because I think I've been so frazzled and deprived of good nutrient absorption that it took a huge toll on my system.  Super excited to feel better!

Just ask Jarrett, he can let you know what my alter ego is like :)  

(PS-Could Christian Bale be any more of a genius in the movie?)

All of that being said, it was a great week, followed by a great weekend.  I spent some time with some girlfriends for my friend Keri's 32nd birthday.  We had great dinner and drinks and may have laughed so hard that we grew some abs without trying.  I love those kinds of nights!

What's on tap for this week? Well..................Chubby Spin Instructor is actually teaching twice this week after a very long hiatus from the spin room!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm excited, nervous, but really happy to sub for a few classes to help out a fellow instructor.  I'm working my playlist for tomorrow's ride right now and it's going to rock, can't WAIT! I love teaching and have missed being on the bike, so prepare yourselves for lots of sweaty selfies.

Jarrett and I go on vacation this Sunday for a week to Madeira Beach, FL! We are so excited to have a real week-long vacation since our honeymoon in December.  It's going to to an amazing time to just chill, lay in the sun, and just become a hippie for a week.  I plan to not wear makeup and maybe not shave my armpits.

One last thought to leave you guys with on this hectic Monday.  Last night, I had some time to reflect on last week, the weekend, and how that all leads into another week.  It's like being on the dreadmill, it never stops. I saw so many folks posting about not wanting the weekend to end, which I totally get, because I dread Mondays.  But I thought about something as I was reading through the anti-Monday posts.  It's a chance to do it all over again and do it better.  It's a chance to bring yourself more peace each day as you lead into another.  I think nightly rituals are something that come to mind when thinking about enjoying the week.  I truly look forward to coming home every single day after work, putting the leash on Boone, lacing up my shoes, and going for a long walk/run.  Sometimes it's more of an interval hard....pee, run hard again...pee break on some new we may have to poop this time, water break!  But in all seriousness, I find a sense of peace knowing that I'm completing his day and mine at the same time.  Even on the days where life seems the worst and you just don't think you can go anymore (and trust me, I can get there quickly), it's so important to go do something to relax.

It's almost Tuesday! I hope you guys enjoy your evenings and unwind a little with your friends and family.  Get out, take a walk, spend time together, and maybe love on your best furry friend

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