Monday, July 21, 2014

Ugh, Monday!

Hey y'all.

So today was like a giant faceplant into the glass door called Monday.  This all started with me losing my work badge behind my nightstand, which caused me to be about 5 minutes behind schedule.

If you guys work for corporate 'Merica, you know that not having your badge is like the worst thing in the world.  There's no point in even going to work.  Access DENIED.

Shall Not Pass

Ok so I get to work, literally like at 8:31, and there is no parking.  Yet another fail.

Followed by parking for our work shuttle in a cornfield with hay and cows and fire ants, which are the tiny ruin of all things good.

 Followed by finding out that that shuttle has broken down and that we all must walk to the office.  Imagine a caravan of people, with their nerdy backpacks trucking across a major intersection.  Big time nerd parade.

This is how I felt by around 9:03 AM

All of that aside, I did manage to make it to work, be productive, and even eat healthy all day. 

I usually meal prep a good bit on Sundays, but I didn't last night too far into the week because J was planning on busting out his new grill today and cooking up all the things.  He's an awesome grill master and takes his role very seriously. 

(This is his serious grill face while providing direction to his tailgating minions).

So now, I have more leftovers for the week.  YAY!  (Please ignore the half empty sweet tea and cream cheese icing, that was from J's birthday, but it's over now and so is the sugar rush).

I usually start off the week strong and then by Friday I'm like, yeah, ok I've done enough, I can slack.  My goal this week is to work out all 5 days and not wind up like this at 5 on Friday:

(Oh Kim Z, you are a piece of blonde wig work)

New goals, new mindset, all new blog posting schedule (let's not get jiggy, 5 days may not happen but I'm hopeful)....just all things new.  Kind of like a mid-year resolution.  

Because I am OCD and like to keep a list, here's my running list of things to do this week with regard to keeping it light and fit:

1. Eat all meals from home.  No takeout.  ZERO.
2. Eat all healthy snacks, fruit, smoothies and nuts only (no M&Ms, there is a girl on my team with jar full of them and they call my name twice a day)
3. Walk Boone/run/lift weights every single morning or night before or after work.  Maybe both!
4. Try to not lose my cool but maybe once this week because I'm in such a zen state of mind from aforementioned workouts.
5. No alkyhol until the weekend!

That's all for now guys.  It's been a heck of a Monday, but onto Tuesday and then eventually the weekend!

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